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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Do you really think there will be a Menbic operation?

Here is my senario: US always makes promises about Kurds will not create autonomus state. But when Rakka OP ended, they will no longer need Kurds, in order to make peace with Turkey and heal relations US will leave them to our mercy. There will be no excuse of damaging anti ISIS operations by attacking YPG. Kurds are making preparetions for that day not for the Rakka OP.
Here is my senario: US always makes promises about Kurds will not create autonomus state. But when Rakka OP ended, they will no longer need Kurds, in order to make peace with Turkey and heal relations US will leave them to our mercy. There will be no excuse of damaging anti ISIS operations by attacking YPG. Kurds are making preparetions for that day not for the Rakka OP.
I would be glad if thats the case but my scenario is more realistic.
The US and Russia have made their choice.
For the US,a Kurdish state on that territory,leave Incirlik(three new bases on YPG territory already),''forget'' about Turkiye.
For Russia,a Kurdish state on that territory,a new base in the Afrin Kanton,''forget'' about Turkiye.
Israel will arm them to the teeth and also get a base on their territory.
This my personal opinion.
I would be glad if thats the case but my scenario is more realistic.
The US and Russia have made their choice.
For the US,a Kurdish state on that territory,leave Incirlik(three new bases on YPG territory already),''forget'' about Turkiye.
For Russia,a Kurdish state on that territory,a new base in the Afrin Kanton,''forget'' about Turkiye.
Israel will arm them to the teeth and also get a base on their territory.
This my personal opinion.

This scenario is the very definition of distopia from my view. We will see when the time comes what will happen. When our politians free of disraction caused by inner politics, they will perform better on this matters, i hope.
I would be glad if thats the case but my scenario is more realistic.
The US and Russia have made their choice.
For the US,a Kurdish state on that territory,leave Incirlik(three new bases on YPG territory already),''forget'' about Turkiye.
For Russia,a Kurdish state on that territory,a new base in the Afrin Kanton,''forget'' about Turkiye.
Israel will arm them to the teeth and also get a base on their territory.
This my personal opinion.

You're far from my opinion and what a hopeless one I should say. Luckily you're not the president.
The Turkish National Security Council announced the end of the 'Euphrates Shield' military campaign in northern Syria.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan attended the meeting of the Turkish National Security Council.

"It was noted that the 'Euphrates Shield' operation which was started with the goal of ensuring national security, preventing the threat from Daesh and return of Syrian refugees home has successfully completed," the statement by the Turkish National Security Council read.

@T-123456 's opinion is realistic no matter how much some of you guys hate to admit it. Everybody hates us and nobody cares for our interests- not even our own politicians who mostly care for their bank accounts... you must be delusional if not dumb to believe that Russia can be our friend/ally or that the US cares about the stability in the region. Their interest is Turkey to be weak and surrounded on all sides, they want us to be isolated, they want to control the region by themselves. They prefer the whole region to be in controlled chaos, they win from that. That will be achieved by forming a Kurdistan which will block our way to the Arab states in the south (+ by creating a Shia corridor all the way from Lebanon to Iran). They are trying to achieve the same in the east with their support for Armenia in the Karabakh issue and with the partition of Georgia- that way they want to block our way to Azerbaycan, the Caucasus and Central Asia.
was this Operation even succesfull?? i dont think soo
Euphrates Shield operation is succesfull. Aim was to remove IS Terrorist scum next to our borders, blocking physical connection between KCK Terror organisation. These aims reached.

Failed thing is not the operation, but Turkish Diplomacy. Our ignorant ministers couldnt make diplomatic success to start new military operations.
Euphrates Shield operation is succesfull. Aim was to remove IS Terrorist scum next to our borders, blocking physical connection between KCK Terror organisation. These aims reached.

Failed thing is not the operation, but Turkish Diplomacy. Our ignorant ministers couldnt make diplomatic success to start new military operations.

You know what the worst part is? That the SDF/YPG, a non-state actor that doesnt even officially own any territory in Syria or anywhere else is better at diplomacy on the international stage then Turkey. They made allies with both the US and Russia which is a big achievement on their part. This civil war is just showing the world how truelly moronic Turks are. Its ridicilous how we got beat politically by a terrorist organisation.
You know what the worst part is? That the SDF/YPG, a non-state actor that doesnt even officially own any territory in Syria or anywhere else is better at diplomacy on the international stage then Turkey. They made allies with both the US and Russia which is a big achievement on their part. This civil war is just showing the world how truelly moronic Turks are. Its ridicilous how we got beat politically by a terrorist organisation.
Dont say 'we' please, blame the government :D
We need one Kemalist government right now. Even Tayyip's hand will be relaxed. He is in stressful situation. NAZI block is bad, but they rule big amount of economy in the world. Right now, popular NAZI arguments are;

>AKP government is Islamist (no, government is Atheist. But if there is one Kemalist government right now, they cannot use this argument)

>AKP is killing kurds (there is no such thing as "kurds". But AKP government is so stupid to see this reality, because they dont believe in Evolution, they don't know anything about Genetic science, they are ignorant. If there is one Kemalist government right now, Kemalists would say "there is no such thing as kurds, time to remove PKK scum" and no one in EU can open his mouth against us)

>Turkey is a dictatorship (There is an elected government in Turkey, but they dont care even they know that Turkey is not a dictatorship, but AKP is so stupid to see this. If there was a Kemalist government right now, government could just change election system into non-partisan democracy and slap on NAZI's mouth)

>AKP government is anti-modern, anti-Kemalist (was true until FETÖ and AKP alliance ended, but this argument is still being used by NAZIs. If there was an Kemalist government right now, this argument will be invalid)

If Tayyip has at least 10 IQ points, he would get rid of useless ignorant AKP ministers after the referandum and puts Kemalists into ministeries. Valla tayyibin de eli rahatlar ya. AKPli bakanları her gördüğümde aklıma çorap kokusu geliyor.
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