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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

@Deliorman WTF "aleleleleyyleyyllleyyy"?


This guy frequently writes in his statement about that Arab and Kurdish soldiers take part in the self-defense Forces.

Do the YPG scums consist of Arabian soldiers or is it just Kurds?

The Kurds use the Arabs as cannon fodder while they enjoy the high ranking positions within SDF.

Some Arabs are also just forced to join and since they have no alternative they participate in shows like this.
The Kurds use the Arabs as cannon fodder while they enjoy the high ranking positions within SDF.

Some Arabs are also just forced to join and since they have no alternative they participate in shows like this.
On the other side of Euphrates Arabs constitute the majority. How the **** Kurds can use arabs as cannon fodder or “force to join” ?
Enough spreading conspiracy theories. Why don’t you look at it from economic perspective. No jobs there, lots of unemployed youth. The biggest employer is sdf. And so they join-arabs, Kurds, Assyrians turkmen
The Kurds use the Arabs as cannon fodder while they enjoy the high ranking positions within SDF.

Some Arabs are also just forced to join and since they have no alternative they participate in shows like this.

we should have given them a gift for compleating their training a free ticket to hell.. :D

just bomb them out at such gatherings :)
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