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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

I kinda dont get either. Why they are so fierce about defending whatever interests they have so far away. Turkey I understand, this is their backyard, instability in those parts directly affects them it already has.

Whatever the case, Russian commitment and will is very impressive.
Russia is playing her survival on the International stage.
If Russia lose it... Conflict/issues/problems will be directly on her border...
It's the same with Iran, and their proxy wars across the region...
Same what the US did... And so on and so on...
Respect for HTS. They are coming from everywhere, strangers in a strange country to fight for their ideology without air support.

Balls of steel indeed.
HTS is overwhelming made of Syrians,
Sub-Groups "allied" to HTS are foreigners, like made of Turks, Uzbeks,Uighurs,Europeans,Balkans,Arabs,Asians etc... But they are a small minority, mostly located in the Southern Idlib ring.

As for Those Footages, This is nothing tbh... compared to Their Inghimasi group who are on another level...
Insha Allah they won't lose it again:
Insha Allah they won't lose it again:
If RU strike like last time... they will have not much choice... it's either you die flatten with what is left of the city or you retreat.
It's not like you can stop RU planes.

The best way is to open multiple fronts and be aggressive, But if all forces (+ NFL,TFSA) aren't used then it's meaningless.
does the Pak Air Force have anything in its armoury which can help the Turks in Syria against the Russians?
Pak may have HQ9 but not officially and the system to too large to lend, especially to Turks as they turned down this system previously.
But Pakistan has an old relationship with Denel SA. They have the only SAM that i think that Turkey can use. It is medium range altitude though but i recon that it would be a game changer. Other then that Korea has a SAM program. They are buddies with the Turks but it was joint developed with Russians.
Ukranians have S300 from soviet era that they have made operational. Upgraded, to what extent who knows?
Akar was talking with them today actually.
Well, that has more with the fact to do that the YPG had quite a big mouth with Afrin becoming Turkeys vietnam and Peace Spring would turn the whole area into a war zone and none of that happened in fact after 5 days of artillery strikes they capitulaed behind assad.

Lack of CAS because the Russian by that time closed down the airspace for Turkey with the US also not supporting Turkey. No one begged anyone- dont project that. I remember very well these tweets that Turkish operators on ground requested american airstrikes with the americans flying above the area and not striking.

Pin point artillery strikes via drones and artillery. If we would engage the same way like u did with Raqqa or mosul the operations would be obviously much faster. I havent seen 2 squadrons of f4 getting armed to teeth and turning cities to rubble, the inital operation was intense with their "outposts" getting destroyed in the first days but the urban wars took a lil longer. Reality is that these cities are not destroyed and in tact.

Its not a success because Turkey only a got a piece of the cake but the fact that it took these gluten free,vegeterian, freedom loving, battle hardened Kurds 5 days to capitulate behind assad kinda indicates that they obviously are not that what ur media likes to project onto them. Why turkey didnt do a shock and awe style is also something which we are asking ourselves, afterall they were already in the highaway after 1 day with the PKK not even knowing that.

Nope, they took the best men into the jail during the ergenekon and balyoz trials which were started from the gülen movement. That was a turning point which weakend the TSK but the purge in 2016 cleaned the army as far as I understand from the bad elemts. Afterall its the people in 2016 who´s aim was to get rid of all the true nationalists and replace them with their cult members who are anything but competent and they also succeeded with that in the Airforce and to a certain extent in the navy before the purge :D

How this all develeops we will see.
Thank you for your thoughtful response. Now let me refute some points

1. YPGs opinion about burying TAF is irrelevant. Typical Middle Eastern braggadocio.
2 You need to look at it differently. Russia has extremely limited resources on the ground. They have some 30+ jets some of which are obsolete while you have 240 F16s
They have few hundred SF while you have across all branches 10000
So it’s not Russia but you should deny airspace to Russia and Syria.
Moreover if I were a US pilot I would NOT rely on coordinates provided by Turkish operators. I need my guys on the ground. If shit hits the fan and civilians are casualties guess who is going to point fingers to the sky and not across?
3.we reduced Raqqa to rubble because we have unlimited JDAMs and guided artillery munitions. You don’t. Even Russia doesn’t have enough Krasnopol rounds(I believe they fired them against your armor 2 weeks ago)
Besides your artillery leveled Al-Bab as well. Just YouTube it

4. I said that before and I’ll say it again-you lost great chance in 2014. Had you listened to Obama admin you would rule Syria from Latakia to Abu Kemal

5. Whether it was in 2016 or prior, RTE trashed and destroyed Turkish military. I have no doubts in my mind that Turkish officers were the best officers in entire Muslim world. Educated, patriotic secular.
I would not ask for war with the ones that are running Chief of Staff or on Corps level these days.

