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Turkish operation started against Assad's forces

Like I said, don't worry your pretty little about what I say. You're one of the hundreds of thousands of comatose people that are living in a fools paradise.

I dont resort to childish conspiracy theories

Look like Turks will be another victims of our revolution ....

They don't want to stay behind Iran in region and this desire is leading them too their doom .... The difference is that IRI has total different strategy compare too them ...

Threatening another nation with your terrorist revolution aka proxy wars.

Turkey will kick your *** Persian remember who your masters are.
Look like Turks will be another victims of our revolution ....

or 83 million Turkiye + 10 million Azerbaijan + 35/40 million Turks in Iran will take half of Iran

the US,Israel and S.Arabia wants to do it

They don't want to stay behind Iran in region

You says , Turkiye should allow radical sectarian Assad Regime and Iran backed terrorist groups to kill another 800.000 civilians in Syria and to force another 4 million Syrians to move from their lands to Turkiye .. also Turkish Army to leave Syria

and to create shia crescent in Iraq,Syria,Lebanon,Yemen

its not even dream
Erdogan proclaimed that Turkey stands with Palestine and displayed that drama of an act of cutting ties with Israel. Palestine is entirely an Islamic Case with Al-Quds at the heart of the Islamic World.

What you're referring to as a failed state was brought about by Zionist-American sponsored terrorism, wholely supported and funded by the Wahhabi elites of Saudi, Qatar, Emirates, Kuwait and Bahrain. This is exactly the same method applied by Zionist-America and it's partners (Saudi, Qatar, Emirates, Kuwait & Bahrain) in Libya. The only element that prevented the total collapse of Syria, which was not present in Libya (at the time) is the Russian Federation.

Turkey is in "Syrian Territory" and is protecting terrorists in Syrian Idlib. That in itself is clear violation of the International Law and a breech of Syria's sovereignty.

Whether Turkey knows it or plays ignorance, the fact remains that Turkey is strengthening Israel's position in the Middle East. Iraq has been destroyed by wars raging since 1990 Zionist-America war in the Gulf. Libya is destroyed by Zionist-Parasites whose host countries (America, Britain & France) have sponsored terrorists in the country and then conducted military strikes against sovereign state of Libya.

Deluded are those who are blind not to see what is happening here. Blinded by sectarianism, blinded by nationalism, blinded by there sheer lack of insight. It is no wonder the Prophecy of the Conquest of Constantinople was given. Turkey's reckless and savage behavior will lead to it's own destruction, and Turkey will have no one to blame for this, but itself.
Well said but a lot will deluded themselves and uses selective stance to suit their mindset.
Erdogan proclaimed that Turkey stands with Palestine and displayed that drama of an act of cutting ties with Israel. Palestine is entirely an Islamic Case with Al-Quds at the heart of the Islamic World.

What you're referring to as a failed state was brought about by Zionist-American sponsored terrorism, wholely supported and funded by the Wahhabi elites of Saudi, Qatar, Emirates, Kuwait and Bahrain. This is exactly the same method applied by Zionist-America and it's partners (Saudi, Qatar, Emirates, Kuwait & Bahrain) in Libya. The only element that prevented the total collapse of Syria, which was not present in Libya (at the time) is the Russian Federation.

Turkey is in "Syrian Territory" and is protecting terrorists in Syrian Idlib. That in itself is clear violation of the International Law and a breech of Syria's sovereignty.

Whether Turkey knows it or plays ignorance, the fact remains that Turkey is strengthening Israel's position in the Middle East. Iraq has been destroyed by wars raging since 1990 Zionist-America war in the Gulf. Libya is destroyed by Zionist-Parasites whose host countries (America, Britain & France) have sponsored terrorists in the country and then conducted military strikes against sovereign state of Libya.

Deluded are those who are blind not to see what is happening here. Blinded by sectarianism, blinded by nationalism, blinded by there sheer lack of insight. It is no wonder the Prophecy of the Conquest of Constantinople was given. Turkey's reckless and savage behavior will lead to it's own destruction, and Turkey will have no one to blame for this, but itself.

