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They are exempt from taxes and are working under the hand and have greatly contrbuted to the unemployment and social tensions in Turkey for working for 1/3rd of the salary of a turk. combined with inflation and rising living costs go figure what will happen next.

No, that number is simply unsustanaible furthermore they have fertility rate of 5.1 compare that to the turkish of 1.9

And we are all aware of the banlieu and the social situation in France and turkey isnt france.

The reality is that the kurds are gradually assimilating already with their fertility rates dropping but that was a decades long fight to reach that point and still to a certain extent is. We cant fix the first conflict and then invite the second conflict. Arabs are conserative and "backwards" they wont become turkish because they will fixate themselfs for their religion rather then for their country and Turkey is a heavily nationalistic country.

So to make things clear to you. You cant name one country which succsesfully absorbed arabs (exemption lebanese christians in latin america) into its society without causing heavy long term social tensions.

Because everybody loves cheap labour hence why illegals and refugees are employed and paid less.

Just another form of slavery albeit disguised as making money or its just business. A lot of those employers are to blame due to their blatant disgusting greed.
and btw @Elvin the reason why erdogan lost the last elections was largely duo to the general refugee situation in Turkey.



Because everybody loves cheap labour hence why illegals and refugees are employed and paid less.

Just another form of slavery albeit disguised as making money or its just business. A lot of those employers are to blame due to their blatant disgusting greed.

I know but the problem lies with the people who let these people trough in the first place.
and btw @Elvin the reason why erdogan lost the last elections was largely duo to the general refugee situation in Turkey.


I know but the problem lies with the people who let these people trough in the first place.[/QUOTE]

Turkey used to be a transit for illegals which meant illegals did not stay in turkey but used it as a bridge to cross europe. Refugees stayed in turkey but a lot of them want to go to europe.

Many illegals and refugees had to stay due to the Eu deal where Turkey keeps illegals and refugees in Turkey for billions in aid which the eu did not pay or only paid half of it.

Erdogan is a dumb fool here to be honest he got played by the eu just because he wanted that sweet eu monies and in the end caused more problems for Turkey as we can see today. Due to Natives vs Illegals and the Refugees along with internal and external economic problems.
I know but the problem lies with the people who let these people trough in the first place.

Turkey used to be a transit for illegals which meant illegals did not stay in turkey but used it as a bridge to cross europe. Refugees stayed in turkey but a lot of them want to go to europe.

Many illegals and refugees had to stay due to the Eu deal where Turkey keeps illegals and refugees in Turkey for billions in aid which the eu did not pay or only paid half of it.

Erdogan is a dumb fool here to be honest he got played by the eu just because he wanted that sweet eu monies and in the end caused more problems for Turkey as we can see today. Due to Natives vs Illegals and the Refugees along with internal and external economic problems.[/QUOTE]

This is what happens when you play with American imperial adventures in Mid East ditched for someone else Erdogan is fool I feel bad I know I am hard on the Turks and some Turkish members think I hate them I don't what I hate are those people in my country and Turkish members who harp on Erdogan"s grand plans which are delusions and just folly in geo politics

bruh, i already see him voted out. lets hope that he doesnt cause more mischief in the next 3 years because the ones after him will have a lot of clean up to do.

Its gonna be a tough decade for you guys I hope you guys get someone who is more competent this time
How Australia deals with illegals and refugees is much more brutal. Australia allows the boats to sink or takes them to detention centres in some remote island which they cant enter the country at all.

Not even the Turks do this somehow the Turks are Barbaric and enemies of humanity while the West treats its illegals and refugees like animals.
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This is what happens when you play with American imperial adventures in Mid East ditched for someone else Erdogan is fool I feel bad I know I am hard on the Turks and some Turkish members think I hate them I don't what I hate are those people in my country and Turkish members who harp on Erdogan"s grand plans which are delusions and just folly in geo politics

American imperialist dreams here and there doesnt change the fact that there is climate change, massive population booms in africa,arab world and asia and in general Turkeys borders are still unmined and unwalled (besides Syria).There will be problems regardless with illegal migration and the refugee situation with and without erdogan and Turkey needs a harsh standing to that and ur opinion of me and my countrymen is irrelevant tho it would be good if u remind them that Turkey will soon be walled and that no one should get its hopes high to illegaly migrate to Turkey/europe in the near future.
Its gonna be a tough decade for you guys I hope you guys get someone who is more competent this time

Tough is the wrong word but on some areas it will be difficult (like the social tensions with illegals and refugees) while on others Turkey will flourish with a lot of changes in Turkey happening this decade (TOGG, urban renewals, economy picking up again) but I will put the illegal migration/refugee as the key problem for turkey in this decade and I see the PKK also finished off.

How Australia deals with illegals and refugees is much more brutal. Australia allows the boats to sink or takes them to detention centres in some remote island which they cant enter the country at all.

Not even the Turks do this somehow the Turks are Barbaric and enemies of humanity while the West treats its illegals and refugees like animals.

You mean the generals standing in front of the camera while making it clear that no one is allowed to migrate illegaly and everyone is shipped back even if they land succsesfully. That is the right approach and this needs to happen in Turkey as well.
Important day for Turkey and Allies in the battle for Idlib today!

  1. Several villages (at least 4) were liberated around Saraqib. Saraqib is now besieged from south and west.
  2. Several Tanks, ATGMs, BMP etc. captured
  3. The siege on two Turkish oberservation post were lifted around Saraqib
  4. the M5 is cut again, delivering a huge blow to the regime.
Bad news
  1. Regime captured several villages in the southern Idlib.
  2. An Anka-S was shot down.

PS. Sad to see such a beautiful beast on the ground..

Interestingly, the Anka-S drone seems to be armed!

Is Turkey conducting pinpoint airstrikes against Assad and Russian mercenaries?
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