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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Wondering , how people defend Germany and can insult others .

Stöer is the owner of the biggest German Internet Media platform t-online


T-Online ist ein Online-Dienst der Ströer Digital Publishing GmbH, einer 100-prozentigen Tochter der Ströer Content Group. Bis zum November 2015 gehörte T-Online.de zum Geschäftsbereich Products & Innovation der Deutschen Telekom AG.

T-Online used to be the default start site of all Telekom customers. Its not the biggest "Internet Media Platform". Its not even producing their own content. I dont want to derail the thread but when I see BS, I call BS.
Turkish jets attacked SAA positions south to Al Bab. SyAF warplanes flew at low altitude over the Al- Ghuz/Abu Zandin area southwest of Al Bab in response. They don't dare to attack us directly.
Turkish jets attacked SAA positions south to Al Bab. SyAF warplanes flew at low altitude over the Al- Ghuz/Abu Zandin area southwest of Al Bab in response. They don't dare to attack us directly.
Turkish Media is extremely sensitive at this point thanks to the referendum. So everything can happen. Besides they already kill our soldiers with airstrikes one time.
I dont want to derail the thread

@Bismarck , confirm ?

You derailed already. Almost 30 Million people use their backbone and start site

Facts count :

Diese Statistik bildet die Anzahl der Unique User von T-Online.de im Zeitraum von November 2015 bis November 2016 ab. T-Online.de hatte laut AGOF im April 2016 rund 29,4 Millionen Unique User des digitalen Gesamtangebots.


DAESH terrorist media claimed destruction of a A-10 Thunder


After al-Bab's liberation, ISIS will lose most of its fighting power in Nothern Syria, and will hardly be anymore headache for TAF and FSA in Syria.

I hope this operation continues with least number of casualties from TAF and FSA side, as well as civilians.
View attachment 376046
After al-Bab's liberation, ISIS will lose most of its fighting power in Nothern Syria, and will hardly be anymore headache for TAF and FSA in Syria.

I hope this operation continues with least number of casualties from TAF and FSA side, as well as civilians.

We will most likely end the operation after the liberation of El-Bab.
Al-bab is a waste of resource for us. We lost so many FSA rebels and soldiers and tanks because of it. Our main aim should be to take afrin, manbij etc. YPG areas
We will most likely end the operation after the liberation of El-Bab.
I highly doubt that. There have been many implications and indications towards especially Afrin and Manbij. But ofcourse, it won't be any easy deal due to the american infrastructure within the YPG.
Al-bab is a waste of resource for us. We lost so many FSA rebels and soldiers and tanks because of it. Our main aim should be to take afrin, manbij etc. YPG areas
Conquering Al Bab means the definitive end of any threat for our borders coming from Isis. This will be a turning point for our Syrian policy. You can criticize the methods but you shouldn't doubt the strategic thinking behind of this op. The goal was set right.
Conquering Al Bab means the definitive end of any threat for our borders coming from Isis. This will be a turning point for our Syrian policy. You can criticize the methods but you shouldn't doubt the strategic thinking behind of this op. The goal was set right.

ISIS is already far away from our borders now, while we have over 500km with pkk.

Strategic thinking from erdogan? :laugh:
ISIS is already far away from our borders now, while we have over 500km with pkk.

Strategic thinking from erdogan? :laugh:
All the area between Al Bab and our borders will be under constant threat if you don't include Albab to this cleaned territory. No need for partisanship here. This is totally obvious for everyone who is aware of the overall situation.

If you think about the distant future, Al Bab is the perfect city for relocating hundreds of thousands of refugees from Turkey.
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