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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Russians and other slavic trash only the know the language of force.

If erdogan cant do anything about this its better that he leaves along with all the higher ups including akar.

If you cant lead the nation through its worst crisis perhaps its best to give up the leadership.
Russians and other slavic trash only the know the language of force.

If erdogan cant do anything about this its better that he leaves along with all the higher ups including akar.

If you cant lead the nation through its worst crisis perhaps its best to give up the leadership.

It's not even close to our worst crises. This is pretty minor compared to what modern Turkey has had to go through in the last 97 years.

Nothing will come out of the meeting between Akar and Erdoğan. The damage is done.

Even if it did, the message is clear "we need hours of meetings with foreign powers and also defense ministers to even THINK about retaliating against a direct attack".

How are we going to tell Syria to stop the SDF or we'll attack according to the Adana agreement? They'll just say "yea, sure - you'll attack".
Observation points turned in targeting point for Assad's army.
We Turks never ever humiliated like this before since Atatürk's era. Tayyip started to rule our country and the humiliation process has began.
First US army put the sack on our soldiers in Iraq. Then Syrian army shoot down our plane and killed 1 pilot. Now our guys become targeting point for Assad's army.
Five Turkish soldiers killed in attack in northwest Syria: NTV


ANKARA (Reuters) - Syrian government forces killed five Turkish soldiers and wounded five more on Monday in an attack on a Turkish military post in the Taftanaz area of northwest Syria, broadcaster NTV cited the Turkish Defense Ministry as saying.

Ankara has sent major reinforcements to Syria’s Idlib region where the attack occurred, as Ankara tries to stem rapid advances by Syrian government forces. Turkish officials told Reuters Turkish forces were retaliating after the latest strike.

The Syrian government offensive in Idlib, the last major enclave of opposition to President Bashar al-Assad, has driven more than half a million people from their homes toward the closed Turkish border, threatening a new humanitarian crisis.

A rebel source said Syrian government forces had shelled the military base at Taftanaz, and witnesses said Turkish helicopters flew into northwest Syria to evacuate the wounded.

A rebel commander said the insurgents launched a military operation on Monday against the Syrian army near Saraqeb with the help of Turkish artillery, with witnesses also reporting Turkish shelling of Syrian military positions in the region.

Turkey, which already hosts 3.6 million Syrian refugees, says it cannot absorb any more and has demanded Damascus pull back in Idlib by the end of the month or face Turkish action.
If there’s no reaction from TAF then you know that all remaining generals are compromised by politics
Temmuz1919 said “negotiations failed”
Depending on reaction everyone will see how “tough” Turkey is
I have no doubt that pussy/warrior attitude shown now by Turkey will have consequences(positive or negative) in libya med east and other critical issues
This shows the importance of combat experience. No amount of training is a substitute.
This is going to get dirty and nasty.
Let’s see if there will be real combat or this is just fucking clickbait
Main air base and air base command are supposedly in alert mode
In this time of uncertainty, here some SAA soldiers joining the other side...

Syrian rebels are the best ATGM users on this face of the earth today.
No surprise after a decade of using it every single day...but still.
Here another good Curved shot on a moving target while maneuvering across electrical poles...
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