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Turkish operation started against Assad's forces

Watch your mouth kid ! Related member stated that The people who talk in that way, have never seen an Iranian Azeri and I have just shared the video of Iranian Azeris shouting for Azerbaijan while wearing t-shirt of Turkiye/Azerbaijan, waving the flag of Turkiye/Azerbaijan and requesting the education for Turkish..etc. It seems the video hurts your feeling too much but As an advie, When something that your dislike is shared, Do not use inappropriate mouth as if someone insults you. If you can not stand on what the people talk in these pages, Do something different which makes you relax. Go to childreen park and play with your matches. @The Eagle @waz
You are stupid and even an idiot can see what your agenda is. If giving negative ratings to people who can see through your BS agenda is what gives you satisfaction in life. I feel sorry for you.
You are stupid and even an idiot can see what your agenda is. If giving negative ratings to people who can see through your BS agenda is what gives you satisfaction in life. I feel sorry for you.

Dadash, please don't give them excuses to get you banned. They are not worth it. You are doing a good job exposing their lies and propaganda. Loftan posteto edit kon baradar.
The member you are quoting is an Iranian Azari i.e the people you want to claim will fight for Turkey and not Iran. My friend, you are taking a random video off context and trying to use it for your own agenda. Forgetting the fact those people are not even Iranian, even if they were, it does not change anything one bit.

Let me tell you a story. When Saddam attacked Iran, he believed the Iranian Arab tribes would fight with him, but they were the first to pick up guns and fight him. You don't know much about Iranians and their love for their homeland.

I have some friends from Iran and know what I am talking about. You have just asked to a member and I just shared a video introducing the Iranian Azeris. If the video hurt your feeling, It is not around my care. If you ask me, These are normal things up to a limit. We are talking about a different ethnicity inside a big country and Their wishes/requests/love may have some difference. This doesn't make them traitor or less patriot but It is for sure that That will always remain the weak part of Iran since the foreign powers will try to itch this matters to catch you from there. You will also get it.

You are stupid and even an idiot can see what your agenda is. If giving negative ratings to people who can see through your BS agenda is what gives you satisfaction in life. I feel sorry for you.

@TheEagle @waz
Second !
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Dadash, please don't give them excuses to get you banned. They are not worth it. You are doing a good job exposing their lies and propaganda. Loftan posteto edit kon baradar.

I don't care. There are millions of Turks in Iran. And Azeri cities in Iran even share border with Turkey. There is no visa requirement for Iranians to travel to Turkey. Yet not a single Iranian Turk have joined the Turkish army and their ex ISIS gang members in Syria. Yet they claim Iranian Turks are loyal to Turkey. They want separation etc.

They turn a blind eye to the fact that Turkey supported ISIS and the terrorist groups in Syria. They don't even care about that Turkey supplied ISIS with chems. They don't mention that most of the terrorists fighting alongside Turkey now are ex-ISIS members. But if you say anything against them, you become a sectarian.
. Saying Iranian Turks are loyal to Azerbaijan or Turkey just because we are Turks, is like saying Pakistanis are loyal to India.
How? I don't understand this analogy. Turks are Turks. Azeris are Azeris.

Pakistanis are not Indians.

There are plenty of threads explaining the genetics behind it. So take your b.s. narrative somewhere else.
I have some friends from Iran and know what I am talking about.

Read what you just wrote again and this time think carefully and realise why this is not a sound logic.

Furthermore, I hope you understand this simple fact: Iranians know Iran far better than you do. This is makes sense to you, right?

You have just asked to a member and I just shared a video introducing the Iranian Azeris.

1) No evidence those are Azaris from Iran. I said they're football fans from country of Azerbaijan.
2) Even if they were Iranian, it changes nothing. This is the truth:


If the video hurt your feeling, It is not around my care.

A video which you have taken out of context to use for propaganda? Why would it "hurt" my feeling? I am just debunking your propaganda.

We are talking about a different ethnicity inside a big country

Remind me what Azaris are genetically again. Closer to you or other Iranic people?

and Their wishes/requests/love may have some difference. This doesn't make them traitor or less patriot but It is for sure that That will always remain the weak part of Iran since the foreign powers will try to itch this matters to catch you from there in their first attempt. You will also get it.

