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Turkish operation started against Assad's forces

Here is proof you are wrong. But lets not discuss this anymore, I thought you were open minded and interested in learning.

View attachment 605418

From the book

İslam Tarihi ve Medeniyeti - 11: Anadolu Beylikleri

by :

Prof. Dr. Ayşe Kayapınar,
Prof. Dr. Feridun M. Emecen,
Prof. Dr. İlyas Gökhan,
Prof. Dr. Kemal Göde,
Prof. Dr. Levent Kayapınar,
Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ersan,
Prof. Dr. Mehmet Şeker,
Prof. Dr. Salim Koca,
Prof. Dr. Tuncer Baykara,
Prof. Dr. Yusuf Ayönü,
Prof. Dr. Zerrin Günal,
Doç. Dr. Muharrem Kesik,
Doç. Dr. Yahya Başkan,
Dr. Öğr. üyesi Fatma Akkuş Yiğit,
Dr. Öğr. üyesi Mustafa Akkuş,
Dr. Öğr. üyesi Sait Kofoğlu,
Arş. Gör. Hüseyin Çalış,
Öğr. Gör. Tunay Karakök,
Uzm. Betül Teoman, Gültekin Teoman
Bro, this is not about being open-minded and learning. I have listened countless lectures by Talha Uğurluel and İlber Ortaylı, i know my stuff.

I wonder if these are PorSav Linked with close by radar

or Thermal Sight equipped MANPADS
Don’t lie you scumbag India and Balkan were already rich and civilized and there was nothing golden about it except the massacres and genocide of 80 million Hindu and the kidnapping and enslaving the Christians in the Balkan and Eastern Europe. The Balkan and Indians still hate Islam long before Wahhabism because of your savagery:lol:

keep crying loser

there are tens of millions of muslims in the Balkans because of the TURKS
there are 200-250 millions of muslims in India because of the TURKS

and never forget that , so-called enslaved Christians were muslim and were VEZIR ( 2nd strongest person after SULTAN ) in the Ottoman Empire

the Ottoman Empire protected all Arabs for centuries ...... but after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire , Christian the US,The UK,France,,Russia and Israel killed millions of Arabs in Algeria , Libya , Palestine , Syria , Iraq , etc

keep enjoying with your christian MASTERS
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Stunning interpretation. Whatever you praise Syrian baathists for can be said of Turkey. Whatever crimes you have accused Turkey of can easily be said of Syria and Iran.

If I point the finger at Turkey and expose it's duplicity, that makes me a Syrian Baathist supporter? Now that is what I call a stunning interpretation. There is not a single post of mine on this forum or anywhere online where I have praised Assad or the Baathist Party.

Turkey had an incredible opportunity to have checkmated Assad, Zionist-America and the Wahhabi elites of Saudi, Qatar, Emirates, Kuwait and Bahrain. They could have done that by working with the Russians to pulverize the Wahhabi-Zionist backed terrorists, to help reconstitute Syrian territory whole again. Once the objectives were met, Russia and Turkey together would have forced Assad to step down and have free and fair elections which would be inclusive of all Syrians. Turkey would have earned the respect of not only Syria, but also Russia, Iran and the rest of the Muslim world. Instead Turkey is digging itself a deeper hole by protecting the Wahhabi-Salafi terrorists, AQ & HTS.

A "Balkanized Syria" is exactly what Israel, America, Britain and France want. It will embolden Israel to completely exterminate the Palestinians, take over Jerusalem, demolish the Masjid Al-Aqsa and Qubrat-ul-Sakhra to build the Temple Mount. When that happens, none of the Muslim countries in the Middle East would be able to militarily stop Israel. Saudi regime is a traitor to Islam, won't even lift a finger to stop Israel. Qataris and Emiratis are too vain to do anything meaningful. In fact, Israeli hitmen brazenly assassinated Palestinians who were in Emirates a few years ago, and Emirates did nothing to stop Israeli assassins.

So Turkey is actually helping Israel by what it is currently doing in Syria, to Syria.

Turkey has always been threatened by PKK activities and rightly strikes at them. Be aware regarding Israel that although Turkey had cordial relations with Israel for a time, it was their clandestine support of PKK that broke the back of this relationship. Naturally, Turkey retaliated politically. This is well known to be the true history of this region. Turkey and Israel could and should have resolved that issue but it seems to have spiralled out of control now. Regardless of that, Assad and his Iranian buddies are behaving like maniacs making enemies of everyone, taking the Kurds along for a ride in the meantime. Good luck to them in such a ridiculous endeavour.

Turkey has remained reasonably pragmatic. The mistake erdogan has made is stretching his forces throughout the Mediterranean without repairing relationships where possible with some nations.

No party is completely innocent in this great game. However there is no doubt that the Iranians have destabilised the whole middle east by playing "let's bring on the dajjal ourselves" and leading its people on this merry path of faked Armageddon. Turkey is not involved in this "religious" narrative beyond what it regards as a reasonable counterweight to Israeli religious extremist plans in Jerusalem, which as stated is partly a direct response to Israeli support of PKK. Iran's mullahs have taken religious fanaticism to a whole new level, with every one of their proxies in the region indulging in Armageddon based rhetoric. This is in contrast to Turkey's mainly nationalistic interests.

"Our minerates will be our spears and our domes will be our shields," were Erdogan's words in response to Israel's aggression against Turkish flotilla which was headed to Gaza. If Turkey's are truly nationalistic, then why did the Turkish people elect political party to power whose whole manifesto is about bringing back Islamic Values back into Turkey? If Turkey is so nationalistic and secular, then why did the military coup fail against Erdogan?

Please, spare me the nationalistic this and secular that chants.

