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Turkish operation started against Assad's forces

What's it got to do with bastions of Islam? Turkey needs to secure Turkey's borders from multiple threats in the rogue failed state next door.

Erdogan proclaimed that Turkey stands with Palestine and displayed that drama of an act of cutting ties with Israel. Palestine is entirely an Islamic Case with Al-Quds at the heart of the Islamic World.

What you're referring to as a failed state was brought about by Zionist-American sponsored terrorism, wholely supported and funded by the Wahhabi elites of Saudi, Qatar, Emirates, Kuwait and Bahrain. This is exactly the same method applied by Zionist-America and it's partners (Saudi, Qatar, Emirates, Kuwait & Bahrain) in Libya. The only element that prevented the total collapse of Syria, which was not present in Libya (at the time) is the Russian Federation.

Turkey is in "Syrian Territory" and is protecting terrorists in Syrian Idlib. That in itself is clear violation of the International Law and a breech of Syria's sovereignty.

Whether Turkey knows it or plays ignorance, the fact remains that Turkey is strengthening Israel's position in the Middle East. Iraq has been destroyed by wars raging since 1990 Zionist-America war in the Gulf. Libya is destroyed by Zionist-Parasites whose host countries (America, Britain & France) have sponsored terrorists in the country and then conducted military strikes against sovereign state of Libya.

Deluded are those who are blind not to see what is happening here. Blinded by sectarianism, blinded by nationalism, blinded by there sheer lack of insight. It is no wonder the Prophecy of the Conquest of Constantinople was given. Turkey's reckless and savage behavior will lead to it's own destruction, and Turkey will have no one to blame for this, but itself.
Erdogan proclaimed that Turkey stands with Palestine and displayed that drama of an act of cutting ties with Israel. Palestine is entirely an Islamic Case with Al-Quds at the heart of the Islamic World.

What you're referring to as a failed state was brought about by Zionist-American sponsored terrorism, wholely supported and funded by the Wahhabi elites of Saudi, Qatar, Emirates, Kuwait and Bahrain. This is exactly the same method applied by Zionist-America and it's partners (Saudi, Qatar, Emirates, Kuwait & Bahrain) in Libya. The only element that prevented the total collapse of Syria, which was not present in Libya (at the time) is the Russian Federation.

Turkey is in "Syrian Territory" and is protecting terrorists in Syrian Idlib. That in itself is clear violation of the International Law and a breech of Syria's sovereignty.

Whether Turkey knows it or plays ignorance, the fact remains that Turkey is strengthening Israel's position in the Middle East. Iraq has been destroyed by wars raging since 1990 Zionist-America war in the Gulf. Libya is destroyed by Zionist-Parasites whose host countries (America, Britain & France) have sponsored terrorists in the country and then conducted military strikes against sovereign state of Libya.

Deluded are those who are blind not to see what is happening here. Blinded by sectarianism, blinded by nationalism, blinded by there sheer lack of insight. It is no wonder the Prophecy of the Conquest of Constantinople was given. Turkey's reckless and savage behavior will lead to it's own destruction, and Turkey will have no one to blame for this, but itself.

Stop drinking the conspiracy theory Kool Aid
Israel is not dropping barrels bombs on its people. Assad has killed more Syrians than Israelis in 70 years.

That sounds more like verbatim outta CNN, BBC, SKY & FOX bull$hit networks, because all they do is lie, not real news. Israel has been killing Muslims since it's sinful inception. As for Assad, well the Zionist-West uses that excuse everytime, be it Libya, Iraq, Yemen, Egypt or Iran. Assad's father was supported by Zionist-America and even invited to Camp whatever in America for peace with the illegal, illegitimate, criminal, fascisr, terrorist state of israel. Saddam was supported by Zionist-America against Iran. Qaddafi was supported by Zionist-America and Zionist-Britain, and Qaddafi's sons were close to the Zionist-Parasite elites in Britain, America and Europe.

As for those "barrel bombs," if that fat-lie and the "chemical attacks," were actually true, then the Syrian Military wouldn't have been welcomed in the territories it took from the terrorists. Your so-called barrel bombs or chem-weapons were outrightly refuted by the OPCW.

Stop drinking the conspiracy theory Kool Aid

Keep watching CNN, BBC, SKY, FOX & Al-Jazeera. It's the only thing that people in a comatose state could ever digest. A century of lives cannot be purged from your system.
That sounds more like verbatim outta CNN, BBC, SKY & FOX bull$hit networks, because all they do is lie, not real news. Israel has been killing Muslims since it's sinful inception. As for Assad, well the Zionist-West uses that excuse everytime, be it Libya, Iraq, Yemen, Egypt or Iran. Assad's father was supported by Zionist-America and even invited to Camp whatever in America for peace with the illegal, illegitimate, criminal, fascisr, terrorist state of israel. Saddam was supported by Zionist-America against Iran. Qaddafi was supported by Zionist-America and Zionist-Britain, and Qaddafi's sons were close to the Zionist-Parasite elites in Britain, America and Europe.