I agree with most of what you said. Where I disagree is that Palestine is entirely an Islamic cause. In earlier decades, Socialist revolutionaries who were not Muslim, like Carlos or the Japanese Red Army, saw Palestine as a cause that needed a humanitarian / humanist path towards resolution.

Even the PLO probably also saw the Palestine cause as more of a nationalist liberation cause than one of a religious one.

Assad's father was supported by Zionist-America and even invited to Camp whatever in America for peace with the illegal, illegitimate, criminal, fascisr, terrorist state of israel. Saddam was supported by Zionist-America against Iran. Qaddafi was supported by Zionist-America and Zionist-Britain, and Qaddafi's sons were close to the Zionist-Parasite elites in Britain, America and Europe.

Sorry but that is incorrect.

For example, yes, Gaddafi believed in the words of peace of Sarkozy, Obomba and B'liar, and dismantled his nuclear weapons program but this does not mean he was supported by them.
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I agree with most of what you said. Where I disagree is that Palestine is entirely an Islamic cause. In earlier decades, Socialist revolutionaries who were not Muslim, like Carlos or the Japanese Red Army, saw Palestine as a cause that needed a humanitarian / humanist path towards resolution.

Israel's entire goal wrests on claiming all of the Holy Land as their own, from the river Nile to the river Euphrates, with Jerusalem as it's capital and the Temple Mount built by demolishing Masjid Al-Aqsa and Qubrat-ul-Sakhra. That makes the entire Palestinian cause, an ISLAMIC CAUSE! Doesn't matter whether it is Che Guevara, Nelson Mandella or the PLO, this is and forever will be an ISLAMIC CAUSE until the Holy Land is LIBERATED.

Sorry but that is incorrect.

For example, yes, Gaddafi believed in the words of peace of Sarkozy, Obomba and B'liar, and dismantled his nuclear weapons program but this does not mean he was supported by them.

Qaddafi did engage with the Zionist-West. Gave up nukes, Libya was going to buy Rafales and in the end, they killed him and destroyed Libya.

That about right?

What part of that differs from what I said?
Erdogan proclaimed that Turkey stands with Palestine and displayed that drama of an act of cutting ties with Israel. Palestine is entirely an Islamic Case with Al-Quds at the heart of the Islamic World.

What you're referring to as a failed state was brought about by Zionist-American sponsored terrorism, wholely supported and funded by the Wahhabi elites of Saudi, Qatar, Emirates, Kuwait and Bahrain. This is exactly the same method applied by Zionist-America and it's partners (Saudi, Qatar, Emirates, Kuwait & Bahrain) in Libya. The only element that prevented the total collapse of Syria, which was not present in Libya (at the time) is the Russian Federation.

Turkey is in "Syrian Territory" and is protecting terrorists in Syrian Idlib. That in itself is clear violation of the International Law and a breech of Syria's sovereignty.

Whether Turkey knows it or plays ignorance, the fact remains that Turkey is strengthening Israel's position in the Middle East. Iraq has been destroyed by wars raging since 1990 Zionist-America war in the Gulf. Libya is destroyed by Zionist-Parasites whose host countries (America, Britain & France) have sponsored terrorists in the country and then conducted military strikes against sovereign state of Libya.

Deluded are those who are blind not to see what is happening here. Blinded by sectarianism, blinded by nationalism, blinded by there sheer lack of insight. It is no wonder the Prophecy of the Conquest of Constantinople was given. Turkey's reckless and savage behavior will lead to it's own destruction, and Turkey will have no one to blame for this, but itself.
Stunning interpretation. Whatever you praise Syrian baathists for can be said of Turkey. Whatever crimes you have accused Turkey of can easily be said of Syria and Iran.

I'm not saying erdogan has behaved in a smart way at all. I think he's made several strategic errors but there is no question that Turkey has a right to defend its borders from aggression and secure its local interests adjacent to its borders (I.e. not allow such areas to become terrorist hotbeds and refugee generators).

