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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

YPG going for Al-Bab now doesn't make much sense to me. They committed most of their forces to the Raqqa offensive. That's probably why Turkey waited until now to take Al Bab. I don't know what YPG hopes to accomplish, except maybe to give SAA some time to get ready for their own Al-Bab offensive, but I don't think even the SAA would be reckless enough to risk direct confrontation with the TSK which is embedded with the FSA units already assaulting Al-Bab.
it actually make a lot of sense if you consider Isis is retrated in many villages. And Fsa is heading south pretty fast.This manuaver is about preventing Fsa/Turkish army to reach Raqqa before They do. Since Their attacks towards Raqqa had very little succes. They are afraid Turkey might beat them to Raqqa. If Fsa/Turkish Army beats them to Raqqa, That might even broke publics view about Isis-Turkey connection in West ( or what is left of that view). It also might hurt chances of autonmus Kurdish region.
Wouldn't taking Bzaa then Tadif would effectly end their plans? I guess they would be less defended then Al-Bab?
Wouldn't taking Bzaa then Tadif would effectly end their plans? I guess they would be less defended then Al-Bab?

SDF/PKK are trying to build a buffer as the next target will be Manjib .
Today FSA controlled 4 villages in eastern BAB .
I think the Turkish chief of staff visit to Russia was about discussing Al-BAB operation which started right after the visit was over . He gave Russians assurances that FSA would not attack SAA positions .
The Turkish Government should take step and mend ties with Assad and focus on dealing with SDF bitches . I think this conflict will go for years even when Al-BAB and Manjib are freed .
YPG advances west of Euphrates towards al-Bab despite US pledges


Despite U.S. pledges that YPG, the military branch of the PYD which is the Syrian offshoot of PKK, is leaving Manbij and the territories west of the Euphrates River, the terrorist group is still advancing towards the northern Syrian town of al-Bab, a key point to link its cantons against Turkey's warnings.

PYD forces moved westwards from Manbij area and occupied eight villages on Wednesday, cutting off the Daesh-held village of Arimah from the rest of Daesh-occupied areas.

The U.S. military had said earlier on Wednesday that the YPG/PYD elements in the northern Syrian town of Manbij have begun to withdraw.

Tensions between Turkey and the U.S. have persisted for months regarding when all of the elements affiliated with the PKK terror group would leave Manbij, which is located on the western banks of the Euphrates River, and cross back to the eastern banks after they help local Arab forces liberate the town from Daesh. The Pentagon had previously said the fighters had left the city.

Despite Ankara's insistence that the U.S. keep its promise to leave the predominantly Arab town to locals, President Barack Obama's special envoy supervising the counter-Daesh fight, Brett McGurk, tweeted on Wednesday that YPG fighters will leave after the training of local forces is complete. But while speaking to Pentagon reporters via videoconference from Baghdad, anti-Daesh coalition spokesman, Col. John Dorrian, caused additional confusion by saying YPG elements have just started to move out of the town.

"My understanding is they were departing and they were doing that today. But as far as whether every single one of them is gone, I would be very uncomfortable saying every single one," Dorrian said.

However, it later appeared that YPG terrorists, far from withdrawing, were resuming their advances west of the Euphrates at the same time as U.S. officials were pledging their removal, and took control of eight more villages from Daesh terrorists.

YPG terrorists overran the villages of Shaykh Nasir, Sab Wiran, Qanli Quyu, Boğaz, Kendirili, Al Ashliya, Kankawi and Bershaya, and approached as close as 9.8 kilometers to al-Bab. Free Syrian Army (FSA) forces are currently at 1.3 kilometers north of the strategically-important town, which is currently held by Daesh terrorists.

In the case of the YPG occupying al-Bab, they would create a corridor linking the areas they occupy in northwestern Syria, known as the Afrin region, with the territories they hold in northeastern Syria.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has already said on several occasions that YPG and PYD are affiliates of the PKK terrorist group, which has been engaged in a fight against the Turkish state for the last 40 years, and that the occupation of al-Bab by the terror group is a red line for Turkey.

Earlier in September, U.S. officials had also said that YPG terrorists were withdrawing from the west bank of the Euphrates River while Turkish intelligence reported that this removal never happened.

The PKK is listed as a terrorist organization by the U.S. and EU, but they do not recognize the PYD, which is the Syrian offshoot of the PKK, as a terrorist organization, despite Turkish authorities providing countless evidence which proves undeniable links between the PKK and the PYD.

The U.S. considers the YPG-dominated Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), which is currently active in Manbij and north of Daesh's Syrian bastion Raqqa, as its best partner on the ground in Syria.

Livemap doesnt gives such news? Its still shows Qabasin under isis control. And whole thing was like a joke. Repeatedly losing it... Arent there Turkish specialist to instruct them how to take proper defensive positions?
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