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Turkish operation started against Assad's forces

Nice story and drawing.

Reality is, and you know it, Azeris of Iran are much more pro-Turkish/pro-Azerbaijan than before. Shiaism is not enough to hold them together. Some of it may have to do with racism in Iran against Turks, other is the alliance you have with Armenians.

Iran should be careful about taking any actions against Turkey, lest you find Afghanistan and Pakistan armies in your back.

We won't sit around if Turkish homeland is attacked, be assured.

Lol, correct diagnosis.

This is what listening to every diatribe which comes out of Imran N Hosein of Trinidad does to the human mind.

You start believing his theories that Othodox defenders of Constantinople were shahada and Turks were Kaffir army, lol, ignoring anyone who quotes any hadith contrary to it as 'schoolchildren.'

This is the same man who declared Pakistan would vanish around 2008-9. The same one who declared takfir on every Turk and Pakistani, and said the only solution for peace is to surrender our lands to Orthodox and Hindus respectively.

Somehow someone like Putin or Moodi would forgive our sins of Muslim conquest.

You literally can't make this up.
And who are you?!
You and Afghanistan are the biggest failures you can’t handle the taliban let alone invading Iran also Afghanistan is closer to Iran than to turkey and you are very delusional if you think that your poor starving corrupt country will go to war with Iran:lol:
1) No evidence those are Azaris from Iran. I said they're football fans from country of Azerbaijan.
I don't understand this assertion one bit. They're Tractor fans right? So they're going to be Iranians. Why would Azerbaijanis have any interest in going to Iran to support an Iranian domestic team?

Very interesting club this Tractor. Here's what I found about them:

"In home games, Tractor fans often shout racial insults and calls to violence against the other ethnic groups in Iran, in particular Persiansand Kurds.[7] Some supporters also carry the Azerbaijani flag inside the stadium.[8] In a match on November 1st 2019, in response to Turkey's recent military operation against the Syrian Kurds, the ethnicAzerbaijani Tractor fans chanted "Death to Kurds!" throughout the match and carried banners stating "Either Czechoslovakia or Yugoslavia!", in reference to the Yugoslav Wars.[9]"

So they apparently do have a slight ethnonationalist leaning and do freely chant in favour of Turkey. Plenty of pictures of these fans show them wearing versions of red Turkish flags.

Yes it's only a football team but supporters of football teams can represent a microcosm of real world political rivalries and those rivalries can be extremely violent. Just ask Celtic or Rangers fans in Scotland.

Apparently, this happened in 2015:

"Within minutes, the atmosphere in Tehran’s Sahand Sport stadium, where dozens of thousands of Iranian Azeri supporters were gathered, quickly shifted from joy to anger. During and following the match, according to eyewitnesses, Tractor Sazi fans in Tehran, Tabriz and elsewhere shouted “Down with Persian racism,” “Long Live Azerbaijan,” “How happy to be a Turk,” “Tabriz, Baku, Ankara. Persia is so far away to us,” “South Azerbaijan is not Iran,” “Everybody has the right to learn his own language,” and other nationalist and emancipatory slogans. Tractor fans clashed with security forced in the Tehran stadium and on the streets of various cities in East Azerbaijan. The governor of the East Azerbaijan province sought to ease the tension by appealing to the population to remain calm, while publicly challenging the legitimacy of the outcome."

Were these fans chanting these slogans from Azerbaijan or Iran??


Tractor FC seem to have similarities to Barcelona and their links with the Catalan separatist ideology in Spain.
If you correctly determine the problem, observe the incidents to collect datas and form your hypothesis based on some solid evidences, This hypothesis will prove itself with experiments. That's the nature of science. You know Many community engineers are waiting in line to make an experiment in Iran. They have tried with different hypothesis and will try more ! Iranian streets are on the edge of knife in last years. Any step your regime takes meets a public protests. People raises many concern for your current policies. Financial performance of your currency is choking the public. A simple raise on any good meet a strong response from street. These are not good signals you are reflecting.

Those protests are normal in any society. Didn't Turkey itself almost have a coupe? You should know this by now.
1. Saying Iranian Turks are loyal to Azerbaijan or Turkey just because we are Turks, is like saying Pakistanis are loyal to India.

You have been on PDF for 2 years but still dont know the difference between Pakistan and India?

Really pitiful, go visit the Pakistan section and learn a thing or two before spouting lies.