As for those "barrel bombs," if that fat-lie and the "chemical attacks," were actually true, then the Syrian Military wouldn't have been welcomed in the territories it took from the terrorists. Your so-called barrel bombs or chem-weapons were outrightly refuted by the OPCW.

Keep watching CNN, BBC, SKY, FOX & Al-Jazeera. It's the only thing that people in a comatose state could ever digest. A century of lives cannot be purged from your system.

What are you talking about lmaoooo
This will be the end of Turkish Military presence in Syria and they will run after a few months with their tail between their legs. Good luck in the Syrian Quagmire!

The cheap propaganda make you totally blind to distinguish betwen reality and gossip.

The terrorists who daily uses barrel bomb and once a chemical weapon for mass destruction of civilian oppositions will get what they deserve
IMO Turkey should make a deal with Syria and create some kind of political solution between Syrian government and Syrian opposition. Better to concentrate on Libya rather then this. It is very clear that the war has been won by Syrian government.
IMO Turkey should make a deal with Syria and create some kind of political solution between Syrian government and Syrian opposition. Better to concentrate on Libya rather then this. It is very clear that the war has been won by Syrian government.

there is no Syrian government ... Assad Regime is puppet of Russia and Iran
so Russia and Iran block political solution between Assad Regime and Syrian opposition

Russia and Iran wants to kill all sunni muslim population or to force all sunni muslim population to move from their lands to Turkiye

because of in real democratic election Assad will lose
80% of Syrian population is sunni muslim and radical sectarian dictator Assad Regime and Iran backed terrorist groups killed over 800.000 sunni muslim Syrians and forced over 7 million sunni muslim Syrians to move from their lands to another countries including Turkiye

and now 4 milllion sunni muslim population in Idlib under attack by radical sectarian dictator Assad Regime and Iran backed terrorist groups and Russian Airforce

never forget that Syria is national security of Turkiye and Turkish People and Turkiye can fight anyone for Syria
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IMO Turkey should make a deal with Syria and create some kind of political solution between Syrian government and Syrian opposition. Better to concentrate on Libya rather then this. It is very clear that the war has been won by Syrian government.

Before last stop, Assad wants to take Idlib with wiping remaining millions of civilians towards Turkey. He think Such a move will strengten its hand in peace talks but Turkey said It will not be allowed Asad regime to take Idlib and no more refugees for Turkey. Idlib is the land of opposition and It will remain like that. Anyhow, Great majority of the Syrian population objects to him and Forcing them to leave or to be killed is the two solution Asad is offering for them. That is the sole policy He generated to proceed his tyrant.

At present, Around 8 million refugees were fleed from Syria. In Turkish secured areas, I believe More than 1 million Syrian opposition people is living. Idlib only hosts around 3 million opposition group. I didn't even count US controlled areas. Can you imagina a country with totally 18 million population and such a big opposition population who dislike a blood thrusty dictator who sacrifice anybody objecting to his stance so What Asad wants to try is to clean the country from these people. Either be killing or forcing them to leave. Chemical weapons, barrel bombs and Russian airstrikes on residental areas are their main cards to play ! Turkey just say stop there and forget Idlib. No more civilian massacre !
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Before last stop, Assad wants to take Idlib with wiping remaining millions of civilians towards Turkey. He think Such a move will strengten its hand in peace talks but Turkey said It will not be allowed Asad regime to take Idlib and no more refugees for Turkey. Idlib is the land of opposition and It will remain like that. Anyhow, Great majority of the Syrian population objects to him and Forcing them to leave or to be killed is the two solution Asad is offering for them. That is the sole policy He generated to proceed his tyrant.

At present, Around 8 million refugees were fleed from Syria. In Turkish secured areas, I believe More than 1 million Syrian opposition people is living. Idlib only hosts around 3 million opposition group. I didn't even count US controlled areas. Can you imagina a country with totally 18 million population and such a big opposition population who dislike a blood thrusty dictator who sacrifice anybody objecting to his stance so What Asad wants to try is to clean the country from these people. Either be killing or forcing them to leave. Chemical weapons, barrel bombs and Russian airstrikes on residental areas are their main cards to play ! Turkey just say stop there and forget Idlib. No more civilian massacre !

If it wasnt for Turkiye's efforts Idlib would have been a slaughter house by now.

Turkey has done so much. May God bless them.

USA Forces killed 1 Regime soldier in Qamishli

Look like Turks will be another victims of our revolution ....

They don't want to stay behind Iran in region and this desire is leading them too their doom .... The difference is that IRI has total different strategy compare too them ...
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