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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

I was saying we should give them experience rather than taking from them. Because Pakistan has conducted many counter insurgency operations.

and i was saying exactly this..

However, lessons can be learned from allied countries (such as turkey) as they face threats of different nature.

For example, kurds have access to ATGMs and SAMs wheras TTPs had access mainly to RPGs, soviets/russian RRs, 12.7 mm and 14.5 mm MGs and other items such as mortars and other ammunition of russian/eastern origin.

Countering such weapons will result in better survivability of helicopters and tanks which is helpful for PA as it might order T-129s (once we secure financing).
I think both possible outcomes. I just want a coalition to show that Turkey isn't actiing alone.

Pakistani foreign office and military has continuously supported Turkish operation and Pakistan will send in force if Turkey requests. Pakistan always stands with Turkey because the relation of Pakistan and Turkey is not based on military alliances but Pakistan and turkey 2 countries but one Nation. There have been even daily prayers for the safety of Turkish soldiers in the schools of Pakistan.
No infantry action in the video you've posted, for all I know they were always terrible. Any idiot can use an ATGM. All they do is firing recoilless guns, mortars and HMGs. Typical low IQ arab sh.t. Yell allahu akbar every 10 seconds and hope for the best lol.

Well at least they were hiding their weaknesses back then :)
Yea your right, they were always idiots. there are other videos of a little bit of infantry action but nothing much, mostly just firing endlessly hell canons and motors and ATGMs while yelling Allahu Akbar every second lol
Pakistani foreign office and military has continuously supported Turkish operation and Pakistan will send in force if Turkey requests. Pakistan always stands with Turkey because the relation of Pakistan and Turkey is not based on military alliances but Pakistan and turkey 2 countries but one Nation. There have been even daily prayers for the safety of Turkish soldiers in the schools of Pakistan.
Even just political support would be welcome.
Yea your right, they were always idiots. there are other videos of a little bit of infantry action but nothing much, mostly just firing endlessly hell canons and motors and ATGMs while yelling Allahu Akbar every second lol
ever since wars became a little complicated arabs haven't won a single war.
it has to do with poor IQ levels and even worse education. Stabbing the Ottoman Empire in the back is literally the last successful thing they did. Ever since then they were getting bitchslapped.
We're capturing villages but the absolute state of FSA is appalling.
It's insane how poorly trained, disciplined and equipped they are.
Clearing tunnels with cell phone flashlights.

How NOT TO assault a building:

Perhaps you can fill us in on how to assault a building, you know, since you have far greater tactical knowledge then those fighting
maybe they are relatively less extreme in ideology and more controllable.

I think both possible outcomes. I just want a coalition to show that Turkey isn't acting alone.

By the way is it just me or does this guy look like Netanyahu?
would of been better if they disbanded the group and joined FSA so they stop waving those white and black flags. Less propaganda material for the YPG/PKK terrorists to use.
I just want a coalition to show that Turkey isn't acting alone.
YES you seem to get it unlike some other Members here!. When the US invaded Iraq and Afghanistan, they formed coalition beforehand. The US couldve handled Iraq and Afghanistan alone and they mostly did but they still formed coalitions because it makes it harder to criticize and act against the operation both internationally and domestically when you have more than 1 country involved. Having coalitions also helps legitimize the operation.
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Perhaps you can fill us in on how to assault a building, you know, since you have far greater tactical knowledge then those fighting
here you go, watch the video, subscribe to the channel. You might learn a few things.
would of been better if they disbanded the group and joined FSA so they stop waving those white and black flags. Less propaganda material for the YPG/PKK terrorists to use.

YES you seem to get it unlike some other Members here!. When the US invaded Iraq and Afghanistan, they formed coalition beforehand. The US couldve handled Iraq and Afghanistan alone and they mostly did but they still formed coalitions because it makes it harder to criticize and act against the operation both internationally and domestically when you have more than 1 country involved. Having coalitions also helps legitimize the operation.
Maybe they thought that establishing a new command structure would be too much trouble as you don't know if some of these groups don't like each other. It could cause friendly fire incidents and such.

Yes that's exactly why I want a coalition. Besides, best friendships are forged in fire.

here you go, watch the video, subscribe to the channel. You might learn a few things.

Maybe they thought that establishing a new command structure would be too much trouble as you don't know if some of these groups don't like each other. It could cause friendly fire incidents and such.

Yes that's exactly why I want a coalition. Besides, best friendships are forged in fire.

That vid doesn't explain how to cap a bunker in the middle of a field. Nice attempt though

That vid doesn't explain how to cap a bunker in the middle of a field. Nice attempt though
gives a few pointers on the use of grenades, moving as a team, etc.
Not one guy sticking his head in to check before calling others.

Besides, that video is full of failures. I've even seen a guy holding the AK sideways.
because fvck aiming.

Also pay attention that it says that it's up to the squad commander to finalize the assault plan.
watching the FSA video you couldn't tell who's in command. It looks like a disorganized mess.
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