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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

So the assault on Jindires is tomorrow it seems. I hope they can storm it in a day.
So the assault on Jindires is tomorrow it seems. I hope they can storm it in a day.
There is not a problem of storming it in a day. The goal is different. While I am looking from the start of the operation until now I see that the armed forces want to show its high level capabilities by moving very carefully minimizing casualties. If we take a look on Afrin we see that its not so complicated for our armed forces to storm it but while we are looking of how the operation proceeded we can see very carefully chosen moves, high level of professionalism, supreme tactics compared to Al Bab where we failed to show to the world of what we are capable. The moves that we are seeing in that operation can be easily implemented in large scale operation. Afrin operation is a "game" and exercise for the armed forces commanders and a test field for improved tactics in both mountain and urban warfare also a test field for new high technology equipment. It also showed the effective training program that we used on the FSA fighters and the high professionalism of our special forces, commandos and regular soldiers that are completing their objectives no matter if it will be coordination and support to the FSA fighters or difficult operation or objective that requires more complicated skills and tactics. They are dancing right now slowly and beautifully with grace, self confidence and in that dance also the shock and awe is there on the right places. That is the light that we must show TSK in. I like it when we are working like this.
I don't think that the last tweet is wrong. Many other sources are reporting the same.

That’s not enough. You have to control either entire Afrin or half of it but connection to Jarablus is a MUST!

Real fight will begin for the city. Turkey should try to lure as much YPG fighters as possible to leave manbij defenceless.
That’s a very amateur advice because no matter what manbij will have enough sdf units. Hear it from a pro-Turkish army and fsa detachments must bypass and advance past Raco and Jinderes and have jandarma and Police SF units along with fsa deal with urban warfare. This is why Turkish command deploying those brigades they have enough experience from Nuseybin operation.
Its better to take the heights, the spur from Jinderes going all the way to Afrin city. Without taking the heights, it would not be smart to storm the town. TSK is already doing a bit of this, (has a firm grip on the tip of the spur) but more work is needed. This spur is the most strategic mountain chain in Afrin canton.
Have the Iranian funded PMF that entered Afrin 4 days ago now actually done anything yet, other than pose for the cameras?
Have the Iranian funded PMF that entered Afrin 4 days ago now actually done anything yet, other than pose for the cameras?

No PMF in Afrin, PMF is not Iranian funded. The forces moving have Syrian dialect, PMF have no Syrians.

SAA/NDF are moving towards Afrin, not foreign militia's. Spreading false information is easy but not beneficial to anyone.
I have read on twitter that Turkey could mobilize reservists ? Is it true ? For which purpose ?
No PMF in Afrin, PMF is not Iranian funded. The forces moving have Syrian dialect, PMF have no Syrians.

SAA/NDF are moving towards Afrin, not foreign militia's. Spreading false information is easy but not beneficial to anyone.
Yeah, I meant National Defence Forces, not the Popular Mobilisation Forces. I think the general poster here is knowledgeable enough to know the difference so don't be paranoid, I'm not trying to spread false info.
Still NDF were created and armed by the IRGC.
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