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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Turkey in trouble by playing alone with two super power together :cry:

Turkey requests US conduct aerial patrols near Idlib as Assad's forces close in

Ragip Soylu in
Published date: 20 February 2020 20:38 UTC | Last update: 8 hours 19 min ago






Turkey has asked the US to conduct aerial patrols in its airspace bordering the Syrian province of Idlib to show support for Ankara's ongoing military operations against forces loyal to Damascus, a Turkish official told Middle East Eye.

The latest request came earlier this month in meetings with US Special Envoy James Jeffrey in Ankara, where Turkish officials also asked Washington for two batteries of Patriot missile systems to shield the border area from possible air attacks, the official told MEE on condition of anonymity.

Since then, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan held a phone call with US President Donald Trump, but the White House has not given any indications that it would provide tangible support for Turkey's operations along its southern border.

"He [Trump] promised that he would sanction the regime officials, or anyone involved in attacks against the civilians. And that he would issue strong-worded statements," the official said. "But he didn't commit himself to anything involving the military, yet."

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Another Turkish official said that Ankara was also waiting for a response from Nato to provide more support for its air defense needs.

Turkey, a backer of Syria's moderate rebels, has been forced to intervene in Idlib, a northwestern province that has become the opposition's last redoubt.

About three million people live in the rebel-held territory, but a pro-government offensive has displaced 900,000 since December, pushing more refugees towards the Turkish border.

Officials in Ankara say the US is unlikely to provide the Patriots without conditions, considering Turkey's deployment of Russian-made S-400s in its territory, which is sanctionable under the US law.

Turkish Defense Minister Hulusi Akar said late on Wednesday that Turkey would appreciate US support, which could include the deployment of Patriots. Still, he added that Ankara would activate the S-400s.

"We will get them operational in the spring. No doubt about this," he said during an interview with CNNTurk.

Fractured ties?
Several sources based in Washington told MEE that the Pentagon was wary of backing Turkey in Idlib after past frictions such as Operation Peace Spring last year, which targeted the US's ally in Syria, the SDF.

"Washington would need some inter-agency discussion to come up with some aid package to Turkey in this critical time," one of the sources said.

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A seperate Washington source said envoy Jeffrey's efforts to repair Turkish-American ties were seemingly sabotaged by Pentagon leaks, including a revelation by Reuters earlier this month that the US had stopped sharing reconnaissance intelligence with Turkey on PKK targets in Iraq after Ankara's incursion into Syria in October.

Erdogan has threatened a full-blown assault against advancing Syrian government forces in recent days, giving Damascus until the end of February to retreat.

Backed by Russian airpower, Assad's forces have captured more than 600 square km of rebel-held territory in Idlib and Aleppo provinces since December.

Anxious about the onslaught, which has killed more than 300 civilians, and a possible influx of refugees, Ankara has poured men, arms and vehicles into northwestern Syria in an attempt to stem the tide.

Still, despite several threats of an "imminent" counteroffensive, and Syrian government fire this month that killed 15 Turkish soldiers, no large-scale operation has materialised.
Guys seriously stop fighting. AKP was put into power by the west

Which party wasnt?

Everything starts from the beginning. They made Turkey deeply depended to the west right after Ataturks death. Isnt CHP who doped the Turkish people with western culture and standards? And now you complain that AKP is put in power by west? You also know as soon as Turkey wanted to became independent the west organized coups? You know that or not? Why you think they organized 15 july coup? FETO is just a tool. The ones above them are the same powers that did the 1960, 1980, 1997, 2007 coups and "muhtira's".
Yes but I'm not sure if our response will be similar to how the Americans "annhiliated" 200 of them lol
Yes but it's not clear if they were proper Ruski soldiers or mostly Wagner mercs...
Fanatic partisanship. :hitwall:

“Obstinacy and dogmatism are the surest signs of stupidity. Is there anything more confident, resolute, disdainful, grave and serious than an ***?” Montaigne

Looking at you. I feel sorry for my country. :suicide:
Yes but it's not clear if they were proper Ruski soldiers or mostly Wagner mercs...

Wagner pmc's are Russians who receive orders from the Russian military and putin. They are not independent.
We need a pragmatic leader who has a cabinet of technocrats.

We already have a pragmatic leader i would say we need idealistic politicians.

Edit: Kavala should be hung, along with Gulen, Ocalan and most of AKP.

