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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions


YPG/PKK keeps brainwashing children to turn them into NAZI terrorists.
I don't support YPG/PKK, but that kind of salute actually originates from ancient Rome, and practiced way before Nazis took over Germany, it's only after WW2 that it was associated with National Socialism.

Let's not call everyone we don't like "Nazis" shall we?
It seems that Hezbollah military leaded "Badie Hamya" is dead.
I think we might use S-400 as leverage in Manbij with Russia.

It looks like for the short term Euphrates Shield has halted until Raqqa Op is complete. After that we might continue but YPG will just handover territory to Assad.
We must think much deeper than of which you said. I don't like this thread to become a Syrian war thread, we already have one.
But I must just mention, Turkey do not support SAA or YPG, we only suppport some brigades within FSA. We accomplished great things as creating a buffer zone between ISIS and us. So we have no more ISIS within our borders.
Making allies with Russia doesn't mean we are supporting SAA. We are allies in terms of economies, investments, military deals, tourism and the list goes on. To achieve all this of course we need sacrifice certain agendas but not everything, far from everything.

Let's not debate this issue any longer in this thread. If you like to reply to this message please do it in Euphrates Shield Operation thread.
The plan was replacing Assad with a Turkey friendly Sunni goverment but it didnt go as our goverment calculated.
Everything happening today, including ES, are damage control, the goverment took the threat of Kurdish separatism too lightly and now cant really do anything to prevent it.
You say we arent working with SAA but the fact that FSA retreated from Aleppo is only thanks to Turkeys negotiations with Russia, some FSA fractions are hating Turkey because of this.

Syria policy is a desaster, no need to show it as a success, what we ended up with is 3 million refugees who will continue to be a economic burden for the coming decades.
The plan was replacing Assad with a Turkey friendly Sunni goverment but it didnt go as our goverment calculated.
Everything happening today, including ES, are damage control, the goverment took the threat of Kurdish separatism too lightly and now cant really do anything to prevent it.
You say we arent working with SAA but the fact that FSA retreated from Aleppo is only thanks to Turkeys negotiations with Russia, some FSA fractions are hating Turkey because of this.

Syria policy is a desaster, no need to show it as a success, what we ended up with is 3 million refugees who will continue to be a economic burden for the coming decades.
I don't agree with your analysis. I think you forget many things in your analysis. In the initial plan, surely the replacement of Assad was the plan, but this plan would not be achieved singlehandedly, since you would have Russia and Iran on your neck at the same time. This is why Turkey tried to convince NATO to execute this operation together. Every single day Assad was killing thousands of his own people with all sorts of weapons including chemicals, and every single day we had civilian Syrian people on our borders begging to enter our borders. If Turkey would deny these civilian people, I would lose a lot of respect to my nation as it would be a black blot in modern history. It is our obligation to open our borders and help these injured people, babies, children, women and men. We aren't the only nation that opened our borders to civilians, so did Jordan, Lebanon, Germany, Saudi Arabia and so on.

Whether you do ES or not, Syrian refugees appeared much before, so don't mix these two things. What we achieved in ES was creating a buffer between one of the two terrorist groups that poses threat to Turkey in Syria. Furthermore, with ES, 50.000 Syrians returned back to their villages in Nothern Syria.

Furthermore we have killed more than 400 YPG scum in this operation, and we mobilized our troops, and created proxies that will show its influence also in the future. It's all an asset.

Turkey indeed helped FSA to retreat from Eastern Aleppo when SAA and Russians suddenly started slaughtering more civilians in bigger numbers. I followed this hourly back when all this happens, both in livemaps and several news online news agencies. After FSA lost more than 60% and lost many fighters and many civilians were killed, Turkey fortunately managed to make agreement with Russia to open an entrance such that FSA and all the civilians that doesn't want to be bombed can escape, and they did. Most FSA were happy with this, since Aleppo was already lost, weeks before Turkey saved them from total anihilation.
I don't agree with your analysis. I think you forget many things in your analysis. In the initial plan, surely the replacement of Assad was the plan, but this plan would not be achieved singlehandedly, since you would have Russia and Iran on your neck at the same time. This is why Turkey tried to convince NATO to execute this operation together. Every single day Assad was killing thousands of his own people with all sorts of weapons including chemicals, and every single day we had civilian Syrian people on our borders begging to enter our borders. If Turkey would deny these civilian people, I would lose a lot of respect to my nation as it would be a black blot in modern history. It is our obligation to open our borders and help these injured people, babies, children, women and men. We aren't the only nation that opened our borders to civilians, so did Jordan, Lebanon, Germany, Saudi Arabia and so on.

