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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Abu Bela okudum ilk an...kahkaha attım ahaha :D :D

Light green FSA's recent gains.

FSA is trying to close the Sawran pocket.
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#FSA in the entrance of #Soran, #ISIL forces withdrawal from Soran towar #Dabiq and part of them left from Ihtemlat,


The Battle of Dabiq started.


Blue: seized by FSA today. Last 5 km to connect to Mare town = definite closure of the Sawran pocket.


Reports say DAESH has 1000 fighters in Dabiq.


Some sources are reporting that Sawran is captured by FSA.

Im curious what will happen with east of eupraths. This is where the other bastards having their terror camps
Nothing. We can't thouch there unless USA stop protecting them. Fate of that area is up to stance of USA and Arab Syrians.
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