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Turkish operation started against Assad's forces

Ok! If you are not satisfied with Turkish sources, You have to find alternatives who proves otherwise. Until someone disproof Turkish source, We accept them as the truth. You are free to believe on what Asad sources are spreading so No need to proceed this nonsense because It is said that noone make you pressure to believe what is shared by Turkish members. End this behavior in here. What you are doing is actually a systematic trolling to drail the thread into nonstop and baseless debates.

Who told you I believe Assad sources? I don't believe you or theirs. All are full of misinformation. And don't accuse me of "trolling" just because I am asking for sources. You're the only quoting me now, I told you in my previous comment we had nothing else to discuss but you still quoted me. So end it now. Once we have more information, we will discuss.

Turkiye doesnt give a shit to Russia and lapdog dictator Assad

in the last 7 days over 2900 Tanks,Howitzers,MLRS,IFVs,AFVs entered Idlib and still more military vehicles are coming

now NSA has hundreds of Anti Tank Missiles and MANPADS to kill Regime soldiers day by day

No more tolerance to Assad Regime Helicopters and Aircrafts to dropp barrel bombs on innocent civilians

perfect shot
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Any ideas of who, when, where?
This will be the end of Turkish Military presence in Syria and they will run after a few months with their tail between their legs. Good luck in the Syrian Quagmire!
This will be the end of Turkish Military presence in Syria and they will run after a few months with their tail between their legs. Good luck in the Syrian Quagmire!

That's why Syrian regime is started to cry out and beg to UN to stop Turkish army?
What realistic thinking style you have mate...
Dictator assad should stop selectively killing his muslim citizens. Turkey should beat them back and secure civilians facing this terrorist regime before he displaces and creates new wave of refugees.
This will be the end of Turkish Military presence in Syria and they will run after a few months with their tail between their legs. Good luck in the Syrian Quagmire!

Same for you iranian
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