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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Okay lets go one by one o_O So many different bullshit inside of your comment.

We are not discussing if Astana was a good or bad deal for Assad. You claimed that "Turkey sold Idlib for Afrin", which is bullshit. Idlib is safe inside of Turkish observation points where Turkey agreed in Astana, and Astana agreement has nothing to do with Afrin. Abo Dohur region is taken by Assad army as agreed in the agreement.

You cannot claim some bullshit and get away without putting any proof. Back your claim up or move on.

Of course, because it was Turkey's responsibility to put observation points around Idlib. If we wouldn't keep our promise, there wouldn't be any force to force Assad in agreement's matters. Assad is not a part of the agreement.

I am still waiting your proof that will prove Turkey sold Idlib for Afrin?

Obvious bullshit. FSA has two choice above; recognise Turkey ownership in the region or will get destroyed by Russian Airforce and Armed forces of Assad. Turkey signed Astana agreement not because she wants to keep rebels on Afrin operation, but keep 3 million Syrians inside of Syria.

It's all about refugees, not anything else. Also Afrin operation is mostly being done by rebels from ES region and North-Western Aleppo regions where already under control of Turkish Army.

Are you gonna back your claims or?

So you are asking me to back mine ( the Astana agreement is the proof)
But you don't back yours?

East Idlib block was given to ASSad on behalf Turkey... AFrin/Manbij ops are on the table since a long time... so yes it was mostly part of the deal...to get free access to Afrin... and later on Manbij...
If no agreement were made before hand... then you will have a RED Afrin canton right now...

PS: the only bullshitter is the one Speaking for an entire country...
So keep your insults to yourself... I'm playing it "civilized"
So you are asking me to back mine ( the Astana agreement is the proof)
Astana agreement has nothing to do with Afrin nor PKK, it was about Idlib and Abo Dohur region, also with refugees and Turkish/Russian observation points. Prove that Turkey sold Idlib for Afrin as you claimed o_O

But you don't back yours?
You didn't even ask me which claim of mine needed to be proven o_O Do you want me to prove that "most of the factions in Afrin operation are from TAF controlled areas"? Here;


Milli Ordu (aka National Army) is formed new FSA militia formed in ES territory, not from Abo Dohur front o_O

East Idlib block was given to ASSad on behalf Turkey... AFrin/Manbij ops are on the table since a long time... so yes it was mostly part of the deal...to get free access to Afrin... and later on Manbij...
If no agreement were made before hand... then you will have a RED Afrin canton right now...
Are you gonna prove each sentences divided by "..." these? It's like your keyboard is broken so many dots there o_O You cannot speculate around right and left and then call others "bullshitter" where you are the one bullshits around.

Prove your claims or move on.
Astana agreement has nothing to do with Afrin nor PKK, it was about Idlib and Abo Dohur region, also with refugees and Turkish/Russian observation points. Prove that Turkey sold Idlib for Afrin as you claimed o_O

You didn't even ask me which claim of mine needed to be proven o_O Do you want me to prove that "most of the factions in Afrin operation are from TAF controlled areas"? Here;


Milli Ordu (aka National Army) is formed new FSA militia formed in ES territory, not from Abo Dohur front o_O

Are you gonne prove each sentences divided by "..." these? It's like your keyboard is broken so many dots there o_O You cannot speculate around right and left and then call others "bullshitter" where you are the one bullshits around.

Prove your claims or move on.
Afrin op is the proof... Astana agreement is the proof...
Turkey had to trade something to gt something else... that how things work...
Whatever you accept it or not... is none of my concern...

The East Idlib pocket was given via Astana Agreement for future ops...

Then WHY THE F*CK Rebels have to give their OWN territory to ASSAD for X agreement?
WHY the F*CK Rebels have to give their own Territory for a De-Escalation zone?
Afrin op is the proof...
Afrin operation is not a proof that we sold Idlib for Afrin. Here there is Idlib, in safe, behind Turkish observation points? Seems like it was not sold to anyone? o_O Prove that Turkey sold Idlib for Afrin.

Astana agreement is the proof...
Astana agreement has nothing to do with Afrin, nor PKK. Here;

Turkey had to trade something to gt something else...
Yes, if you look at the map of Astana agreement, Turkey traded Abo Dohur and get Idlib. You claimed that Turkey sold Idlib for Afrin. Prove it o_O

Then WHY THE F*CK Rebels have to give their OWN territory to ASSAD for X agreement?

