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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

First time seeing mortar carriers being used in crossborder ops..
Anyone know type of mortar round being used, I don't recognise it - I don't think MKE produces it.

EDIT- It's a 107mm M329A1

By his holding and scale, it sounds like a 106-107mm mortar. Did some research on 106mm and the closest I could get is this:


Turkish military seized large number of SA-18 anti Air missiles in Afrin.

This evidence suggest USA has full plan to arm YPG and PKK because no one has open access to MANPADS.
Turkish military seized large number of SA-18 anti Air missiles in Afrin.

This evidence suggest USA has full plan to arm YPG and PKK because no one has open access to MANPADS.

SA-18 is Russian made.
SA-18 is Russian made.
Yep I know that so? SA-18 was in lot of number in Syrian inventory and those weapons went to US backed rebels and now they end up in hands of YPG and PKK so who made that happened? The fcuker at CIA is fcuking the world every where.
It's good that Bulbul has been taken. I think once Raju is taken panic will sink in and YPG/PKK lines to Afrin will fall rather rapidly.

However one thing that concerns me with operation is lack of push from the East of Afrin. I think Turkish Armed forces need to start adding more troops in order to keep YPG guessing. I think Turkish Army are being too obvious with their attacking strategy.

btw where can I find Turkish version of livemap as I heard that livemap.com is being edited by a YPG supporter.

Which the US buys from old Soviet states and gives them to PKK.

and from Ex-Yugoslavia as well. I know for a fact that old Bosnian stockpiles have ended up in Peshmerga hands as well as Shia militia in Iraq
Turkish soldiers deliver food aid to families in Afrin


As Operation Olive Branch continues, Turkish soldiers deliver food aid to needy Syrian families that live near the border.

The Turkish military escalated its aid activities as Syrian families that live in the Sorke village of northern Afrin asked for help, saying they do not have enough food. Informing the Turkish Red Crescent on the issue, the soldiers delivered the aid packages that came from the organization to the Syrian families on Friday.

"We are pleased with the Turkish soldiers. We sought refuge in their arms. They gave us food and protected us. Before the operation, terrorists were coming to our village, but now they do not come anymore. Turkish soldiers provided us security. We are not scared anymore," the families said after receiving the packages, expressing that they already have a better life thanks to the operation.


approximately 75% of the weapons and ammunition utilized by the Turkish Armed Forces during Operation Olive Branch launched in Syria’s Northwestern district of Afrin were produced locally

MKE MPT-76 Rifle

MKE JNG-90 Sniper Rifle

FNSS ACV-300 Armored Combat Vehicle

OTOKAR COBRA Infantry Mobility Vehicle

NUROL EJDER 4x4 Armored Combat Vehicle

BMC KIRPI Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicle

Aselsan KORAL Radar Electronic Warfare System

MKE T-155 Howitzer

Roketsan T-122 SAKARYA MLRS

Bayraktar TB-2 UCAV

TAI ANKA Multirole UAV

Roketsan MAM-L Laser guided Smart Munition

TAI T-129 Attack Helicopter

Roketsan CIRIT 70mm Laser guided Rocket /

MKE TAMKAR Mine clearing System

Aselsan ENGEREK Laser Pointer

Aselsan LGK Laser guided Bomb

Tubitak-SAGE HGK GPS/INS guidance kit that converts Mark 84 bombs into Smart Weapons

Tubitak-SAGE NEB Penetrator Bomb

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