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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

SAA is clearly out of manpower. According to last reports, ES took Tadef and few villages for free from SAA without any fighting, and SAA witdrawn from southern Al-Bab to support northern Hama front.

If SAA is really facing with huge manpower problem to control lands, we should (must) definately start our Afrin and Manbij operations.
You can't in those fronts... why? simple Russia+US took a stand in it. so the only way to ES to expend is to pass throu those SAA areas who are being withdrawn from. The manbij line given by SDf/YPG to SAA/RU is off limit , same with Afrin line, since if ES push that way, same as manbij will happen. ( Turkey knows it too, that's why you do not see expension in both side...)

THe Hama front is an opportunity for ES to take those village without SAA and expend to the south+East. And we should not forget the ISIS front in East Aleppo, who is quite challenginf for SAA too.

The manbij+Afrin front line will be available for expension for ES, only if the Hama front and Damascus front are falling into another fiasco by SAA and allies. at that moment RU could not stay in the North and will abondon that spot. Hama front is already being filled by RU ( from Tartous+ Aleppo front)

Hama+Homs front is a key spot for ASSad even more than Aleppo... taking those 2 fronts = blockade .. no more supply/support from russia by land from Tartous region.

taking those 2 towns and defend it well= A near end to the war...
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almost 4000 civilians have been killed by shia death squads and the US Military in west Mosul in one month.

And now this. The US is leading a genocide against sunnits in syria and iraq. Don't be suprised if there is a new IS in a few years which will even be more brutal. Wouldn't suprise me if there are genocides against shias and kurds. Another total desaster by the US.

Also read somewhere that russia lost a great amount of soldiers in Hama. Can't find the source at the moment but will look again later. They also have closed down the port Tartous after the bodies arrived.
They did... as for know ES can't advance in those fronts... at least till Turkey got a grip on them... So if ES want to advance on those fronts , they have to turn around those "red lines" from south by taking those left alone villages by SAA... ( if SAA still withdraw from those places...)

If they attack those fronts... then either Turkey do not have a strong grip on them as before or RU is out of there...
They did... as for know ES can't advance in those fronts.
Nope. They just showen flag and left. There are revolts all over Russia and Belarus right now, so Putin has bigger problems. Manbij and Afrin is complately open for us. We stopped advancing because of incompetence of noobish FSA fighting skills.

So if ES want to advance on those fronts , they have to turn around those "red lines" from south by taking those left alone villages by SAA.
Nope. There is no benefit to push deeper into Syria. We are in Syria to remove PKK, not Assad.

You said, Russia will do the job for you and hold a bet on this claim. Are you still the opinion?
Nope. They just showen flag and left. There are revolts all over Russia and Belarus right now, so Putin has bigger problems. Manbij and Afrin is complately open for us. We stopped advancing because of incompetence of noobish FSA fighting skills.

Nope. There is no benefit to push deeper into Syria. We are in Syria to remove PKK, not Assad.

RU inland problems has nothing to do with what happening in few villages in syria... It's just Hama + ISIS fronts took more manpower than what intended, therefore (by deal or withdraw) they left those villages... Manbij+Afrin front is still with some SAA+RU supervision... and still active.

Erdogan want ASSad away... but since the begining it did not turn as he wishes... Rebels got support almost since the beggining of the armed revo... let's not remind you those ammunition who got caught in Azaz back in the days... So yes Turkey wanted ASSad to get out (Erdogan hate him) but things didn't turned out like he wanted, that's what you get when you don't give full support to someone...

Turkey ( hidden) support let the path to RU to impose himself in Syria... and ES slow advance is still the same problem... Turkey did not support the group in the open and fully in the beginning. Remeber when they said no Turkish soldiers were involved after cerablus... and today we know another truth.

Erdogan could have been a major player in the region, but it's internal conflict in his own government since few years led him to play the ghost card... and today he's paying the price, by being the third wheel and by abiding by some ASSad/RU + YPG/US rules in his own backyard...

Simple as that. as semi-failed external compaign. Next Time when you speak like a Sultan the minimum you can do is act like one, not only with your own ppl but mostly with the outsiders like RU and US.

Let's not forget how he behaved when he striked down the RU plane, by saying he will not apologize and f*ck RU... (and today he's doing the same with EU, jumping on anyone, making problems and in the End going back where he came from, fter the referundum) in the End he's eating in Putin hands, some say it's politics other says it's weakness...

It's difficult to believe, but it's a part of a truth...

You said, Russia will do the job for you and hold a bet on this claim. Are you still the opinion?

Yes. Job is not fighting for us but coordinating tactical steps with Turkey, which outsiders can't see at the first moment.

"Better a neighbour as friend as a so called ally".
Erdogan want ASSad away.

Erdoğan doesnt give a sh!t about Assad or his militia. He was best friend of Assad few years ago (nope, he wasnt care about Assad in few years ago neither. He acts like how he thinks it is his benefits). He just acts like he hates Assad to keep their FSA proxy faction leaders happy, to keep Saudi money floading into Turkey, to keep ES operation alive, etc etc.

He has no ideologies or god, other than money.

Erdoğan doesnt give a sh!t about Assad or his militia. He was best friend of Assad few years ago (nope, he wasnt care about Assad in few years ago neither. He acts like how he thinks it is his benefits). He just acts like he hates Assad to keep their FSA proxy faction leaders happy, to keep Saudi money floading into Turkey, to keep ES operation alive, etc etc.

He has no ideologies or god, other than money.

Oguz please. Sometimes you are like a steam machine.




At March 2017 the most 50 influence Syrian clans hold a meeting at SanliUrfa in Turkey and announced joining " Syrian Euphrates Clans Army", they called other clans to join them.
Turkey is training and arming volunteers of them and the FSA.

3.000 volunteers of FSA
2.000 volunteers of AL-Naim Arab clan

The number of volunteers of

AL-BAYATTRAH, AL-AJEEL, AL-BREİJ clans and others were not published.

But Turkey trains and arms at least almost 10.000 Syrian volunteers against YPG/PKK and DEASH; who will join the battle against these foreign terrorists with Turkish Special Forces coordination.

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