This explains why your leadership has no qualms with allying with rapists and murderers of Muslims in India like Moodi.

You know as well as I do that not all Azeris think this way. Same how most Baloch in Iran also dont think this way either.

Why talk about splitting Turkey when Iran is much more unstable.

I bet you never even met a single Iranian Azari in your entire life and you're trying talk about who they support. Azaris like any other ethnic group in Iran would die for the country without a moment's hesitation. Iran's supreme himself is an Azari.

Many of my best friends have been Azeris who are from Iran, they identify more with Turks than Iranians, even if they are Farsi speakers.

Don't assume you know about other peoples' experiences.

How? I don't understand this analogy. Turks are Turks. Azeris are Azeris.

Pakistanis are not Indians.

There are plenty of threads explaining the genetics behind it. So take your b.s. narrative somewhere else.

Azeris are ethnic Turks, similar to Uyghurs, Uzbeks, Turkmen, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Circassians, and Tatars.
Many of my best friends have been Azeris who are from Iran, they identify more with Turks than Iranians, even if they are Farsi speakers.

Oh please, I am not so gullible to believe that. Even if true, your "friends" represent a completely different picture than Azaris in Iran. Find me a single Iranian Azari here the mirrors what you just said.

Azeris are ethnic Turks, .

Azaris are genetically Iranic. They have very little in common with Turks in reality, minus some dialect.

Why talk about splitting Turkey when Iran is much more unstable.

Really? And this is based on what?
Oh please, I am not so gullible to believe that. Even if true, your "friends" represent a completely different picture than Azaris in Iran.

I am not under any obligation to explain my own personal experiences to you.

Believe what you want, after all Qom is doing hidden Mahdi's work, no one can critique you.

You think you can promote Persian nationalism around your region and Shia extremist without any blowback in your country.

You are all talking about Kurds in Turkey, but Iran has Azeris and Baloch who don't fit in with its concept of racial nationalism and Shia sectarianism.

We know exactly what you have been doing in Afghanistan since the fall of Soviets, it isn't any mystery. Don't forget the Pukhtoons next door either, who have conquered Iran in the past.

Taliban is already sending shivers in Tehran and leading to many sleepless nights for your kind.

Your time is almost finished. US has used you enough against Arabs, and used Arabs against you, now keeping you alive any longer is not going to be in Israel's interest.

Turkey is in a dire situation too, but they have been doing what all regimes of ME failed, which is to try to help the people of Syria, refugees, and stop madman Assad from slaughtering his people.

Pakistan is watching very keenly what Iranian backstabber regime is doing in Afghanistan, Chabahar, and now Oman. Just this week we took out all top tier leadership of TTP and JuA. We strike only when it is necessary.

Don't confuse Pakistan inaction with weakness, Pakistan army can strike any enemies at any time at our choosing.

We are giving Iran a chance to show us it could change.
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I am not under any obligation to explain my own personal experiences to you.

I never said you were. Just saying your claims are dubious at best and downright made up at worse.

Believe what you want, after all Qom is doing hidden Mahdi's work, no one can critique you.

How does this have anything to do with the discussion?

You think you can promote Persian nationalism around your region and Shia extremist without any blowback in your country

Strawman argument.

You are all talking about Kurds in Turkey, but Iran has Azeris and Baloch who don't fit in with its concept of racial nationalism and Shia sectarianism.

All these groups you mentioned are part of the Iranic tribe genetically. Do some research, it may do you some good in terms of background knowledge.

We know exactly what you have been doing in Afghanistan since the fall of Soviets, it isn't any mystery. Don't forget the Pukhtoons next door either, who have conquered Iran in the past.

Once again, this has nothing to do with the discussion.

Turkey is in a dire situation too, but they have been doing what all regimes of ME failed, which is to try to help the people of Syria, refugees, and stop madman Assad from slaughtering his people.

Fortunately I am not so gullible to believe this claim either.
All these groups you mentioned are part of the Iranic tribe genetically. Do some research, it may do you some good in terms of background knowledge.

I know it, also Afghanistan and Pakistan/Kashmir are Iranic nomadic origin too, also Kurds, but it doesn't matter to Iranian backstabbers.

You rather support Hindu fascists, Serbian killers, Armenian genocide storymakers, Greek neo-nazis, Russians and former communists.

