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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Just somthing to be aware of...
If you guys happen to see an ISIS pocket in FSA 's Idlib area (near TR ) coming from nowhere...don't be suprised...
It's mostly the ones getting free pass throu' ASSad areas to Idlib, you know that pocket that ASSad is fighting right now in SE Idlib...
Btw that same pocket also appeared from nowhere few month ago... ASSad used it to "legitimate" his advance in Idlib... so...well...
An ISIS commander got killed in that pocket...who was previously around Deir ez-Zor... and here a quiz... What is btw Idlib and Deir-ez-zor? here a Hint... It's red/white and Black... with stars ...


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Afrin 's TR Airstrikes have restarted.../QUOTE]
but some people were saying a no fly zone has been imposed .....
some people are getting too much frustrated/desperate --- there are so many players involved in Syria, patience is required --- i have no doubt that soon Turkey army will be in Afrin.
but some people were saying a no fly zone has been imposed .....
some people are getting too much frustrated/desperate --- there are so many players involved in Syria, patience is required --- i have no doubt that soon Turkey army will be in Afrin.
This night it ended and a heavy airstrike made to Afrin.
Just somthing to be aware of...
If you guys happen to see an ISIS pocket in FSA 's Idlib area (near TR ) coming from nowhere...don't be suprised...
It's mostly the ones getting free pass throu' ASSad areas to Idlib, you know that pocket that ASSad is fighting right now in SE Idlib...
Btw that same pocket also appeared from nowhere few month ago... ASSad used it to "legitimate" his advance in Idlib... so...well...
An ISIS commander got killed in that pocket...who was previously around Deir ez-Zor... and here a quiz... What is btw Idlib and Deir-ez-zor? here a Hint... It's red/white and Black... with stars ...



Oh yeah seems I was right...


New villages taken in Afrin

Coke point on the western front is the mountainous area. When that is taken you can basically look down on the city of Afrin.
It is the other way around. Presidents change but American interests don’t change. In the US, generals have as much a say as presidents. There is a huge bureaucracy in the US that limits presidential power. And on top of that there is a divide between pentagon and cia policy. Presidents have influence on the policy of pentagon but not on the policy of the cia.

They always play “good cop, bad cop”. Soft power (White House), hard power (several institutions like pentagon).
You shouldn't accuse people of being traitors just like that.

Everybody has right to express their opinions if they are not doing terrorist propaganda.

And i can vouch for LegionnairE.

You newbies don't know him yet. He is a valuable member of PDF, compared to all of the newbies combined.

Just because he is old member, he has right to interfere politics into this thread? Because I remember that another member just got lynched by members and warned by admin/mod because of this reason only couple of days ago.

He talks about hanging current president of Turkey Republic. This is a clear crime and if page is reported, this site could be deactivated in Turkey by law!

This douchebag must be banned for some time for messing thread for his political agenda! (and also his shit must be cleaned, no need to underline, I guess)

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