As for the Kurdish issue, well you have to thank Israel for that, who whole heartedly supports the PKK/YPG or whatever AK47 bull$hit abbreviation they use nowadays. They're even worse than Turkey when it comes to Israel. If Turkey was so worried about the Kurds, then Turkey would have worked with Iran and Iraq to solve this problem, expeditiously. Instead of making allies, Turkey is angering Iraq, Syria and Iran.

No my dear friend, Turkey has priorities elsewhere. If it were Kurdish problem, Turkey would've long attacked and crushed the kurds in Syria and Iraq long time ago. No, Turkey would rather attack Syrian troops than Kurds (because Zionist-America threatened Turkey).

So in conclusion, you can believe whatever you want, time will reveal the truth about what Turkey's true intentions really are. Bottom line, whichever anyone wants to spin it, Turkey is playing Zionist-America/Britain/France/Israel game of deception. And not all those who oppose israeli strikes, american occupation and turkish occupation of Syria, are Baathist supporters. Some of us Muslims have the sense and intelligence to look at things in the light of seeking the truth.
Some of us Muslims have the sense and intelligence to look at things in the light of seeking the truth.

Keep Imran N. Hussain takfiri BS out of this thread. This idiot made takfir on the whole nations of Turkey and Pakistan, how possibly can you defend him?

It is sad because I knew him personally, he was a student of Dr. Israr Ahmad, my teacher, but then he went rogue and became a Russian Orthodox puppet, and recently Hindu puppet.

Thankfully Turks came to India

Hindu culture was steeped in ignorance, Jahilat and superstitions

It was one of the conduits that allowed millions to become Muslims and dump hinduism

If your enemy hates you then hate them back and get prepared, don't get your panties in a twist

Let's get something clear, Pakistani were first in line on Muslim issues

Our people cared more about Muslims across the world then our own people even

We believe in Ummah and brotherhood

However did we get a reciprocal response?? Even today on issues such as Kashmir??
The answer is no!
We simply became tired and understood we need to look after our interests first because no one else will

As soon as the rest of the Muslim world is ready to act on Muslim brotherhood, we are ready

Ameen, yet Turkey has always stood by us no matter what. They are the only Muslim nations which have backbone and principles. All others like KSA, UAE, Iran,etc. will backstab you in a second for momentary gain.
patriotic Iranian Azeris will be the first ones to slaughter any poor Turkish soldier/soul who was sent to his death to Iran...

last time Turkish troops stepped foot on Iranian azeri "Turkish" territory... the poor Turkish soldiers were running to Iranian soldiers to save them from their fellow '"turks" mass slaughtering them.


a more realistic scenario would be turkey losing its Kurdish eastern half if it miscalculates.... though I don't think Turkish leaders/military planners are as dumb as some on this forum

Remember CALDIRAN also how the Turks ravaged the crap out of Persia while Shah Tamasap was hiding and running away like a bitch.
I changed the title to be a little more, tactful. I hope no one minds that. Thanks!
Keep Imran N. Hussain takfiri BS out of this thread. This idiot made takfir on the whole nations of Turkey and Pakistan, how possibly can you defend him?

It is sad because I knew him personally, he was a student of Dr. Israr Ahmad, my teacher, but then he went rogue and became a Russian Orthodox puppet, and recently Hindu puppet.

Ameen, yet Turkey has always stood by us no matter what. They are the only Muslim nations which have backbone and principles. All others like KSA, UAE, Iran,etc. will backstab you in a second for momentary gain.

What did Hussaini say? I don’t listen to him cause he’s way out their at times with conspiracy theories.
What did Hussaini say? I don’t listen to him cause he’s way out their at times with conspiracy theories.

He said the Orthodox defenders of Constantinople were the true Mujahideen and believers and the Turks were Kuffar and traitors. He said the same about the Muslim empires like Mughals which conquered India.

Hence he declares both Turkey and Pakistan illegitimate states. He relishes the day when True believers, he means Russians and Orthodox, will take back Constantinople.

He said the only way to appease Orthodox/Hindus and right wrongs of the past was to give land back to them and apologize. He got a standing ovation in Belgrade, Serbia for this statement. I am sure in Russia too.

He said Modi would stop his crimes against Muslims if Pakistanis simply apologised to him, because Hindus are basically rightfully angry at us.

He is a total agent now.
He said the Orthodox defenders of Constantinople were the true Mujahideen and believers and the Turks were Kuffar and traitors. He said the same about the Muslim empires like Mughals which conquered India.

Hence he declares both Turkey and Pakistan illegitimate states. He relishes the day when True believers, he means Russians and Orthodox, will take back Constantinople.

He said the only way to appease Orthodox/Hindus and right wrongs of the past was to give land back to them and apologize. He got a standing ovation in Belgrade, Serbia for this statement. I am sure in Russia too.

He said Modi would stop his crimes against Muslims if Pakistanis simply apologised to him, because Hindus are basically rightfully angry at us.

He is a total agent now.

That’s messed up I will look up those speeches seems he’s become a black sheep of the Muslim World and another apologist.
He said the Orthodox defenders of Constantinople were the true Mujahideen and believers and the Turks were Kuffar and traitors. He said the same about the Muslim empires like Mughals which conquered India.

Hence he declares both Turkey and Pakistan illegitimate states. He relishes the day when True believers, he means Russians and Orthodox, will take back Constantinople.

He said the only way to appease Orthodox/Hindus and right wrongs of the past was to give land back to them and apologize. He got a standing ovation in Belgrade, Serbia for this statement. I am sure in Russia too.

He said Modi would stop his crimes against Muslims if Pakistanis simply apologised to him, because Hindus are basically rightfully angry at us.

He is a total agent now.

Who said this??
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