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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Destroying all groups Turkey considers terrorist it seems. But who knows, this is just a HTS claim.

If these groups keep fighting each other, somebody has to interfere - After the job is done in Afrin, Turkey must give warning to these groups. If they listen & obey, good, otherwise kick them out.

Dabik is somewhere around Azaz?
I have read on twitter that Turkey could mobilize reservists ? Is it true ? For which purpose ?

Because manyof Turkish people wanna go war area and Erdogan said be ready but it is not needed right now.

A lot of Turkish people aplly army to join operation but army doesnt take people because we already have 700.000 active and we just use 2500 soldiers at this operation area.

So this operation something like tom and jerry for Turkey.

Turkish people just want to support army if US atack us something like big things.

Also i apply army today from e-devlet because when i check my reserve status from internet ,it wasnt positive, but i was had many success in army when i was serving so if any war happen they have to take me too for serving my country again.
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Olives for you sir!
Can somebody briefly translate what old people are saying. Thank you!

Copy pasted this from elsewhere;

Old Woman:

  • FSA are most welcome(not direct translation, direct would be "has a place top of my head", that's also the gesture she makes)

  • They(FSA/TAF) took us in and we slept together(in the same room)

  • One soldier(FSA or TAF) laid next to me, next to my knees he's like my son now gesture of laying down
Old Man #1:

  • After this, we'll live a good life.
Old Man #2:

  • Fighting started. We hid in a corner. TAF and FSA came and asked us, "Who are you?" We said, we're civilians. They took us and said come with us and stay here in a safe place. You'll go with us when we leave(as in safer).

  • Fighting started so we hid under the house(I'm guessing the cellar) Fighting ended. May God send them to hell, they(YPG) humiliated us. If we had known we wouldn't have gone to the cellar. They were going to blow us up, kill us for nothing.
Old Man #3:

  • They(YPG) were in vehicles, all of them got out with bombs and weapons and put them inside the house. (they came, I'm guessing) From the next village. They took us and all of them got inside the house. They(YPG) said to us "Come sit here." Offscreen: "With the bombs?" Translator: "Yes, there were bombs and weapons (inside)"
UN resolution adopted for ALL Syria and ALL Parties... The Q is... What will do TR in Afrin? According to the UN she should stop... for 30 days.
Another bullshit from same person. UN resolution does not include Terrorist groups.


are you doing this on purpose? Is that some kind of hobby or what?
Trump Administration Ready to Scrap Envoy to Anti-ISIS Coalition
The Trump administration plans to scrap a special envoy position that coordinates the campaign against the Islamic State, a move that has raised concerns of a growing U.S. diplomatic vacuum in Syria and Iraq.

The proposed move comes at a moment of renewed bloodshed and diplomatic chaos in Syria, with a NATO ally, Turkey, locked in combat with U.S.-armed and trained Kurdish forces...

The possible change to the special envoy’s office, headed by veteran diplomat Brett McGurk, reflects changing realities on the ground, where Islamic State militants are on the retreat. The move also would fit into a broader reorganization led by Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, who has sought to rid the State Department of various special envoy positions...

McGurk getting the sack would be a huge step towards some form of Turkey-US reconciliation.
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