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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

I don't think Turkish authorities will accept that. They tried the same thing like 1-2 months ago.

What is going to happen; FSA will move to east after Al-bab. If "Local trained militia" tries to resist, they will eliminated. US won't be bombing FSA.

Local trained militia means SDF with out YPG.... but we all know that SDF is a cover name for YPG to legitimize their invasion in Arab populated villages/towns.

What's more absurd is "local trained militia" are advancing towards Al-bab.

They try to grab as much as land they can from ISIS, thinking that FSA won't move against them...

This move will certainly give us a bad image if we move on againts them now. Though I dont know if we had any good image left.

USA might decide to cover them as well. Isnt this what they did at the start of operation?
This move will certainly give us a bad image if we move on againts them now. Though I dont know if we had any good image left.

USA might decide to cover them as well. Isnt this what they did at the start of operation?
After their rush to emptied villages by ISIS if they interfere Al-Bab or our business in there. We might do something about them.
2 fronts against isis and ypg might get troublesome for the fsa. I won't be surprised if our army will play a bigger role if the fsa truly gets bogged down and can't capture al-bab.
Free Syrian Army forces take control of Agil from Daesh NW of alBab. Also engaged in heavy operations in Qabasin


We've stopped their advance with this move I think.
YPG are not losing hope. Made a strong push as ISIS is crumbling:


Looks like clash between Euphrates Shield and YPG is imminent.

And another map:

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YPG are not losing hope. Made a strong push as ISIS is crumbling:


Looks like clash between Euphrates Shield and YPG is imminent.
They don't need hope. ISIS had emptied those areas before YPG's rush.
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