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Turkish Naval Programs

He thinks I'm your alt account.
He's said that about many other people :P

Sheep only know to follow the shepard. You're a good sheep.
I've told him many times to stop listening to AKP propaganda and stuff like TRT,Yeni Safak etc.

@merzifonlu It would have been interesting though to see the Rafale vs the Eurofighter in the Aegean. Just imagine it,not in a real war,in the dogfights that we have. So many countries would be watching anxiously for every encounter. It would have been a nice show.
ASW Helicopters can not carry Anti-Ship Missiles
Of course they can......AGM-84 Harpoon or AGM-119B Penguin or NSM


@merzifonlu It would have been interesting though to see the Rafale vs the Eurofighter in the Aegean. Just imagine it,not in a real war,in the dogfights that we have. So many countries would be watching anxiously for every encounter. It would have been a nice show.
As for the question, the EF purchase is unreasonable if you ask me. I don't think it will happen either, that purchase. For this reason, and since Turkey has no intention of starting a war, such an encounter will not occur.

Collaboration with UK for TFX engine? OK, it's fine. The C-130J purchase also makes sense, because we don't have enough military cargo planes.

If there is a purchase in other matters and the engine of TFX is not guaranteed, then I think the AKP government is screwing things up in the defense industry as well. :)
As for the question, the EF purchase is unreasonable if you ask me. I don't think it will happen either, that purchase. For this reason, and since Turkey has no intention of starting a war, such an encounter will not occur.

Collaboration with UK for TFX engine? OK, it's fine. The C-130J purchase also makes sense, because we don't have enough military cargo planes.

If there is a purchase in other matters and the engine of TFX is not guaranteed, then I think the AKP government is screwing things up in the defense industry as well. :)
Another problem is that it's been two years after the big fires and Erdogan still hasn't made it a priority to buy more firefighting aircraft and instead...spends money for everything else.
As for the question, the EF purchase is unreasonable if you ask me. I don't think it will happen either, that purchase. For this reason, and since Turkey has no intention of starting a war, such an encounter will not occur.
I disagree with you on this. We need more fighters, regardless USA decides to sell F16s or not.

This is EXTREMELY important right now. This will weaken the American pressure on Turkey immediately.

We also need a partnership in a sixth generation fighter program. Tempest fits this need.

TFX is impressive but six generation fighters are likely to cost 500-600 million dollars PER UNIT and there's no way we can ener this ring on our own right now.

And if the US won't sell us F35s they definitely aren't going to sell us the NGAD
Of course they can......AGM-84 Harpoon or AGM-119B Penguin or NSM

Only in your ignorant troll team ..

Turkish Navy Seahawk Helicopters doesnt carry HARPOON missile
.... and no any NSM missile in our inventory

Our Seahawk Helicopters carry only 1 x short range PENGUIN Missile ( 35 km )
and 1 PENGUIN Misssile can not do anything against modern Frigates

Our Pilots are not stupid to enter SAM Range ( 100 km ASTER-30 )
for example Greece buys BELHARA Frigates which can turn Seahawk Helicopter into crap of metal before Seahawk Helicopter fires 35 km PENGUIN Misssile

also without SAM protection , ASW Helicopters and TCG ANADOLU will be turned into crap of metal by enemy Fighter Jets

Enemy Frigates can fire 8-16 anti-ship missiles on TCG ANADOLU from 100-150 km away

and you ignorant boys dreaming about ASW Helicopters to stop enemy Frigates and anti-ship missiles

what a troll team who says no need Frigates to escort TCG ANADOLU
mentally challenged dimwits
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Only in your ignorant troll team ..

Turkish Navy Seahawk Helicopters doesnt carry HARPOON missile
.... and no any NSM missile in our inventory

Our Seahawk Helicopters carry only 1 x short range PENGUIN Missile ( 35 km )
and 1 PENGUIN Misssile can not do anything against modern Frigates

Our Pilots are not stupid to enter SAM Range ( 100 km ASTER-30 )
for example Greece buys BELHARA Frigates which can turn Seahawk Helicopter into crap of metal before Seahawk Helicopter fires 35 km PENGUIN Misssile

also without SAM protection , ASW Helicopters and TCG ANADOLU will be turned into crap of metal by enemy Fighter Jets

Enemy Frigates can fire 8-16 anti-ship missiles on TCG ANADOLU from 100-150 km away

and you ignorant boys dreaming about ASW Helicopters to stop enemy Frigates and anti-ship missiles

what a troll team who says no need Frigates to escort TCG ANADOLU
mentally challenged dimwits
All 4 of us are "ignorant",but you are the expert?

