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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

leaving the yankees looking like morons who will be kicked out of the Middle east for the next 100 years to come
I don't think this is about dignity of any state leaders. But realizing (by all parts) that the biggest American puppet in Middle East is PKK/YPG. Removing this cancerous donkey group will result in a deal between the Turks, Russians and thereby Syrians. There are practically no real Kurdish population/establishment in North Syria (other than Kobane).

Esad knows that in case YPG/PKK gets to establish their donkeystan in North Syria, the US' support will be detrimental to Syrian central government. They'd much rather strike a deal with Turks who would rather support a continued Arab state in Syria than YPG/PKK whose existence is a threat to both countries.
I don't think this is about dignity of any state leaders. But realizing (by all parts) that the biggest American puppet in Middle East is PKK/YPG. Removing this cancerous donkey group will result in a deal between the Turks, Russians and thereby Syrians. There are practically no real Kurdish population/establishment in North Syria (other than Kobane).

Esad knows that in case YPG/PKK gets to establish their donkeystan in North Syria, the US' support will be detrimental to Syrian central government. They'd much rather strike a deal with Turks who would rather support a continued Arab state in Syria than YPG/PKK whose existence is a threat to both countries.
Turkey has no way other than co-operating with Syria (that i believe it is doing via Russia) to stop ISIS and PKK terrorists. It would be beneficial for both states.
Plus, Turkey already declared it supports the unity of Syria, opposite to the USA who wants to re-shape the ME.
Turkey has no way other than co-operating with Syria (that i believe it is doing via Russia) to stop ISIS and PKK terrorists. It would be beneficial for both states.
Plus, Turkey already declared it supports the unity of Syria, opposite to the USA who wants to re-shape the ME.

Turkey want a safe zone, and for that she says yes to Mr Putin... The problem is , her proxies are a majority of Syrians, who hate Assad, And whoever may be with him...
Time will come, when Erdogan will have not so much power upon them and they will shift to fight ASSad after the YPG/SDF /ISIS compaign...

And that could be an even scarier time than ISIS himself... Back in the Day no superpower were openly taking/funding/supporting any sides... TOday is different...
Turkey want a safe zone, and for that she says yes to Mr Putin... The problem is , her proxies are a majority of Syrians, who hate Assad, And whoever may be with him...
Time will come, when Erdogan will have not so much power upon them and they will shift to fight ASSad after the YPG/SDF /ISIS compaign...

And that could be an even scarier time than ISIS himself... Back in the Day no superpower were openly taking/funding/supporting any sides... TOday is different...
ISIS is in fact a tiger made of paper. It has been a useful tool of the west to rationalize the intervention of the US in the ME . But after Turkey joined the game and exterminated 56 ISIS militants and liberated relatively a larger area in 1-2 days, we all solved the puzzle.

To be honest, i never seen ISIS as a real threat to us. It can always be eliminated easily because they have no weapon, no technology, no western support.

It is the PKK terrorists who should be smashed to bits whereever, in which cave they are seen.

About the internal problems of Syria.... I have no idea.
Turkey want a safe zone, and for that she says yes to Mr Putin... The problem is , her proxies are a majority of Syrians, who hate Assad, And whoever may be with him...
Time will come, when Erdogan will have not so much power upon them and they will shift to fight ASSad after the YPG/SDF /ISIS compaign...

And that could be an even scarier time than ISIS himself... Back in the Day no superpower were openly taking/funding/supporting any sides... TOday is different...

Forces under Euphrates shield have been vetted carefully and mostly composed of MB Sunni Arabs and Turkmen whom are following Turkish orders even many rebels escaped from Idlib and Joined ES especially from Ahrar Al Sham .

The extreme opposition factions joined Nusra led HTS " Tahrir Al Sham " in Idlib and northern Hama .

Turkey is focusing on building an Army of Turkmen and Sunni Arabs which sole purpose would be fighting PKK affiliates and allies in Northern Syria and securing buffer zone created to protect Turkey from PKK-Affiliates .

As of right now heavy clashes are still ongoing between FSA and the donkeys. It is very well confirmed that our first plan of "rescuing" ar-Raqqah from ISIS through Tel-Abyad has not reached consensus with the USA.
Our second plan was clearly stating, ar-Raqqah operation will be through Manbij - and it seems like this may be the reason of the events that is going on right now. Or, that Turkey is clearly "lone-wolfing" and is trying to meet its goals in terms of PYD settlements in its borders - without the consent of USA.


I agree on the part where Turkey is fighting to take over Manjib and kick PYD east of Euphrates . After this operation is completed . I do not think Turkey will join battle against Isil to take over Riqqah city .

I expect the following might take place once Manbij is liberated .

1) Kurdish syrian Peshmajra supported by Turkey would be used to take over Kobane
2) Turkish Operation to take over Tal-Abyad to isolate Kurdish Canton in Hasaka
3) Isolate Afrin canton by Taking over Tel-rifaat and perhaps attack the caton in the long run if political atmosphere allows for it .
4) Support Barzani in post Isil war against any potential threat from Shia militias in return for kicking PKK out of Singar and more cooperation on containing PKK inside qandil mountains .

The Battle for Manjib is decisive , if Turkey manages to defeat PYD there it will cause SDF force to break up and thousands of Arab fights would defect .
We have to be careful against ypg, they have alot of ATGM and advanced weapons supplied by USA.

Also after a certain area is taken we should reinforce it and create defences so it's secure once it's taken so its very difficult to be retaken.
Yes we can.
How can we,Erdogan cant go against Putin?

We can still attack from the north by crossing Sajur River. But indeed this was a smart move.

If they have any brains, they will hand that areas too.
They will hand the whole of Manbij to Assad(Putin),so that we cant touch them.
Just wait for it.
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