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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Bashing is equal to enemy?
Not bashing is equal to Hero?
ideological opposite is equal to Enemy?

Well if your ideological opposite, is the one you blamed all your problems on , and then when the real problem comes, you go running back for it's help. That means you're very confused, lacking in backbone and principles.

Can you explain this nonsense?

Let me explain something to you. You are happy that USA is coming to rescue you with patriots. But you don't see that's it's actually another defeat. Do you think the USA is helping you for free?

USA coming in now means that Turkey is paying big in this desperate time.
Well if your ideological opposite, is the one you blamed all your problems on , and then when the real problem comes, you go running back for it's help. That means you're very confused, lacking in backbone and principles.

Let me explain something to you. You are happy that USA is coming to rescue you with patriots. But you don't see that's it's actually another defeat. Do you think the USA is helping you for free?

USA coming in now means that Turkey is paying big in this desperate time.

I think it must be the other way around. Let me teach you something because the level of nonsense coming from you starts to exceed it limits. Turkey is since 1952 a NATO member and served now for more than 60+ years in many missions worldwide. You think this is for free?? If there is one that has the right for NATO support in difficult times than it is Turkey. Even if the interests of some countries crossing with the interests of Turkey. This is how politics work.
First of all your ''angriness'' is fake and you dont care about any Turkish soldier. You abuse our martyrs for your propaganda purposes. Its not only you but also the retards that liked your post as they liking each others stupid comments whole the time. You can keep calling out whatever you want, but i will tame you every time.


It looks like the US has agreed to deliver Patriots to Turkey

Nothing personal man just thought I would say this.

Although I probably shouldn't be interjecting (don't have a dog in this fight personally) but I will on behalf of @xenon54. In the short time I knew him outside of PDF, I can tell you with 100% surety that Xenon54 is probably one of the most proud Turks I've ever come across. This isn't me kissing his *** or trying to re-connect bridges or anything just wanted to point this out.

Don't really know where you're getting this notion that he doesn't care about Turkish soldiers and that his 'anger' about this current situation is all just some facade.
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I think it must be the other way around. Let me teach you something because the level of nonsense coming from you starts to exceed it limits. Turkey is since 1952 a NATO member and served now for more than 60+ years in many missions worldwide. You think this is for free?? If there is one that has the right for NATO support in difficult times than it is Turkey. Even if the interests of some countries crossing with the interests of Turkey. This is how politics work.

You will be mad to think USA is coming out of NATO loyalty - they are coming (if they do) after making Erdogan sweat - and then take what payment they want.

I feel sorry for Turkish people, but Islamists everywhere need to get out of this dream world and start being logical and accountable for their actions
Can you explain this nonsense?
I think the enemies here both foriegn and domestic are going crazy now. They think they know turkeys foreign policy by exposing themselves to some bs commentators on pdf.:omghaha:
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TRG-300 Kaplan (TIGER) missile systems with accurate 20-120km range level have been deployed at the Syrian border....


TRG-300 TIGER Missile provides accurate and effective fire power on high priority targets within the ranges 20 – 120 km.

TIGER Missile can be launched from ROKETSAN TIGER Multi Barrel Rocket Launcher (MBRL) Weapon System, MCL (Multi-Caliber Launcher) Weapon System and other platforms with compatible interfaces.

Potential Targets
• Targets Located with High Accuracy
• Artillery and Air Defence Systems
• Radar Sites
• Assembly Areas
• Logistic Facilities
• C3 Facilities
• Other High Priority Targets

System Specifications
• Combat Proven
• 7/24 All Weather/Terrain Usage Capability
• Ready to Fire
• Low Collateral Damage
• Long Range Highly Accurate Precision Strike Capability
• Anti Jamming/Anti Spoofing Solutions



Burying the Shia militia from Afganistan and Pakistan, taking the dead bodies of those from Iran and Irak to their homes by trucks....


The entire High Command is at the border along with the Defense Minster. The message is clear: continue till the end of this episode...


TRG-300 Kaplan (TIGER) missile systems with accurate 20-120km range level have been deployed at the Syrian border....


TRG-300 TIGER Missile provides accurate and effective fire power on high priority targets within the ranges 20 – 120 km.