WHY the F*CK Rebels have to give their own Territory for a De-Escalation zone?
They didn't, they fought and lost the war against Russia and Assad. You are so emotional, and this blocks you to accept the fact that Assad/Russia club has enough power to beat any so called "rebel" force you push on them haha:lol: Your war is lost dude, it is over. FSA beaten sooo hard and bad under Assad's army with support of Russian Airforce.

Turkey only has two concerns;

> Refugees (That is why Astana agreement done, https://www.dohainstitute.org/en/li...rary/Astana_Agreement_Guarantees_May_2017.pdf )
> PKK and HTS.

That's it.
Afrin operation is not a proof that we solf Idlib for Afrin. Here there is Idlib, in safe, behind Turkish observation points? Seems like it was not sold to anyone? o_O Prove that Turkey sold Idlib for Afrin.

Astana agreement has nothing to do with Afrin, nor PKK. Here;

Yes, if you look at the map of Astana agreement, Turkey traded Abo Dohur and get Idlib. You claimed that Turkey sold Idlib for Afrin. Prove it o_O

They didn't, they fought and lost the war against Russia and Assad. You are so emotional, and this blocks you to accept the fact that Assad/Russia club has enough power to beat any so called "rebel" force you push on them haha:lol: Your war is lost dude, it is over. FSA beaten sooo hard and bad under Assad's army with support of Russian Airforce.

Turkey only has two concerns;

> Refugees (That is why Astana agreement done, read the link i posted in this post)
> PKK and HTS.

That's it.

Ok... Let's not waste both our time...
Keep your opinion (and not making it as TR is behind you) and I will keep my opinion...

And Try...in the future..;to behave a little more "educated" and keep those emotional opinions ( that you give to to others) to yourself.

Best regards,
Dude, you are the one who emotionally claimed that Turkey sold Idlib for Afrin, in Astana Agreement.

Here is the Astana Agremeent;


Show me any sentences about Afrin, inside of the agreement o_O ?

Yeah... since when a tri-party agreement do not imply other trades?
if you have a problem with the word" sold" then take it as "traded"...

But here my last opinion on this subject...no more answer from me...
Afrin op (and Manbij maybe later on) Wouldn't have been possible or at least not as fast...if Idlib wasn't resolved by whatever means...
Trading the East pocket is nothing if you get free access to Afrin and therefore pushing PKK out...
Rebels can't say anything about it either...since they have no one to support them... so they shut up and listen... at some point...

And ASSad/Iran/RU don't care about Astana...since they are still bombing Idlib... today already 2-4 strikes...
since they are still bombing Idlib... today already 2-4 strikes...
Wait until our jets start bombing the region :lol: We will not let HTS to stay there, After Afrin is done, next sword will probably move to cut HTS into the ground. Entire Turkish-Syrian border will be free from Terrorists, doesn't matter if it's HTS or PKK.
Wait until our jets start bombing the region :lol: We will not let HTS to stay there, After Afrin is done, next sword will probably move to cut HTS into the ground. Entire Turkish-Syrian border will be free from Terrorists, doesn't matter if it's HTS or PKK.
yeah yeah...
We shouldn’t allow such young fighters in FSA. This is going to be used against us.
They always will find something to use against us! When they won't be able to find anything then they will made it up!
So take it easy, relax, enjoy your life and do not forget about taking a cup of Turkish coffee at least once a week.:coffee:
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Hannibal is right. Half of Idlib and left over in Hama were sold to conduct Afrin Operation behind closed doors obviously. What’s really fucked up is that the so-called Turkish de-escalation zone was always bombed by suaf/ruaf with total impunity until recently. Since Russians are biggest scumbags, I won’t be surprised if regime, at the request of afrin commies, will deploy troops to enclave thus preventing total annexation.
6th Observation point incoming...
Another one in Khan Shaykhun area and Idlib/Aleppo front is officially locked...

Hannibal is right. Half of Idlib and left over in Hama were sold to conduct Afrin Operation behind closed doors obviously. What’s really fucked up is that the so-called Turkish de-escalation zone was always bombed by suaf/ruaf with total impunity until recently. Since Russians are biggest scumbags, I won’t be surprised if regime, at the request of afrin commies, will deploy troops to enclave thus preventing total annexation.
Yes airstrikes still happening...what is ever more surprising... is that TSK is present in that same striked points.
As for the future of Afrin being handed over by YPG to ASSad at the last minute, is also possible. BUt let's see if the AFrin/Aleppo corridor will still be open in the future or not. As for now...it's untouched, since main forces are focused on mountainous areas.
Now that Idlib front is locked( sort of), AFrin will get more reinforcement, maybe a south front will open.
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