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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions


TSK'ya ait savaş uçakları, Halep'in kuzeyindeki PYD/PKK hedeflerini vurdu.

Paletli zırhlı araç, karargah binası ve barınak olarak kullanılan 11 hedef ile 7 dinamik hedef imha edildi
YPG took those areas with russian airsupport. Tal Rifaat and the airbase nearby. It did it for a reason. Creating a buffer zone between rebels and the regime in that area. Its still very signiciant cause if rebels take it, they will have 3 ways to break the siege. From the north, west, and south. No good for the russian backed regime.

¨What many dont undestand is that Syria is zero-sum game for almost all actors.

by the way, Sultan Murad and Idlib Army - both participitans of Euprhat Shield just spent a day raining shells and barrages of brand new GRAD rocket on regime held areas of Aleppo. Mostly South.
Interesting. What will happen between Russia and Turkey?

Doesn't that piss Russia off when Turkey is behind all of the gains in the North? What will happen if rebels finally reach Aleppo and break the seige with Turkish backing. Will that lead to a confrontation between Turks and Russians in Aleppo?

Also, what will USA do especially the part where they support YPG/SDF (and Russians as well)? What are they gonna do if Turkey kicked YPG out of the North like they did to Daesh?
Interesting. What will happen between Russia and Turkey?

Doesn't that piss Russia off when Turkey is behind all of the gains in the North? What will happen if rebels finally reach Aleppo and break the seige with Turkish backing. Will that lead to a confrontation between Turks and Russians in Aleppo?

Also, what will USA do especially the part where they support YPG/SDF (and Russians as well)? What are they gonna do if Turkey kicked YPG out of the North like they did to Daesh?
Why US getting crazy with Russia?

Lol the last two tweets. They are begging USA to stop Turkey haha. In fact they beg both USA and Russia.

I don't know what the hell we are doing though. Its seems there is no ground advance againts Tell Rifaat or Al-Bab. Then what? YPG slowly advances through Al-Bab while occassionally fire howitzers and stand still.
i think those PKK groups are splittered right now. Tuaf wants them to merge towards a big unit and then kill i guess.
I just watched a few videos. TurAF had started to hummer 'em in the head.
Why US getting crazy with Russia?
That US bombing of SAA is still a mystery.

Interesting. What will happen between Russia and Turkey?

Doesn't that piss Russia off when Turkey is behind all of the gains in the North? What will happen if rebels finally reach Aleppo and break the seige with Turkish backing. Will that lead to a confrontation between Turks and Russians in Aleppo?

Also, what will USA do especially the part where they support YPG/SDF (and Russians as well)? What are they gonna do if Turkey kicked YPG out of the North like they did to Daesh?
They will cry.

Lol the last two tweets. They are begging USA to stop Turkey haha. In fact they beg both USA and Russia.

I don't know what the hell we are doing though. Its seems there is no ground advance againts Tell Rifaat or Al-Bab. Then what? YPG slowly advances through Al-Bab while occassionally fire howitzers and stand still.

:D Whenever SDF gets hit it's always the FSA factions getting killed lol. Never YPG. Not sure if Arabs are immortal or have endless supply of fighters.
I don't know what the hell we are doing though. Its seems there is no ground advance againts Tell Rifaat or Al-Bab. Then what?

Operation Planning, Selecting units which will participate in the operation, Units getting prepared for the operation, Shifting forward operation HQ to a more close position to front. Transport of the vehicles and troops. Securing/ Defusing mines&IEDs in recently captured towns/villages.

We are a standing army, not some rag tag terrorists jump on the opportunity only to be get defeated later.

We have no reason to rush anything.

Tell me what will happen if FSA takes Harbul and Ehrez ? The ones left at the east will be food for crows.


A small hint:

ÖSO’ya bağlı Sultan Murat Tümeni Komutanı Fehim İsa, büyük zaferler elde ettiklerini belirterek bu nedenle savaşçıların moralinin çok yüksek olduğunu da sözlerine ekledi. Fehim İsa, “Şu anda büyük zaferler elde etmemiz nedeniyle savaşçılarımızın morali çok yüksek. Bazen planların dışında ilerlemeler gerçekleştiriyoruz. Savaşçılarımızı tutamıyoruz. Dabık’ı çembere aldığımız gün. Sadece Dabık’ı alıp, irtibat noktalarını güçlendirip, tekrardan ilerleyip, Hamidiye köyünü almayı düşünüyorduk. Savaşçıların arzusu, isteği arzusu nedeniyle Dabık ile birlikte 4-5 köyü ele geçirdik” ifadelerine yer verdi.

Push against YPG has yet to come. Only exchange of fire.
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Army says 200 killed but is it true? If it is the military should release videos...just to rub it in
Likely both sides are overestimating/underestimating. 200 is way too much for some air strikes and artillery fire.

They did same in Jarablus. 200-250 casualties is too much considering there wasn't even a proper clash. They are giving over the top figures for air strikes.
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