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Turkish Navy and PM to accompany more aid ships to Gaza


simple question.
plz tell me truthfull doesnt muslims hate jews..???
plz dnt try to give any diplomatic answer..??

Hey wake up sleeping birdy look at the news look what is happening in that part of the world dumbo.. they hate each other simple as that iam not wasting my time on you anymore its patheic but stop the trolling cuz here you wont get far trust me.
Iam not insulting you iam just responding in the manner you deserve look at what you are writting you seem to think its ok to say such hatful things as muslims hate jews.. dude i have friends that are jews you are making it a one sided affair and you think i will let you do that hell no iam behind you . Plus the facts are that this land was not the jews and you need to read up once you stop trolling i will stop jumping on your back talk about peace and friendship share views in a proper decent respectful manner rather then stating things that are fake understand its only fair.:coffee:

As a matter of fact Jews had no intention of returning to Israel. After the enlightenment the Christian countries opened up to the Jews and the Jews strived to integrate in the society. Jewish intellectuals in Germany called Germany their new Zion.
However, hatred was brewing in the hearts of many Europeans who backed Hitler to exterminate the Jews.
After the horrors of the holocaust became known it was clear that Jews must have a homeland. Even Einstein, who at first was opposed to the idea, backed the plan. The obvious place was their ancestral land. If you call this a myth, you are calling prophet Muhammad(pbuh) a liar. They were not given Israel because their god had promissed them that land, but because historically it was thiers.
iam not wasting my time on you anymore its patheic but stop the trolling cuz here you wont get far trust me.

why instead of replying to my arguements , ure threatning to get me banned...???
is this all u can do...??
why instead of replying to my arguements , ure threatning to get me banned...???
is this all u can do...??

Cause you are a hater i can see it right through your words its people like you that don't want peace & friendship .. today you are trolling on this thread tommrow you will troll on a thread with a india , Pakistan issue. You stated things you don't know such muslims hate jews.. you are using the word muslim as the whole muslim world pop hates jews WRONG. Second you are arguing about the land issue while its in the history books what took place i told you read up yet you are trolling. I have nothing against you but don't think you will come here and insult us or this site what i can do or what i cant i wont get in to but i wont waste my time on you now stop the bs and go read up to learn what are the facts stop writting to me cuz its patheic.:tdown:
Cause you are a hater i can see it right through your words its people like you that don't want peace & friendship .. today you are trolling on this thread tommrow you will troll on a thread with a india , Pakistan issue. You stated things you don't know such muslims hate jews.. you are using the word muslim as the whole muslim world pop hates jews WRONG. Second you are arguing about the land issue while its in the history books what took place i told you read up yet you are trolling. I have nothing against you but don't think you will come here and insult us or this site what i can do or what i cant i wont get in to but i wont waste my time on you now stop the bs and go read up to learn what are the facts stop writting to me cuz its patheic.:tdown:

so according to ure twisted sense of morality , expressing my opinion over a internet forum is spreading hatred..???
its better that u have taken off ure mask so early , the world can see that u cant talk logically , cant make logical arguements .
in none of my posts i have insulted anyone .
its just u who cant make any logical arguements , so ure bursting over me , and threatining me with a ban.

i follow the Golden Rule. This is not something u are familiar with. The principle behind the Golden Rule is, not to treat others the way you don’t want to be treated.
I put myself in the shoes of others and ask what if I was born in their place. How would I want to be treated if I were them? This is why I support the Jews and their rights to a homeland.
Jews can live anywhere and thousands of years living as second class citizens has thought them that life can be harsh. They learned that if they don’t strive hard they starve. People in the past were crueler than they are today. so Jews went after science, knowledge and business and succeeded in life. Despite all the discrimination, thanks to thier experties, they were finacially better off than the majority. However, their success also had its downside. The losers often felt envious and made the Jews escepgoats for thier own miseries. They spread hate against the Jews, telling stories such as Jews want to take over the world, they invented the fable of the Elders of Zion, and other lies. Considering the lessons of history it is important that these people have a place that they can call home and be safe.

If the Palestinians cannot tolerate Jews, they can go back to where they came from. They actually did that but once in Jordan they plotted to overthrow the government of King Hussein until he buchered them by thousands and kicked them out of his country.
in none of my posts i have insulted anyone .
its just u who cant make any logical arguements , so ure bursting over me , and threatining me with a ban.

I have stated everything in pure logical words even a damn baby can understand that i know what iam talking about. furtermore, you are a hater & that topic you wont talk about huh ? yes i know its ok you will be watched iam not threating you but will make sure you dont get to share you hate here to cause tensions between members . We have some indian members here to that dont show hate nor share it. For you to state a stupid and dumb low down comment about all muslims that we hate jews you are wrong and have no damn clue what you are saying in that part of the region they hate each other thats why the are killing each other. You need to learn alot before speaking out anyhow as i said iam done with you dont write back to me.:angry:
Some years ago, I met an Israeli and a Palestinian who were close friends, in Canada. One day jokingly I said to them, you are an odd couple! Aren’t you two supposed to be enemies to each other? They laughed and said, “We are not religious.” I thought that was the most eloquent response. Yes this hatred and war is about religion.
I have stated everything in pure logical words even a damn baby can understand that i know what iam talking about. furtermore, you are hater that you wont talk about huh ? yes i know its ok you will be watched iam not threating you but will make sure you dont get to share you hate here to cause tensions between members . We have some indian members here to that dont show hate nor share it. For you to state a stupid and dumb low down comment about muslims that we hate jews you are wrong and have no damn clue what you are saying in that part of the region they hate each other thats why the are killing each other. You need to learn alot before speaking out anyhow as i said iam done with you dont write back to me.:angry:

yes many indians dont follow my opinion , and they are perfectly entitled to have their own opinion.
im not forcing them to be on my side.

and about giving logical replies , u have yet not given a single reply to any of my arguements.face it big boy.
yes many indians dont follow my opinion , and they are perfectly entitled to have their own opinion.
im not forcing them to be on my side.

and about giving logical replies , u have yet not given a single reply to any of my arguements.face it big boy.

Yes big iam perhaps so dont make me slap you around little boy so just shut it and stop writting to me dumb a$$ hater... :tdown::angry:
ok topgun , tell me acoording to u vat should be the solution to this middle east problem..??

Both sides need to stop killing each other simple if i get in details we will be here all day both sides are wrong . The arabs need there own land and all this blockade bs needs to stopthe arabs need to stop these attacks towards the israeli's and vise versa plus look at what the israeli's did a few days ago in int'l waters it was uncalled for. Iam againt any crimes and killings towards any human being anywhere in the world its sad and sad over again we are human beings they need to learn to live together its not a one sided story at all they need to come back to the peace table both of them its the only way forward enough blood shed has drawn and only humans die .:coffee:
You are behaving like a kid man..

Iam sure iam older then you plus iam not acting like a kid at all perhaps its you who is acting him self hence little boy.. second i have told you to stop writting to me what part didn't you seem to understand now get over it and stop writting back.

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