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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

First, RIP to the soldiers of TSK, this is an unfortunate development.

Many Turkish members and people are angry, for different reasons, and many rightfully so. But let's also be logical here, what exactly does Erdogan want to achieve in Idlib? What is his end objective? For what end purpose were those Turkish soldiers in the tanks that participated in failed Neyrab operation yesterday? Many rebels also killed in those destroyed armored vehicles, but one apparently had Turkish troops in them.

Here we see Turkish soldiers (or rebels in Turkish uniform maybe?) launching MANPADS against an incoming Russian jet during the operation. Turkish supplied MANPADS had downed two helicopters in past days.

The jets later attacked most armored vehicles who participated in the attack.

I said the above to point one thing only, Erdogan does NOT have a plan here, and he is miscalculating yet again as he has in the past 9 years in Syria.

The jet was returning to base... therefore Airstrikes on TR soldiers already done...
As for the Helis... may I ask who are they targeting with barrel bombs in the center of the city? Cats?Shrimps? Or what? are you among those who say " No civilians was hurt in the making of that Barrel bomb?"
As for Why TR is there? What now? taking us all for retards? is that a new hobby around here? Or are you still among those who say "Nah boy, No refugees at the border... Syrian LOVE ASSad they are not running from that butcher in the last 9 years?

As for this game of Morality and your wannabe AQ here and there... Wanna play a D*ck size game about who is the Monster in this story?


As for those who liked that post of his... Just remember... That siding with the one who is Sympathetic with the one who killed your brothers...doesn't make you better neither right. Even if you have a legitimate critics about another Turk.

There's no such a thing as time, The distinction between the past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.
Then be my sacrificial illusion, as your "existence is indeed a mirage".
Who is ruling the country? My grandma? Yes my messages are emotional because im fucking angry at erdogan and the goverment for sacrificing young soldiers for his bloated ego and stupid politics. The only question is why are you not?
I will keep calling it out, if its disturbs you then you are free to ignore me, you seem to block out a lot anyways, you know where the button is.

First of all your ''angriness'' is fake and you dont care about any Turkish soldier. You abuse our martyrs for your propaganda purposes. Its not only you but also the retards that liked your post as they liking each others stupid comments whole the time. You can keep calling out whatever you want, but i will tame you every time.


It looks like the US has agreed to deliver Patriots to Turkey

So 4 of our best tanks destroyed in 1 day of which we have only 170... Yeah a full scale war in Syria is viable.
This seems to have escalated. Turkey needs to respond appropriately. Air cover to protect ground assets should already have been in place.

Turkey is being reactive instead of proactive. Time to wake up and smash the sectarian barrel bombing dictator and his mercenaries.

This isn't ultimately about erdogan and his mistakes. This is about Turkey doing a service to mankind by crushing a savage dictatorship.

The sooner, the better.
Now tell them it is okay to put s400 missiles into asses.s400 systems are very suitable for sucking now.

Stfu, if we would have Patriots and Americans put a stick you would talk the same, or SAMP the same what is being used as a politic tool by France:-). You get it?

Left or right it will be a political tool. Tomorrow when we use S400 in Agean or Mediterrean sea you will talk different. Fact is West is using weapons as politcal tool and we purchased S400 thats the reallity.
First of all your ''angriness'' is fake and you dont care about any Turkish soldier. You abuse our martyrs for your propaganda purposes. Its not only you but also the retards that liked your post as they liking each others stupid comments whole the time. You can keep calling out whatever you want, but i will tame you every time.


It looks like the US has agreed to deliver Patriots to Turkey

I give it %90 chance that the source is his ***.
Lol USA is suddenly your hero?

AKP and Islamists are the ideological opposite of everything the USA is.

You are happily bashing USA every other day on this very forum!.

Last year they were praising Russia now cursing it this is what Erdoganists do all the time and its screwing Turkey real bad
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