TIGER Missile can be launched from ROKETSAN TIGER Multi Barrel Rocket Launcher (MBRL) Weapon System, MCL (Multi-Caliber Launcher) Weapon System and other platforms with compatible interfaces.

Potential Targets
• Targets Located with High Accuracy
• Artillery and Air Defence Systems
• Radar Sites
• Assembly Areas
• Logistic Facilities
• C3 Facilities
• Other High Priority Targets

System Specifications
• Combat Proven
• 7/24 All Weather/Terrain Usage Capability
• Ready to Fire
• Low Collateral Damage
• Long Range Highly Accurate Precision Strike Capability
• Anti Jamming/Anti Spoofing Solutions



Burying the Shia militia from Afganistan and Pakistan, taking the dead bodies of those from Iran and Irak to their homes by trucks....


The entire High Command is at the border along with the Defense Minster. The message is clear: continue till the end of this episode...



Finally we get to see these babies in action!
There's rumours that the some of the high command are getting sick and tired with AKP meddling with the operations. There's been whispers going around saying that they will no longer listen to AKP's demands in regards to actions in Syria.

And, the air assets haven't arrived yet....

I'm sure we won't leave the deaths of our soldiers unanswered time to flatten the entire north!

No more listening to Russian demands. The government should stay out of TSK's business.
Makes no sense to deploy more weapons when you don‘t evacuate the bases in hostile territory, they will retaliate and those outposts are probably their first targets.
Looks like targeting those outposts is like writing one's own death sentence...

There's rumours that the some of the high command are getting sick and tired with AKP meddling with the operations. There's been whispers going around saying that they will no longer listen to AKP's demands in regards to actions in Syria.
I'm sure we won't leave the deaths of our soldiers unanswered time to flatten the entire north!
No more listening to Russian demands. The government should stay out of TSK's business.
Politicians are politicians!!! They need a cushion to save themselves.!!! Good cop, bad cop game!!! Devlet Bahceli has asked for Damuscus...

Hopefully, TSK this time does what it has to do....

TRG-300 Kaplan (TIGER) missile systems with accurate 20-120km range level have been deployed at the Syrian border....


TRG-300 TIGER Missile provides accurate and effective fire power on high priority targets within the ranges 20 – 120 km.

TIGER Missile can be launched from ROKETSAN TIGER Multi Barrel Rocket Launcher (MBRL) Weapon System, MCL (Multi-Caliber Launcher) Weapon System and other platforms with compatible interfaces.

Potential Targets
• Targets Located with High Accuracy
• Artillery and Air Defence Systems
• Radar Sites
• Assembly Areas
• Logistic Facilities
• C3 Facilities
• Other High Priority Targets

System Specifications
• Combat Proven
• 7/24 All Weather/Terrain Usage Capability
• Ready to Fire
• Low Collateral Damage
• Long Range Highly Accurate Precision Strike Capability
• Anti Jamming/Anti Spoofing Solutions



Burying the Shia militia from Afganistan and Pakistan, taking the dead bodies of those from Iran and Irak to their homes by trucks....


The entire High Command is at the border along with the Defense Minster. The message is clear: continue till the end of this episode...

Its really a shame there are so many strategic weapons still in their prototype phase that hasn't gone into mass production or delivered like the hisar and gengis cruise missile. Why can't we just take the lower grade version first before the final version? I know its too late to ask
Footage of TRG-300 Kaplan's on their way...

We need to hit their assembly areas, air bases and missile sites. TRG-300 is the perfect weapon for this. It can hit them all with precision. We need to cripple them real well before proceeding with a ground invasion.

Also, Bora missiles should be utilized as well.

Its really a shame there are so many strategic weapons still in their prototype phase that hasn't gone into mass production or delivered like the hisar and gengis cruise missile. Why can't we just take the lower grade version first before the final version? I know its too late to ask

A lot of strategic weapons were developed and bought by the army in secret back in the 90s and early 2000s. The TRG-300 that is being deployed right now is a derivative of the TR-300 Kasırga which was designed in the 90s.

The J-600T Yildirim was in service in 1998 yet was only revealed to the public in 2005. So who knows which weapons are in service right now. However as we all know the government loves to use the defense industry for votes, so nothing is kept secret anymore. We find out about projects years before they're actually completed.

The most annoying thing ia that many great projects haven't been purchased despite completion.
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