Whether you do ES or not, Syrian refugees appeared much before, so don't mix these two things. What we achieved in ES was creating a buffer between one of the two terrorist groups that poses threat to Turkey in Syria. Furthermore, with ES, 50.000 Syrians returned back to their villages in Nothern Syria.

Furthermore we have killed more than 400 YPG scum in this operation, and we mobilized our troops, and created proxies that will show its influence also in the future. It's all an asset.

Turkey indeed helped FSA to retreat from Eastern Aleppo when SAA and Russians suddenly started slaughtering more civilians in bigger numbers. I followed this hourly back when all this happens, both in livemaps and several news online news agencies. After FSA lost more than 60% and lost many fighters and many civilians were killed, Turkey fortunately managed to make agreement with Russia to open an entrance such that FSA and all the civilians that doesn't want to be bombed can escape, and they did. Most FSA were happy with this, since Aleppo was already lost, weeks before Turkey saved them from total anihilation.
The overal picture still looks as i have said.

And lets be honest, the whole tantrum isnt about civilians getting killed, politics cares about interests not human life, this isnt different in Erdogans case, no matter how much he talks about it in the media, otherwise he would also care about civilians killed in Yemen.
I don't agree with your analysis. I think you forget many things in your analysis. In the initial plan, surely the replacement of Assad was the plan, but this plan would not be achieved singlehandedly, since you would have Russia and Iran on your neck at the same time. This is why Turkey tried to convince NATO to execute this operation together. Every single day Assad was killing thousands of his own people with all sorts of weapons including chemicals, and every single day we had civilian Syrian people on our borders begging to enter our borders. If Turkey would deny these civilian people, I would lose a lot of respect to my nation as it would be a black blot in modern history. It is our obligation to open our borders and help these injured people, babies, children, women and men. We aren't the only nation that opened our borders to civilians, so did Jordan, Lebanon, Germany, Saudi Arabia and so on.

Whether you do ES or not, Syrian refugees appeared much before, so don't mix these two things. What we achieved in ES was creating a buffer between one of the two terrorist groups that poses threat to Turkey in Syria. Furthermore, with ES, 50.000 Syrians returned back to their villages in Nothern Syria.

Furthermore we have killed more than 400 YPG scum in this operation, and we mobilized our troops, and created proxies that will show its influence also in the future. It's all an asset.

Turkey indeed helped FSA to retreat from Eastern Aleppo when SAA and Russians suddenly started slaughtering more civilians in bigger numbers. I followed this hourly back when all this happens, both in livemaps and several news online news agencies. After FSA lost more than 60% and lost many fighters and many civilians were killed, Turkey fortunately managed to make agreement with Russia to open an entrance such that FSA and all the civilians that doesn't want to be bombed can escape, and they did. Most FSA were happy with this, since Aleppo was already lost, weeks before Turkey saved them from total anihilation.

Let's not forget also Turkey's enemies were making propaganda and media campains, trying to show Turkey as collaborator of ISIS. ES showed them how wrong they are. Recent foreign affairs kind of a byproduct of those efforts, those effort made their hatred towards Turkey bigger. We used to view stuff on the internet mainly seeing positive comment of friendlies, but today it became mixed whit highly negative ones. We didnt planned any of this, we just reacted, if we would planned our Syria policies this much bad thing woulndt happen.

Tangible war aims may involve (for example) the acquisition of territory: Achived by Turkey
Intangible war aims – like the accumulation of credibility or reputation: Achived by Turkey
Positive war aims that covers tangible outcomes: Partially Achived by Turkey
Negative war aims forestall or prevent undesired outcomes: Done by Turkey

The war we are fighting is an undeclared one, highly asimetrical, it hasnt finished yet. Unfortunately it involves unforgivible mistakes on our part which mentioning them makes a lot bothersome of a comment to read.
The overal picture still looks as i have said.

And lets be honest, the whole tantrum isnt about civilians getting killed, politics cares about interests not human life, this isnt different in Erdogans case, no matter how much he talks about it in the media, otherwise he would also care about civilians killed in Yemen.
No, the overall picture actually looks much brighter than what you have described. Because you have also fallen in the traps of demonizing any policy made by Erdogan. That's why you can't stay objective in any matter. I thought you were more reasonable.

Yemen is not our borders, and we didn't have any Yemeni civilian in our borders - if they can manage their way to Turkey, I'm pretty certain they are as much welcome as Syrians or Iraqi's.
And of course we care about civilian lives, if government didn't care about civilian casualties, the ES operation would as well look much different. We operated as we operate within our own borders, with minimum civilian casualties.
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