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Turkish operation started against Assad's forces

or 83 million Turkiye + 10 million Azerbaijan + 35/40 million Turks in Iran will take half of Iran

the US,Israel and S.Arabia wants to do it

patriotic Iranian Azeris will be the first ones to slaughter any poor Turkish soldier/soul who was sent to his death to Iran...

last time Turkish troops stepped foot on Iranian azeri "Turkish" territory... the poor Turkish soldiers were running to Iranian soldiers to save them from their fellow '"turks" mass slaughtering them.


a more realistic scenario would be turkey losing its Kurdish eastern half if it miscalculates.... though I don't think Turkish leaders/military planners are as dumb as some on this forum
the turks on this forum seem to be incapable of any rationale thought. They have cooked up this absurd, laughable outright cringy storey of the heroic Turkish army saving Syrians from assad out of the goodness of their hearts...

at first I thought the turks were just playing dumb.... now im beginning to fear that's what they actually believe...

Turkey allied themselves with Persian gulf arab monarchies, the Zionist entity, Jordan,the USA, and some has been euro imperialists to try and topple a neighbouring countries government.

using any scum, isis included in the process... after this project was defeated, they have gone for plan B. balatant hatay style land grab from Syria.... Every Turkish occupied territory seems to make heavy use of Turkish flags and propaganda... does turkey really think its free real estate they can take?? make up some BS referendum?

not going to happen.... accept defeat or death and humiliation. a 3rd option doesn't exist...

Not quite, mind you, the Syrian people wanted to topple the Assad regime, not outside forces. Over 10 million syrians have left the country or are in in Idlib, the remaining 10 million that is back under Assad, well 70% of them secretly despise Assad.

Maybe the question is why is Iran sending it's young men to fight and die in Syria? why spend billions to support the regime when you're under sanctions and your own people are protesting because of poor living conditions? obviously you're supporting the Allawite 10% minority (i.e. 3 million Syrian who majority fill important seats in Syria) while ignoring 75% Sunni majority and their wants.

The war is not over yet, and so far from the looks of it, Syria will never be the same, Assad has lost a lot of power, and 50% of the population.

If you expected TR to remain quite in this war when millions of people were flooding their border, and a resurgent YPG who was working with the PKK, then your bias is strong.

The Tr army is in Syria, and that is the end of it. Iran certainly cannot do anything about that, nor can Russia. I am not being pro-Tr here, however I am being a realist. A prewar Syria is an illusion and it will never become a reality again. At best, Syria will have a federal, de-centralized government if it wishes to keep it's current borders.
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a more realistic scenario would be turkey losing its Kurdish eastern half if it miscalculates.... though I don't think Turkish leaders/military planners are as dumb as some on this forum

Thanks Allah that Turks do not reflect the average intelligence of a person like you who is pretending to say something big but just spreading nonsense hot-air in reality. After I read your delusional posts, I realised that There is only one person that should be called as "dump" in this topic. Instead of trying to give lecture about the logic of Turkish members, Ask yourself Why you are defending a terrorist who is trying to destroy majority of own population to sit on his bloody seat. That is what we call as trying to smother the lion with a hyena cause of your sectarianist mindset. That's why you are just helping an incompetent coward to covert a country into a safe place for the people like you while forcing others either to be killed or fleed and You want Turkiye to undertake heavy load of refugees just to make a butcher to proceed ruling the country with bloody dictatorship in all costs. As if all these are not enough, You continuously object to establish a safe place for Syrian people who dislike Asadists. Even in this condition, You are accusing members who objects systematic massacres of Asadists against %75-80 of own population and judging the states like Turkiye that is proceeding own way to crush the head of terrorist Asad. Imagine How dump you are ! The most interesting part of this story is that; you have already believed that A butcher like Assad can proceed his tyrany when the peace process commenced? That is the best days He lives while dropping barrel bombs and chemical weapons on civilians. When the conflicts end, We will see How international community will react to his crimes. Russia vetoed proposal to investigate the use of chemical weapons Although UN officials documented the use of chemical weapons by Asad forces but We will see whether Russia will save his butt or not when correct time came!
patriotic Iranian Azeris will be the first ones to slaughter any poor Turkish soldier/soul who was sent to his death to Iran...

last time Turkish troops stepped foot on Iranian azeri "Turkish" territory... the poor Turkish soldiers were running to Iranian soldiers to save them from their fellow '"turks" mass slaughtering them.


a more realistic scenario would be turkey losing its Kurdish eastern half if it miscalculates.... though I don't think Turkish leaders/military planners are as dumb as some on this forum

Nice story and drawing.

Reality is, and you know it, Azeris of Iran are much more pro-Turkish/pro-Azerbaijan than before. Shiaism is not enough to hold them together. Some of it may have to do with racism in Iran against Turks, other is the alliance you have with Armenians.

Iran should be careful about taking any actions against Turkey, lest you find Afghanistan and Pakistan armies in your back.

We won't sit around if Turkish homeland is attacked, be assured.

Lol, correct diagnosis.

Like I said, don't worry your pretty little about what I say. You're one of the hundreds of thousands of comatose people that are living in a fools paradise.

This is what listening to every diatribe which comes out of Imran N Hosein of Trinidad does to the human mind.

You start believing his theories that Othodox defenders of Constantinople were shahada and Turks were Kaffir army, lol, ignoring anyone who quotes any hadith contrary to it as 'schoolchildren.'

This is the same man who declared Pakistan would vanish around 2008-9. The same one who declared takfir on every Turk and Pakistani, and said the only solution for peace is to surrender our lands to Orthodox and Hindus respectively.

