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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

We're capturing villages but the absolute state of FSA is appalling.
It's insane how poorly trained, disciplined and equipped they are.
Clearing tunnels with cell phone flashlights.

How NOT TO assault a building:
You have to remember that it is not a regular well funded army but militia forces. They are risking their lives so would be nice to see some respect at least no bashing towards them. Turkey provided them with what army thought is necessary ( firearms and some basic training) so please do not over judge them.
You have to remember that it is not a regular well funded army but militia forces. They are risking their lives so would be nice to see some respect at least no bashing towards them. Turkey provided them with what army thought is necessary ( firearms and some basic training) so please do not over judge them.
Even more, when they are on the front line...
Every first assault are made by them...
You have to remember that it is not a regular well funded army but militia forces. They are risking their lives so would be nice to see some respect at least no bashing towards them. Turkey provided them with what army thought is necessary ( firearms and some basic training) so please do not over judge them.

That is an excuse. Having respect is one thing. Pointing out their mistakes is another thing. Perhaps in your country it is not allowed to point out mistakes out of respect but in Turkey it is not like this. Turkish army is present there and if FSA is not properly trained they will risk the lives of Turkish soldiers as well.
He wasn't bashing on them, he just said what everyone see. Calling those guys as "poorly trained, disciplined, equipped" is not bashing on them but telling the pure truth.
i like the video, but it would be even better if turkish army had capability to engage them immediately and not wait for plane
He wasn't bashing on them, he just said what everyone see. Calling those guys as "poorly trained, disciplined, equipped" is not bashing on them but telling the pure truth.
Well...it' snot their fault...
Training and Equipment fall into TR hands.
Ofc they are not ready...who gonna get ready in few month training and no military background...
As for the equipment... it's the one given/available... it' snot like they can buy it somewhere...

"A Militia is as Effective as the Support she receives."
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"Turks killing civilians"

Marxist communist. But they use it to garner international help, their ultimate aim is to carve up surrounding countries.

Al Hamza Division shelling YPG positions in Afrin
I wonder why they don't have better equipment... even though they are "Al Hamza" brigade... ( a fully-Directly TR backed.)
They could at least get those new "Toyota MLRS"... Faster & Easier...
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