This has always been the case with Iran. Iran's strength is unity of its people. Those same Azaris you're day dreaming about joining Turkey have fought and killed countless Turks in the past. Do your history books not mention that or is this a case of pretending to be asleep?

I don't care. There are millions of Turks in Iran. And Azeri cities in Iran even share border with Turkey. There is no visa requirement for Iranians to travel to Turkey. Yet not a single Iranian Turk have joined the Turkish army and their ex ISIS gang members in Syria. Yet they claim Iranian Turks are loyal to Turkey. They want separation etc.

They turn a blind eye to the fact that Turkey supported ISIS and the terrorist groups in Syria. They don't even care about that Turkey supplied ISIS with chems. They don't mention that most of the terrorists fighting alongside Turkey now are ex-ISIS members. But if you say anything against them, you become a sectarian.

Your posts are high quality enough. You don't need to do use "fosh" in your comments. I don't want to see you banned. I like your comments bro and we need you here to post. Why get banned over people that are not worth it?

An Iranian member said Iranian Turks have fought and died for Iran. He posted a propaganda video that is made in Turkey, completely out of context to forward his agenda that Iranian Turks are loyal to Turkey and not to Iran. Its not the first time he posts that video btw, he has posted it several times before for the same flamebating purposees. If my comment saying he is stupid deserved a negative rating. Him flame bating and trolling the thread deserves a negative rating even more.
Read what you just wrote again and think and realise why this is not a sound logic.

Furthermore, I hope you understand something simple, Iranians know Iran far better than you do. This is makes sense to you, right?

1) No evidence those are Azaris from Iran. I said they're football fans from country of Azerbaijan.
2) Even if they were Iranian, it changed nothing. This is the truth:


A video which you have taken out of context to use for propaganda? Why would it "hurt" my feeling? I am just debunking your propaganda.

Remind me what Azaris are genetically again. Closer to you or other Iranic people?

This has always been the case with Iran. Iran strength is unity of its people. Those same Azaris you're day dreaming about joining Turkey have fought and killed countless Turks in the past. Do your history books not mention that or are is this a case of pretending to be asleep?

My friend, I will not discuss this matter anymore. You post same images as if the ethnicity of the group collected is apparent from their hair colour, but It is same you who is claiming the people from footbal game is from original Azerbaijan traveled Iran to watch footbal games. Do you really believe on what you are talking ? Your kid compatriot believe otherwise and claim that they are from Iran but Azerbaijan is the name of location they live. You both are also contradicting with yourselves. Besides, Noone wants to annex the Iranian land to Turkey. If you see anybody who claim such a thing, Use this mouth for them. What I am talking is different. When you met a problem in near future, You will understand what I am talking about. Now, Feel free to believe they are not Iranian Azeris. Have you ever asked yourself How those people were allowed to shout in that way while wearing Turkish/Azerbaijan t-shirts, waving Turkish flags...etc
Do you really believe on what you are talking ?

Yes because this video was debunked already!

Have you ever asked yourself How those people were allowed to shout in that way while wearing Turkish/Azerbaijan t-shirts, waving Turkish flags...etc

Why do you mean here? I don't understand your question.

What I am talking is different. When you met a problem in near future, You will understand what I am talking about.

I think you will be very disappointed when this scenario of yours comes to pass. You have much to learn from Iran.

Edit: We are taking this thread off topic. Best to stop here.
Yes because this video was debunked already!

I think you will be very disappointed when this scenario of yours comes to pass. You have much to learn from Iran.

Edit: We are taking this thread off topic. Best to stop here.

Everybody needs to learn from eachother. Time will tell the truths !
Everybody needs to learn from eachother. Time will tell the truths !

Yes but the problem with this argument is the people raising it always ask for more time for their claims to come true. And in the end we'll find ourself dead and it still has not happened.
Yes but the problem with this argument is the people raising it always ask for more time for their claims to come true. And in the end we'll find ourself dead and it still has not happened.

If you correctly determine the problem, observe the incidents to collect datas and form your hypothesis based on some solid evidences, This hypothesis will prove itself with experiments. That's the nature of science. You know Many community engineers are waiting in line to make an experiment in Iran. They have tried with different hypothesis and will try more ! Iranian streets are on the edge of knife in last years. Any step your regime takes meets a public protests. People raises many concern for your current policies. Financial performance of your currency is choking the public. A simple raise on any good meet a strong response from street. These are not good signals you are reflecting.
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