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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

I am opposite opinion this will open the EU the way to return the refugess to Syria

"military operations to continue until 3.5 million Syrians return"
Its not a good idea to announce "Imma gonna put 3.5 million people in Afrin" this clearly shows intentions to change the ethnic makeup of the region. This should be done sneakely. Like, "I'm gonna build some safe refugee camps right there, niiice and easy" Nobody complains.
Syria belongs to Syrians. What region you talking about?

Third KIA . RIP Sergeant Mehmet. Assigned to Kayseri Commando Brigade


I wonder why there are never soldiers doing the rabia sign. I guess the front line is too intense for these guys. They rather do this rabia sign from a safe distance. Anyway, RIP. :(
Why don’t we make deal with Assad so he cuts off supply lines of Kurds to Afrin? How long do you think Kurds can hold out without supplies? This Afrin operation is very easy but political motivations of the Turkish leadership is going to make it a long ride.
Syria belongs to Syrians. What region you talking about?

Thats a cheesy argument. Afrin is obviously a predominantly Kurdish region. What would you say if Assad placed Arab refugees in the middle of Turkmen areas? You would say indirect ethnic cleansing. Thats why I'm saying it should be done orderly and silently.
By the way attackin Manbij doesn’t make sense right now. Better option would be Qamisli. If you take that area you cut supply lines to Manbij. As far as I know YPG gets all of her supplies from KRG in Iraq. Another option would be Tal Afar but this operation should be done blitzkrieg style. It would cut the snakes head and without supply YPG lines would crumble everywhere.
Thats a cheesy argument. Afrin is obviously a predominantly Kurdish region.
There is no such thing as "Kurdish", Afrin is obviously a predominantly Homo Sapiens region, and we will settle there Homo Sapiens whom has Syrian citizenship.
Afrin is actually half Kurdish and the other half was Arab and Turkmen. If you look at the place names many names are Turkish.
There is no such thing as "Kurdish", Afrin is obviously a predominantly Homo Sapiens region, and we will settle there Homo Sapiens whom has Syrian citizenship.

Look man, I have no problem with settling refugees there. I'm talking about international reaction and how to avoid it but it seems to be going over the heads of you guys.
Look man, I have no problem with settling refugees there. I'm talking about international reaction and how to avoid it but it seems to be going over the heads of you guys.
I know what you tried to say, i just wanted to correct one false statement. There is no such thing as "Kurdish region" anywhere, since there are no such things as Arab, French, Kurdish, Chinese, etc etc races. They are just homo sapiens working in farms, looking after their kids etc, just like all other humans. They are not "different" than those Syrian refugees.
Look man, I have no problem with settling refugees there. I'm talking about international reaction and how to avoid it but it seems to be going over the heads of you guys.

Resettling will help eliminate terror corridor as well as Iran's corridor plans. Cause this ,I believe international reaction will be moderate. Russia has assured with contracts to stay there at least 50 years.

I think Unfortunately it is not neither DShK 12.7x108mm nor ZPK(KPV) 14.5x114mm.
This gun has larger ammo near 20mm. But I dont think its either russian 23mm zpu.
I think its fucking 20mm oerlikon cannon ! NATO caliber gun.

Oerlikon 20mm machine cannon on the USS Massachusetts

İ dont have any clue , why does Turkish Army refrain 20mm caliber?
Oerlikon İts not just for naval use, there is also a transfrable variant.
Any share of how much region has been won over by Turkey !
Thank you need some real stats from Turkey sources

:enjoy: You Go TURKEY !!!

f....all the pupets

Pakistan should do same to Afghanistan !!!!
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