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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

I am really disappointed in TAF i was under impression that they pull the strings behind especially since lot of imprisoned military stuff were released since 2016...but it seems that i was wrong
Everyone knew that our Syria politics would ended up like this. tayyip and his sectarian personality dragged us into this swamp.
I am not surprised at all. This is what I was predicting.
Tayyip is Putin’s bitch. Just like a few of the sultans were bitches to czars of their time. Here we have the modern equivalent.

Tayyip also reminds me of bayezid ii.

Bayezid ii did not give a shit about impending safavid invasions or rebellions.

He was blind and oblivious to what was going on until a Young Prince Selim took him down.

Mark my words this embarassment will never be tolerated its in our culture or mentality dont be surprised if erdogan resigns or his forced out.

Not just him all of the damn highers up including Akar.
In Operation Peace Spring we had 6 casualities, 1/3 of North Syria was cleaned inclusive two major cities.
After OPS was stopped we suffered 10 casualities because of SVBIED and mortar attacks, by doing nothing.

I am really disappointed in TAF i was under impression that they pull the strings behind especially since lot of imprisoned military stuff were released since 2016...but it seems that i was wrong

The problem is that the government is telling them to stop because America or Russia told them to.. we saw the same thing in Operation Peace Spring. Olive Branch on the other hand wasn't halted at all.

This fcking leadership is sticking its foreign policy bullshit into the army's business. As soon as Russia says stop, AKP immediately tells the army to stop.

I hope TSK is never under civilian control again.
Remember guys Erdogan is the new sultan. This man is not even fit to shine a Turkish soldiers boots. He should be happy he does not live in a era where the Turks hanged their commanders or leaders for any kind of defeat or embarassment.

Im wondering how many pro erdogan trolls are lurking here.
" MSB: (İdlib) Hedefler derhal ateş destek vasıtalarımızla ateş altına alınarak tahrip edilmiş ve şehitlerimizin kanı yerde bırakılmamıştır. -AA"
Somebody explain this to me please ?
This shows the lack of critical thinking and any understanding of how military deterrents work.

While we're slowly but surely acquiring better gear and weapons for our army the mentality seems to have shifted to a classic middle east army setup: Spend more money, get better weapons but jump like a scared cat at the first sign of trouble.

TAF was always a formidable force because you would know if push came to shove they would be at your doorstep even if they didn't have the bullets to fill their guns (Cyprus).

Today we're like the arabs, bark loud on twitter but desert operations on first sign of trouble.

Happened on all 3 operations in Syria against a rag-tag militia, and now against a 3rd world army that is exhausted and barely has any modern equipment at their disposal.

This is mind boggling, Erdogan, Ak party and whomever else is calling the shots have misled the military operation and failed miserably at being the slightest bit of decisive and coherent.

I'm so sorry for the soldiers that were massacared in Syrian without even firing a bullet, I'm sorry on behalf of my idiot government for putting them there with NO signs of backing them up and throwing them to the wolves.

You know why you can't touch a lone US soldier in the middle of a foreign country at war? Because you know the US military will **** you up no questions asked.

That used to be Turkey. It is no longer...
Turkey struck over 50 targets and killed 76 Syrian soldiers.

Five Turkish soldiers were killed and five others wounded when Assad regime forces hit a Turkish observation point at eastern Idlib's Taftanaz Airport with heavy artillery, the Defense Ministry said Monday.

According to the ministry's statement, Turkish forces were retaliating after the strike at the airport.

Last week, an Assad regime attack in Idlib killed seven Turkish soldiers and one civilian contractor working with the Turkish military and injured over a dozen people.

In retaliation, Turkey struck over 50 targets and killed 76 Syrian soldiers.

Idlib has been a stronghold of opposition and anti-government armed groups since the outbreak of the Syrian civil war in 2011.

In September 2018, Turkey and Russia agreed to turn Idlib into a de-escalation zone in which acts of aggression are expressly prohibited.

But more than 1,800 civilians there have been killed in attacks by the regime and Russian forces since then, flouting both the 2018 cease-fire and a new one that started on Jan. 12

More than 1.7 million Syrians have moved near the Turkish border due to intense attacks over the past year.

Turkey remains the country with the most refugees in the world, hosting more than 3.7 million Syrians since the start of the Syrian civil war.

Turkey struck over 50 targets and killed 76 Syrian soldiers.

Five Turkish soldiers were killed and five others wounded when Assad regime forces hit a Turkish observation point at eastern Idlib's Taftanaz Airport with heavy artillery, the Defense Ministry said Monday.

According to the ministry's statement, Turkish forces were retaliating after the strike at the airport.

Last week, an Assad regime attack in Idlib killed seven Turkish soldiers and one civilian contractor working with the Turkish military and injured over a dozen people.

In retaliation, Turkey struck over 50 targets and killed 76 Syrian soldiers.

Idlib has been a stronghold of opposition and anti-government armed groups since the outbreak of the Syrian civil war in 2011.

In September 2018, Turkey and Russia agreed to turn Idlib into a de-escalation zone in which acts of aggression are expressly prohibited.

But more than 1,800 civilians there have been killed in attacks by the regime and Russian forces since then, flouting both the 2018 cease-fire and a new one that started on Jan. 12

More than 1.7 million Syrians have moved near the Turkish border due to intense attacks over the past year.

Turkey remains the country with the most refugees in the world, hosting more than 3.7 million Syrians since the start of the Syrian civil war.

I dont believe any of those !
" MSB: (İdlib) Hedefler derhal ateş destek vasıtalarımızla ateş altına alınarak tahrip edilmiş ve şehitlerimizin kanı yerde bırakılmamıştır. -AA"
Somebody explain this to me please ?

They have the audacity to tell the public that "the targets were immediately put under fire with our equipment and were "damaged"".

Motherfucking spineless assholes.
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