The main objective of these campaigns (except for ES) is not to capture as fast as possible. ES was not carried out by regular land forces due to distrust; since it started after 1 month of the coup attempt. El Bab operation was a mess due to several reasons:
* FSA being full of amateurs left their stations and run away without notice, while giving foolish intelligence about the whereabouts of operation to ISIS. This led to surprise attacks in that foggy weather conditions, where turkish soldiers took the brunt of it with blood and fought within very close quarters against ISIS suicide attacks. Later, the operation stopped since FSA proved to be unreliable and undisciplined and additional forces have brought to the staging area.
* All ISIS operations stopped by Americans to let ISIS move additional forces to El Bab;because they didnt want Turkey to block YPG. ISIS backbone was broken there. They lost huge amounts of experienced fighters and their command structure. You will see after the fall of El Bab,remaining ISIS militants retreating to Raqqa while YPG taking over towns overnight and huge swaths of lands very fast, not much resistance. YPG basically controlled town after town for free, until ISIS resistance began with the proximity to Raqqa.
* Lets not forget Russians trying to bloody turkish forces as much as possible, restricting air force support for a while. They even did bomb Turkish soldiers at the annual day of Russian jet shooting event; Russians declared miscommunication, nobody believes this excuses with so many coincidences colliding.
* Operations are not carried out by a land force commander and its doctrine ,but organized by irregular mismashed operation forces.
I am sorry but as soon as I read “all isis operation were stopped by Americans to allow ISIS move resources” I stopped reading and lost interest.
FYI, ISIS backbone was broken in Kobane. Why? Because thats where isis lost their fighters from Caucasus. Then isis were depleted of manpower resources with the fall of Mosul. Battle of Al-Bab and ES as a whole didn’t inflict severe casualties on them nor put a dent on them operationally.
HTS is overwhelming made of Syrians,
Sub-Groups "allied" to HTS are foreigners, like made of Turks, Uzbeks,Uighurs,Europeans,Balkans,Arabs,Asians etc... But they are a small minority, mostly located in the Southern Idlib ring.

As for Those Footages, This is nothing tbh... compared to Their Inghimasi group who are on another level...
Inghimasi, just a bunch of drugged/brainwashed lost people

The much more 'impressive' ISIS has been reduced to a small ineffective insurgency, HTS isn't going to be a big issue.
Inghimasi, just a bunch of drugged/brainwashed lost people

The much more 'impressive' ISIS has been reduced to a small ineffective insurgency, HTS isn't going to be a big issue.
Maybe and Maybe not... Only The Future will tell.
But comparing HTS to ISIS, whatever on a military and ideological standpoint is a bit easy... They weren't the same... One is flexible and the other wasn't... Therefore one of them can adapt... the other had to make a choice... Win or Die...
ISIS was mostly a Show off entity with a State like Baathist life line... and No one in front of them... Also known as Paper Tiger.
It's like those rich kids trying to behave as a ghetto gang... till a real gangster appear...
Few guys on twitter are saying that Russia has given free hand to Syria for S-300. Should be worrying for Turkish forces if true
do you really think if anyone care about those poor sunni Arabs.. even rich arab countries are siding with Essad at this moment just becouse they dont like Turkey..i dont care if they like Turkey or Turkish but i just feel very bad for these syrian ..i live in border city and you can see syrian kids next to trash bin looking for food in the street :(

And you guys here are even believing yourself that Erdogan cares for these Syrian refugees, that he's crying at his home. Yet he prolonged the war, low-intensity conflict for nearly a decade with his semi-covert low-support to opposition strategies.

You're not the savior of Syrians, you're just another player in the proxy war. This is the part you seem to not get or you want to believe that you're good. It's no longer Sunni vs Alawite, that was the story upheld back in the early 2010's. No one gives a sh about the sects these days which is why you never hear the opposition rant about the Alawites anymore.

We have mod cabatli here banning people praising himself as the savior of Syrians living in his own bubble, no monkey is going to fall for that except some Syrians whom happen to have no choice. Same story in Libya, Tayyip is going to **** himself, he already has.
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