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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

you don't fight for them , you want annex their land ... you were the one who support terrorist and let Checheni , Tunesian , Turkistanis and all other foreigner terrorist to enter Syria ... you were the main weapon supplier of them ... you will pay back for crushing syria , you will pay back for genocide Armenian , you will pay back for attacking our Azerbaijan and killing our people and I'm sure in next coming decades you will pay back for your every crimes ...

Azerbaijan is not "yours" it is Turkish just like half your country is Turkish. We have seen you "payback" your terrorists are flying in the air every minute in Afrin. Where are they actually? They were taking pictures and videos a week ago now they are silent, might be because they were overrun and run back to damascus to kill civillians in ghouta. Iran will be split into pieces in the next years. You have no economy, your military is a joke, your airforce is nonexistent, your navy couldn't protect agains somali pirates. The only thing you and your kind are capable of is slaughtering children and unarmed people in Syria. For someone who hates Israel you have them same love for killing civilians.
you don't fight for them , you want annex their land ... you were the one who support terrorist and let Checheni , Tunesian , Turkistanis and all other foreigner terrorist to enter Syria ... you were the main weapon supplier of them ... you will pay back for crushing syria , you will pay back for genocide Armenian , you will pay back for attacking our Azerbaijan and killing our people and I'm sure in next coming decades you will pay back for your every crimes ...
Is PKK coming from and running to Iranian territory to attack our soldiers or PJAK coming from our to attack Iran? Also the Iranian military equipment that is in PKKs hands. The support of Assad terrorist to PKK in Syria all that time have its cost my friend. Assad will fall and all the oppressed by him will be happy again. If we are to be paying for something then you pay first for the bad things you done to Turkey and all the middle east. I would want to see what would Iran do if rockets are falling everyday over Iranian cities fired by Assad terrorists or PKK. We are doing everything in order to secure our security and national interests.
you don't fight for them , you want annex their land ... you were the one who support terrorist and let Checheni , Tunesian , Turkistanis and all other foreigner terrorist to enter Syria ... you were the main weapon supplier of them ... you will pay back for crushing syria , you will pay back for genocide Armenian , you will pay back for attacking our Azerbaijan and killing our people and I'm sure in next coming decades you will pay back for your every crimes ...

Know your place bedore talking about Turkish Republic. Penalty given for insulting Turkiye with BS’s!
Heard that manbij is next after afrin.....will turkiye push as far as hasakah, tel abyad, raqqa?
Heard that manbij is next after afrin.....will turkiye push as far as hasakah, tel abyad, raqqa?
Thats what president Erdogan is saying but not sure. In his words that summer will be very hot for them. Lets see. Dont take serious everything what he says. He is known for talking much and thats why he is so charismatic.
Its good to keep the enemy guessing. Erdogan is doing just that. They don't know what he will do and can't find a way to control him.

His talking is inspiring millions like myself around the world. Before Erdogan I barely knew anything about Turkey except it was a wannabe European country that went to the extent of changing street names to western ones.

Regarding How far practically Turkey will go - I think if Afrin works out well, Manbij and Tal abayed. Tal abyd has a very large Arab population that couldn't care much for the PKK.
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