Somehow someone like Putin or Moodi would forgive our sins of Muslim conquest.

You literally can't make this up.
Nice story and drawing.

Reality is, and you know it, Azeris of Iran are much more pro-Turkish/pro-Azerbaijan than before. Shiaism is not enough to hold them together. Some of it may have to do with racism in Iran against Turks, other is the alliance you have with Armenians.

Iran should be careful about taking any actions against Turkey, lest you find Afghanistan and Pakistan armies in your back.

We won't sit around if Turkish homeland is attacked, be assured.
Stop this BS. I am Iranian Azeri.

1. Saying Iranian Turks are loyal to Azerbaijan or Turkey just because we are Turks, is like saying Pakistanis are loyal to India.
2. The country of Azerbaijan has 0 to do with us now. Its its own country. Thereby the beef Azerbaijan has with Armenia means squat to us.
3. Armenians are historically part of our national identity. Why should Azeris of Iran feel negative towards Irans good relationship with Armenians who are a big part of Iranian history?
4. Racism in Iran against Turks are real, but its not as big as you think. Here in this forum I have seen at least 2 that are extremely racist against Iranian Turks. But they can go suck some dicks. Just because there are racist trolls doesn't mean we are going to "switch countries".
5. Go read some history
US: "We have mutual interests with Turkiye in Libya. Turkish Army redress a balance to end the conflicts and US will negotiate with legitimate side of Libya."

Idlib war preperation of Turkish Army provided new opportunities to recover the broken relations between US and Turkey. US have removed all sanctions to Turkiye yesterday.
Nice story and drawing.

Reality is, and you know it, Azeris of Iran are much more pro-Turkish/pro-Azerbaijan than before. Shiaism is not enough to hold them together. Some of it may have to do with racism in Iran against Turks, other is the alliance you have with Armenians.

I bet you never even met a single Iranian Azari in your entire life and you're trying talk about who they support. Azaris like any other ethnic group in Iran would die for the country without a moment's hesitation. Iran's supreme himself is an Azari.

Iran should be careful about taking any actions against Turkey, lest you find Afghanistan and Pakistan armies in your back.

These rather cringe worthy sycophantic statements do not mirror any official stance from those two nations.

These are not even Iranian Azaris. Try again. They're bunch of football fans from Azarbaijan (the country).

These are real Iranian Azaris (at Soleimani's funeral)


My advise to you is this, go ask your historians what Iranians Azaris (Safavids) did to your Ottomon Turks in the past ;)
These are not even Iranian Azaris. Try again. They're bunch of football fans from Azarbaijan (the country).

These are real Iranian Azaris (at Soleimani's funeral)


My advise to you is this, go ask your historians what Iranians Azaris (Safavids) did to your Ottomon Turks in the past.

I bet you never even met a single Iranian Azari in your entire life

I didn't know Tebriz was part of Azerbaijan ! In this digital world, You can not hide apprent truths ! No need such reactions.

You are so stupid. And you are a mod... When Iranian Azeris shout Azerbaijan they are talking about Tabriz and Urmia, not Baku. Azerbaijan are two provinces of Iran. Stop being so stupid and educate yourself. Tractor FC is a football club, just like any other football club that is big in a football nation, there are football rivalries. In England when North London based Arsenal plays any other team, they scream North London! It doesn't mean they want to annex North London. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
I didn't know Tebriz was part of Azerbaijan ! In this digital world, You can not hide apprent truths !

You need to pay closer attention to comments before replying. I meant those people are from Azerbaijan. They were football fans that traveled to Iran.

Furthermore, even if this video was true, what exactly are you trying to say? They're just shouting Azarbaijan etc. We're talking about what Safavids did to your kind in the past and what they will do if there was ever a conflict. How does this video change anything?
You are so stupid. And you are a mod... When Iranian Azeris shour Azerbaijan they are talking about Tabriz and Urmia, not Baku. Azerbaijan are two provinces of Iran. Stop being so stupid and educate yourself. Tractor FC is a football club, just like any other football club that is big in a football nation, there are football rivalries. In England when North London based Arsenal plays any other team, they scream North London! It doesn't mean they want to annex North London. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Watch your mouth kid ! Related member stated that The people who talk in that way, have never seen an Iranian Azeri and I have just shared the video of Iranian Azeris shouting for Azerbaijan while wearing t-shirt of Turkiye/Azerbaijan, waving the flag of Turkiye/Azerbaijan and requesting the education for Turkish..etc. It seems the video hurts your feeling too much but As an advie, When something that your dislike is shared, Do not use inappropriate mouth as if someone insults you. If you can not stand on what the people talk in these pages, Do something different which makes you relax. Go to childreen park and play with your matches. @The Eagle @waz
have never seen an Iranian Azeri and I have just shared the video of Iranian Azeris shouting for Azerbaijan while wearing t-shirt of Turkiye/Azerbaijan, waving the flag of Turkiye/Azerbaijan and requesting the education for Turkish..etc. It seems the video hurts your feeling too much but As an advie, When something that your dislike is shared, [/USER]

The member you are quoting is an Iranian Azari i.e the people you want to claim will fight for Turkey and not Iran. My friend, you are taking a random video off context and trying to use it for your own agenda. Forgetting the fact those people are not even Iranian, even if they were, it does not change anything one bit.

Let me tell you a story. When Saddam attacked Iran, he believed the Iranian Arab tribes would fight with him, but they were the first to pick up guns and fight him. You don't know much about Iranians and their love for their homeland.
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