Then you call yourself an Islamic state, lol. If Mongols or Crusaders were here, you would bow down to them too just like your ancestors, even against your own Muslim brothers Seljuks and Ottomans.
I know it, also Afghanistan and Pakistan/Kashmir are Iranic nomadic origin too, also Kurds, but it doesn't matter to Iranian backstabbers.

You rather support Hindu fascists, Serbian killers, Armenian genocide storymakers, Greek neo-nazis, Russians and former communists.

Then you call yourself an Islamic state, lol. If Mongols or Crusaders were here, you would bow down to them too just like your ancestors, even against your own Muslim brothers Seljuks and Ottomans.

Clearly you appear to be confused regarding what our discussion was about. You're jumping from one topic to another. What does most of what you just said got to do with the topic at hand?
Clearly you appear to be confused regarding what our discussion was about. You're jumping from one topic to another. What does most of what you just said got to do with the topic at hand?

Who made you the moderator of this thread?

I answered a specific statement of a specific poster.

it's like are u a muslim or pakistani (related to india or middle east)??

Seems you Iranians dont really know what Pakistanis are, you are confused when you talk about us. Try visiting Pakistan history section, you will learn some things.
I do not need to be a moderator to let you know that your comments have little to do with the topic I was discussing.

I gave a statement to show reality that Iranian political reality is just as perilous as any other in the Middle East. When you throw stones, make sure your own home is not made of glass.

Yes, I know the purpose which you and Iranian members are posting to troll Turks and insult sentiments of Turks.

You forgot that Pakistan (and Afghanistan) also are the result of Turkish empires which ruled our region like Dilli Sultanat, Ghaznavi, Ghori, Mughals/Gurkhani, and Durrani empires.

You will find Turks and descendants of Turks in every area of the Islamic world, I wouldn't be surprised if many Iranian members here who further anti-Turk bigotry also have Turkish DNA.
I gave a statement to show reality that Iranian political reality is just as perilous as any other in the Middle East. When you throw stones, make sure your own home is not made of glass.

Yes, I know the purpose which you and Iranian members are posting to troll Turks and insult sentiments of Turks.

You forgot that Pakistan (and Afghanistan) also are the result of Turkish empires which ruled our region like Dilli Sultanat, Ghaznavi, Ghori, Mughals/Gurkhani, and Durrani empires.

You will find Turks and descendants of Turks in every area of the Islamic world, I wouldn't be surprised if many Iranian members here who further anti-Turk bigotry also have Turkish DNA.

If you're going to quote me, stick to the discussion at hand, otherwise you're just essentially having a discussion with yourself. I have little interest in what you want to discuss at the moment. If you want to start a new topic, go ahead and open a thread otherwise focus on the main discussion.
I gave a statement to show reality that Iranian political reality is just as perilous as any other in the Middle East. When you throw stones, make sure your own home is not made of glass.

Yes, I know the purpose which you and Iranian members are posting to troll Turks and insult sentiments of Turks.

You forgot that Pakistan (and Afghanistan) also are the result of Turkish empires which ruled our region like Dilli Sultanat, Ghaznavi, Ghori, Mughals/Gurkhani, and Durrani empires.

You will find Turks and descendants of Turks in every area of the Islamic world, I wouldn't be surprised if many Iranian members here who further anti-Turk bigotry also have Turkish DNA.
Your türk worship is pathetic I doubt that you are even a Pakistani if you go to the Turks they would spit on you they even consider the pagan mongols who destroyed the Abbasid empire as heroes and they think the pagan Siberians are their brother while they hate the Muslims but you Islamist monkeys will never understand because you live in delusions.

You have been on PDF for 2 years but still dont know the difference between Pakistan and India?

Really pitiful, go visit the Pakistan section and learn a thing or two before spouting lies.

This explains why your leadership has no qualms with allying with rapists and murderers of Muslims in India like Moodi.

You know as well as I do that not all Azeris think this way. Same how most Baloch in Iran also dont think this way either.

Why talk about splitting Turkey when Iran is much more unstable.

Many of my best friends have been Azeris who are from Iran, they identify more with Turks than Iranians, even if they are Farsi speakers.

Don't assume you know about other peoples' experiences.

Azeris are ethnic Turks, similar to Uyghurs, Uzbeks, Turkmen, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Circassians, and Tatars.
Any outsider can’t see a difference even when you try to distinguish your self people will always see your country as Indian or even Arab:lol:

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