Turkey has always been threatened by PKK activities and rightly strikes at them. Be aware regarding Israel that although Turkey had cordial relations with Israel for a time, it was their clandestine support of PKK that broke the back of this relationship. Naturally, Turkey retaliated politically. This is well known to be the true history of this region. Turkey and Israel could and should have resolved that issue but it seems to have spiralled out of control now. Regardless of that, Assad and his Iranian buddies are behaving like maniacs making enemies of everyone, taking the Kurds along for a ride in the meantime. Good luck to them in such a ridiculous endeavour.

Turkey has remained reasonably pragmatic. The mistake erdogan has made is stretching his forces throughout the Mediterranean without repairing relationships where possible with some nations.

No party is completely innocent in this great game. However there is no doubt that the Iranians have destabilised the whole middle east by playing "let's bring on the dajjal ourselves" and leading its people on this merry path of faked Armageddon. Turkey is not involved in this "religious" narrative beyond what it regards as a reasonable counterweight to Israeli religious extremist plans in Jerusalem, which as stated is partly a direct response to Israeli support of PKK. Iran's mullahs have taken religious fanaticism to a whole new level, with every one of their proxies in the region indulging in Armageddon based rhetoric. This is in contrast to Turkey's mainly nationalistic interests.

I know which side I stand on thanks.

Any ideas of who, when, where?
Are you guys using Internet Explorer over there? This fake has been posted 3 years ago claiming ''secret agents of Turkey'' captured by assad.
Look how discreetely they are dressed, very spy like. :lol:
That sounds more like verbatim outta CNN, BBC, SKY & FOX bull$hit networks, because all they do is lie, not real news. Israel has been killing Muslims since it's sinful inception. As for Assad, well the Zionist-West uses that excuse everytime, be it Libya, Iraq, Yemen, Egypt or Iran. Assad's father was supported by Zionist-America and even invited to Camp whatever in America for peace with the illegal, illegitimate, criminal, fascisr, terrorist state of israel. Saddam was supported by Zionist-America against Iran. Qaddafi was supported by Zionist-America and Zionist-Britain, and Qaddafi's sons were close to the Zionist-Parasite elites in Britain, America and Europe.

As for those "barrel bombs," if that fat-lie and the "chemical attacks," were actually true, then the Syrian Military wouldn't have been welcomed in the territories it took from the terrorists. Your so-called barrel bombs or chem-weapons were outrightly refuted by the OPCW.

Keep watching CNN, BBC, SKY, FOX & Al-Jazeera. It's the only thing that people in a comatose state could ever digest. A century of lives cannot be purged from your system.
Keep blinding yourself with Iranian nonsense, I have spoken to Syrian refugees who arrived in US after the massacre started. There is plethora of video evidence online.
the turks on this forum seem to be incapable of any rationale thought. They have cooked up this absurd, laughable outright cringy storey of the heroic Turkish army saving Syrians from assad out of the goodness of their hearts...

at first I thought the turks were just playing dumb.... now im beginning to fear that's what they actually believe...

Turkey allied themselves with Persian gulf arab monarchies, the Zionist entity, Jordan,the USA, and some has been euro imperialists to try and topple a neighbouring countries government.

using any scum, isis included in the process... after this project was defeated, they have gone for plan B. balatant hatay style land grab from Syria.... Every Turkish occupied territory seems to make heavy use of Turkish flags and propaganda... does turkey really think its free real estate they can take?? make up some BS referendum?

not going to happen.... accept defeat or death and humiliation. a 3rd option doesn't exist...
Russia and The US are same dirt



British are smart people but Russians are not smart

when most important NATO Member Turkiye was the most anti American in its history and exactly Turkey has begun to accept the existence of Assad , stupid Russians destroyed good relations with Turkiye for a useless city like Idlib

Russians are a great strategic genius. bravo idiots
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