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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Remember the SDF statement regarding Assad's progress towards Münbiç and how happy they were about this development?

They deleted this comment shortly after publishing on FB. I guess this was a reaction to the said bombing of SDF units. During that time SDF made movements to Assad-held villages in the South of Münbiç, which wasn't in the interest of Assad.

I'd say the reason for the Russian bombing is the agreement between Ankara and Moscow. Münbiç belongs to Turkey=all SDF-held areas in the West of the Euphrat river. Any progress of SDF forces South of Münbiç/Albab should be avoided under these conditions, according to the Assad regime.

We may see even limited fights between SDF and the Syrian Army in the southern areas. Very interesting developments.


If we liberate Arimah first, all the villages in the West could be captured within one or two days.
Remember the SDF statement regarding Assad's progress towards Münbiç and how happy they were about this development?

They deleted this comment shortly after publishing on FB. I guess this was a reaction to the said bombing of SDF units. During that time SDF made movements to Assad-held villages in the South of Münbiç, which wasn't in the interest of Assad.

I'd say the reason for the Russian bombing is the agreement between Ankara and Moscow. Münbiç belongs to Turkey=all SDF-held areas in the West of the Euphrat river. Any progress of SDF forces South of Münbiç/Albab should be avoided under these conditions, according to the Assad regime.

We may see even limited fights between SDF and the Syrian Army in the southern areas. Very interesting developments.


If we liberate Arimah first, all the villages in the West could be captured within one or two days.
There is no agreement between us and Russia. It's just a mutual understanding. Your naive just like our leaders now.

We are attacking terrorists that our own government supported. Serok ahmet and Erdoğan ahh hainler ahh
YPG attacked SAA in Hasakah or something, so it might have been a message by the Russians.
There is no agreement between us and Russia. It's just a mutual understanding. Your naive just like our leaders now.

We are attacking terrorists that our own government supported. Serok ahmet and Erdoğan ahh hainler ahh

There is an agreement/mutual understanding/you name it. This is the reason we don't entered Tadif in the first place even though it was evacuated by Isis. We agreed to the term that Albab goes to Turkey and Tadif to Assad. Even Russian news agencies like Interfax reported publicly about this agreement during the clashes.

You don't have to be a genius to discern this specific pattern of behavior.
''mutual understanding'' leads to ''accidental'' airstrikes, be it by regime/saa/iran whatever.

Let them keep Tadef.

I think we will surround Manbji with our forces and give the US a ultimatum.

But most likely the moronic ypg which thinks it is some superpower will again think it can challenge the turkish army and get its *** handed to it while the yankees will look on like morons.
As of right now heavy clashes are still ongoing between FSA and the donkeys. It is very well confirmed that our first plan of "rescuing" ar-Raqqah from ISIS through Tel-Abyad has not reached consensus with the USA.
Our second plan was clearly stating, ar-Raqqah operation will be through Manbij - and it seems like this may be the reason of the events that is going on right now. Or, that Turkey is clearly "lone-wolfing" and is trying to meet its goals in terms of PYD settlements in its borders - without the consent of USA.


Don't hesitate to make judgments, there are many factors that must be looked into.
Turkey doesn't care about ar-Raqqah at all, our main aim is clearing terrorists from within our borders, we just need a buffer zone between terrorists and us. With ISIS we already have successfully created this security buffer zone. Now what was worrying us most was the YPG/PYD/SDF (PKK) - for the sole reason of it having the potential of becoming an autonomous state as this has been their dream for many decades if not many centuries. And what's more important is that this progression they have shown in Syrian Rojova is almost their biggest dream coming true. And the challenge lies upon all the countries supporting such autonomous (donkey) state.

YPG therefore possesses far greater danger for Turkey than ISIS could ever do. Nobody wants, or noboy will tolerate ISIS anyways. ISIS has lost more than half of its biggest HQ (Mosul), they have been weakened in Deir-Ez-Zoor by SAA, they have lost al-Bab to Türks and FSA, ar-Raqqah's end is as well quite soon. ISIS possesses no risk to Turkey's strategic position anymore, except for terror actions that may occur inside of Turkey (God forbid).

Now, grasping this is quite important. al-Bab operation was truly extended for good reasons. As I also stated before, it was only to extent our stay in Syrian soils, mobilize our troops, and increase our number of firepower and utilize all sorts of security measurements - and most importantly, making the world believe the operation is very demanding such that increasing our numbers both in terms of foot soldiers, and also more advanced weaponry. And all this worked. Otherwise, it would be impossible to increase our numbers from 1.500 - 2.000 to (now) over 8.000 (mostly consisting of special ops units) because all the powers would be against it.

If you ask me, we may soon see an offer coming from US administration about a joint ar-Raqqah operation - only because they want us to stop annihilating their donkeys (YPG). This joint operation may be actual in the following few days. And if it becomes actual, the most plausible scenario is ar-Raqqah operation through Tel-Abyad - where our main goal of this operation is dividing YPG controlled areas to further fractions - as I said, we don't really care about ar-Raqqah or ISIS any longer as they don't possess direct major threat any longer.
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Joining Raqqa OP.? No, that option has sailed away. The US have shown with their repeated backstabbing against Turkey that they prefer badly trained donkeys to their real ally because they can controll them more easily. They have no option anymore other than to start the OP. with YPG and risk utter failure even if they accomplish their mission risking instability in the region after expelling ISIS if they even can do that. If Erdogan has any shred of diginity in his body he will shut the door in their faces once they come back crawling and take Manbji from them leading to the donkeys trying to divert their resources to the north and leaving the yankees looking like morons who will be kicked out of the Middle east for the next 100 years to come.
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