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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

As much as I hate to say it, smart move.

This shouldn't be misunderstood though, they can't stop Turkish advancement, only make it a bit difficult. Our next objective should be to reach an agreement with Russia to capture Manbij, and if that is not possible we should go to Kobane-Tal Abyad - Hasakah line.
That what i am trying to say...Kobani is more important for them than minbij so why not kobani ?
We have a saying. One hand washes the other. What will Turkey get in return? Maybe recognize pkk as terror organizations by Russians?
Can be a US plan too.

Of course, but I think US want not give Aasad any advantage against YPG. It's a win situation for Assad/Russia to take Syria back and a lost sitioation for YPG by loosing Manbij.
Let's not overlook the other thing that is happening, YPG is sending 500 men to YPG-KRG border to "secure" it. Looks like those meetings with Barzani were not in vain. Sh*t's about to go down, son.:dirol:
Don't believe everything you read. They didn't handed over anything.

1. This news is not confirmed.
2. We are already operating in that area and around Arima.
3. Weeks ago they 'handed over' Tell Rıfat to Assad officially but until today only SDF is present in that area.
4. We are attacking Tell Rıfat and even preparing a major offensive right now.
5. Everything depends on what Russia and Turkey agreed on. I can't imagine such a move a week before Erdoğan visits Moscow.
Can be a US plan too.
This plan cant be done without the other,both Russia and the US.
Think about it,if YPG listens to Russia alone,the US will get pissed and might end its supports and if YPG would have done it without Russia,they might be their new enemy.
Both are in and we are out,as usual.

Don't believe everything you read. They didn't handed over anything.

1. This news is not confirmed.
2. We are already operating in that area and around Arima.
3. Weeks ago they 'handed over' Tell Rıfat to Assad officially but until today only SDF is present in that area.
4. We are attacking Tell Rıfat and even preparing a major offensive right now.
5. Everything depends on what Russia and Turkey agreed on. I can't imagine such a move a week before Erdoğan visits Moscow.
I hope you are right but i doubt it.
Look at this statement,

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This plan cant be done without the other,both Russia and the US.
Think about it,if YPG listens to Russia alone,the US will get pissed and might end its supports and if YPG would have done it without Russia,they might be their new enemy.
Both are in and we are out,as usual.

I hope you are right but i doubt it.
Could you explain to me how they will transfer all of these villages to Assad when we're already at Arimah?
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