Gezi was the honour of the Turkish democracy.
I appreciate Mr.Kavala to have organized it.
He is not a spook! In autocracies all democracy and freedom fighters are considered as spy of external powers.
The autocratic leaders just demonize talented and idealistic society leaders.
However demonizing innocent people, their helplessness is being revealed.
How it looks mighty president fights against a poor person. He keeps him in jail so far.President ordered to a court to open a file case.
Some people notice all justice violations.
Again i say , Mr. Kavala is virtuous rich person , i appreciate his efforts in Gezi resistance against Feto and Akp regime.
Mr. Kavala was put in jail by FETO!!!
Feto unleashed his policemen onto Gezi protesters.
How ironic today Mr. Kavala who is victim of FETO is being kept in prison.
Welcome to middleeast. If We were transferred to middle east class democracy, it means Voters deserve such an autocracy.
We already have a pragmatic leader i would say we need idealistic politicians.

Gezi was the honour of the Turkish democracy.
I appreciate Mr.Kavala to have organized it.
He is not a spook! In autocracies all democracy and freedom fighters are considered as spy of external powers.
The autocratic leaders just demonize talented and idealistic society leaders.
However demonizing innocent people, their helplessness is being revealed.
How it looks mighty president fights against a poor person. He keeps him in jail so far.President ordered to a court to open a file case.
Some people notice all justice violations.
Again i say , Mr. Kavala is virtuous rich person , i appreciate his efforts in Gezi resistance against Feto and Akp regime.
Mr. Kavala was put in jail by FETO!!!
Feto unleashed his policemen onto Gezi protesters.
How ironic today Mr. Kavala who is victim of FETO is being kept in prison.
Welcome to middleeast. If We were transferred to middle east class democracy, it means Voters deserve such an autocracy.

Yeah I guess you're right about Erdoğan being pragmatic.. but I'd say he is pragmatic in worst ways. He is too reserved in areas where he needs to be tough and too crazy and unrealistic when it comes to a lot of his demands..

Gezi park is a whole other thing.. if the nationalistic core remained then it would have been successful.

But because of the leftists that Kavala supported it failed.

Trust me liberal leftists are the reason why AKP is still in power. They tried to kill Kemalism with that crap.
Gezi park idiots mostly comprised of liberals, leftists and progressives who went batshit over a tree.

Causing so much damage.

They should be happy Erdogan did not crush them with tanks.

In Australia when people riot the Cops easily break their heads with batons.

Yeah I guess you're right about Erdoğan being pragmatic.. but I'd say he is pragmatic in worst ways. He is too reserved in areas where he needs to be tough and too crazy and unrealistic when it comes to a lot of his demands..

Gezi park is a whole other thing.. if the nationalistic core remained then it would have been successful.

But because of the leftists that Kavala supported it failed.

Trust me liberal leftists are the reason why AKP is still in power. They tried to kill Kemalism with that crap.

Gezi Park did not have much of a nationalist core. It got overtaken by liberals and leftists.

Nationalism among the youth is dying due to capitalism, materialism and technology.

Nationalism is seen as a relic in the past. It is strong in Turkey but I cant say it will continue in the future.
It demonstrated why a regional power should have never pissed EVERY SINGLE superpower off.
Gezi park idiots mostly comprised of liberals, leftists and progressives who went batshit over a tree.

Causing so much damage.

They should be happy Erdogan did not crush them with tanks.

In Australia when people riot the Cops easily break their heads with batons.

Gezi Park did not have much of a nationalist core. It got overtaken by liberals and leftists.

Nationalism among the youth is dying due to capitalism, materialism and technology.

Nationalism is seen as a relic in the past. It is strong in Turkey but I cant say it will continue in the future.

It started with just youth taking a stand..

Then as soon as Soros backed groups joined the whole thing turned to crap and it made Erdoğan more powerful.

Trust me they're all in it together. You think those who backed the leftists didn't know that it would make AKP stronger?
It demonstrated why a regional power should have never pissed EVERY SINGLE superpower off.

Not really they pissed Turkey off and push them aside while Turkey played its game on them.

Turkey may have fcked up badly i commend them for not sitting by and being bitchslapped.

Russians and Americans like it when you are weak, getting bullied or a easy pushover. Good to see Turkey not playing the rules set by the so called superpowers.

They are not gods.
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