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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Tsk will not, perhaps, launch an allout atack on raco and jinderes untill they take the supply lines to the east of them. Still a few villages left.
North met the west today. Next target sheikh hadeed area.
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Former PYD co-leader Salih Muslim caught in Prague: Report

Former Democratic Union Party (PYD) co-leader Salih Müslim, who was being sought with a “red notice” by Turkey, was caught on Feb. 24 in the Czech capital Prague, state-run Anadolu Agency reported.

Muslim was detained upon Turkey’s request, according to diplomatic sources.

The sources also said the Turkish Justice Ministry would send documents to request the extradition of Muslim to Turkey from Czech Republic.

On Feb. 12, Turkey’s Interior Ministry added Muslim to its “wanted terrorists” list along with several other names.

Salih Muslim is among 44 names added to the “red list,” which includes most sought-after individuals such as leaders and senior figures of groups deemed as terrorist organizations by Turkey.

It is claimed that Muslim is one of the leaders of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) and its alleged urban wing, the Kurdistan Communities Union (KCK). Anyone giving solid information on his whereabouts will be rewarded 4 million Turkish Liras.

According to Turkish media reports, in 2013 and 2014, Muslim was invited by the Turkish government to Ankara and Istanbul to hold talks on the Syrian crisis and the northern Syrian territories under PYD control.

But following those visits the 2nd High Criminal Court in the southeastern province of Mardin rendered a verdict regarding PYD and its military wings, the People’s Protection Units (YPG) and the Women’s Protection Units (YPJ), as “terrorist organizations.”


I want your opinion on one thing guys. Why are we not attacking Tal Rifat? We virtually haven't touched that place yet while shelling almost everywhere else in the Afrin pocket.
If things go on like this I think YPG will resist until we reach the outskirts of Afrin and then they will just hand over Afrin to SAA. Without a stronghold like Afrin protecting the rest of the canton is hard, so we shouldn't allow this. If we take afrin our presence in the canton will be stable and solid. The key to not letting this situation arise is to cut off YPG from SAA, which imo starts at tal rifat.
There must be some logic in this no doubt, but I can't figure it out. What is your opinion?
Former PYD co-leader Salih Muslim caught in Prague: Report

Former Democratic Union Party (PYD) co-leader Salih Müslim, who was being sought with a “red notice” by Turkey, was caught on Feb. 24 in the Czech capital Prague, state-run Anadolu Agency reported.

Muslim was detained upon Turkey’s request, according to diplomatic sources.

The sources also said the Turkish Justice Ministry would send documents to request the extradition of Muslim to Turkey from Czech Republic.

On Feb. 12, Turkey’s Interior Ministry added Muslim to its “wanted terrorists” list along with several other names.

Salih Muslim is among 44 names added to the “red list,” which includes most sought-after individuals such as leaders and senior figures of groups deemed as terrorist organizations by Turkey.

It is claimed that Muslim is one of the leaders of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) and its alleged urban wing, the Kurdistan Communities Union (KCK). Anyone giving solid information on his whereabouts will be rewarded 4 million Turkish Liras.

According to Turkish media reports, in 2013 and 2014, Muslim was invited by the Turkish government to Ankara and Istanbul to hold talks on the Syrian crisis and the northern Syrian territories under PYD control.

But following those visits the 2nd High Criminal Court in the southeastern province of Mardin rendered a verdict regarding PYD and its military wings, the People’s Protection Units (YPG) and the Women’s Protection Units (YPJ), as “terrorist organizations.”

Will Prague Müslüm convict to Turkey?
They probably didn't arrest him for nothing. If they arrested him based on Turkey's request they might as well extradite him based on Turkey's request.

As you know, he is not the first one who is arrested based on Turkeys request. And not everyone has been extradited to Turkey.
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