You repeatedly demonstrate a lack of understanding of warfare,tactics and basic diplomacy.
All 4 of us are "ignorant",but you are the expert?

You repeatedly demonstrate a lack of understanding of warfare,tactics and basic diplomacy.

Ignorant troll still talking about understanding of warfare,tactics , who says no need Frigates to escort TCG ANADOLU

mentally challenged dimwits are dreaming about ASW Helicopters to stop enemy Fighter Jets , Frigates and missile attacks
Ignorant troll still talking about understanding of warfare,tactics , who says no need Frigates to escort TCG ANADOLU
I don't know if you're a liar or just stupid.

I never said there's no need for frigates to escort Anadolu. I said since you have all these ships with great ASW capabilities (like you said),then there's no need to buy the Type 23. You boast of the upgraded frigates in your navy having a good AA umbrella with sufficient missiles. You claim Turkey has more ASW helicopters than Greece. So you can get one frigate and one corvette to escort it,one supply ship and you take 1-2 ASW as well and you're ok.

You don't need to spend billions to buy and upgrade the Type 23.
I don't know if you're a liar or just stupid.

I never said there's no need for frigates to escort Anadolu. I said since you have all these ships with great ASW capabilities (like you said),then there's no need to buy the Type 23. You boast of the upgraded frigates in your navy having a good AA umbrella with sufficient missiles. You claim Turkey has more ASW helicopters than Greece. So you can get one frigate and one corvette to escort it,one supply ship and you take 1-2 ASW as well and you're ok.

Stupid troll even dont know what about Carrier Battle Group

1 Frigate and 1 Corvette ? what a troll team

French Navy Carrier Battle Group

1 Charles de Gaulle Aircraft Carrier
2 FREMM Frigates for anti-submarine role
1 HORIZON Destroyer for air-warfare role
1 LA FAYETTE Frigate for forward patrol role
1 Submarine
1 supply Ship

So Turkish Navy

TCG ANADOLU Amphibious Assault Ship
3 Type-23 Frigates for anti-submarine and air-warfare roles
1 MILGEM for forward patrol role
1 Submarine
TCG DERYA Sea Supply Combat Support Ship

3 TF-2000 Destroyers will play escort role instead of 3 Type-23 Frigates in 2033

You don't need to spend billions to buy and upgrade the Type 23.

not billions ,, but max $250 million to buy and upgrade 3 Type-23 Frigates

Turkiye needs more Warships to match with multi-national threats
( Blacks Sea, Aegean , Eastern Mediterranean , Libya , Qatar , Somalia )

and to escort TCG ANADOLU
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Stupid troll even dont know what about Carrier Battle Group

1 Frigate and 1 Corvette ? what a troll team

French Navy Carrier Battle Group

1 Charles de Gaulle Aircraft Carrier
2 FREMM Frigates for anti-submarine role
1 HORIZON Destroyer for air-warfare role
1 LA FAYETTE Frigate for forward patrol role
1 Submarine
1 supply Ship

So Turkish Navy

TCG ANADOLU Amphibious Assault Ship
3 Type-23 Frigates for anti-submarine and air-warfare roles
1 MILGEM for forward patrol role
1 Submarine
TCG DERYA Sea Supply Combat Support Ship

not billions ,, but max $250 million to buy and upgrade 3 Type-23 Frigates
Anadolu isn't an aircraft carrier equal to Charles de Gaulle. It's a helicopter/drone carrier,you dumbass.
Grab a frigate,a corvette or second frigate,a supply ship and one of your submarines and you're ready.

If you think you can buy and upgrade 3 Type 23 frigates with 250$ you're mistaken.
Only in your ignorant troll team ..

Turkish Navy Seahawk Helicopters doesnt carry HARPOON missile
.... and no any NSM missile in our inventory

Our Seahawk Helicopters carry only 1 x short range PENGUIN Missile ( 35 km )
and 1 PENGUIN Misssile can not do anything against modern Frigates

Our Pilots are not stupid to enter SAM Range ( 100 km ASTER-30 )
for example Greece buys BELHARA Frigates which can turn Seahawk Helicopter into crap of metal before Seahawk Helicopter fires 35 km PENGUIN Misssile

also without SAM protection , ASW Helicopters and TCG ANADOLU will be turned into crap of metal by enemy Fighter Jets

Enemy Frigates can fire 8-16 anti-ship missiles on TCG ANADOLU from 100-150 km away

and you ignorant boys dreaming about ASW Helicopters to stop enemy Frigates and anti-ship missiles

what a troll team who says no need Frigates to escort TCG ANADOLU
mentally challenged dimwits
First of all, you are a pathological liar, because I did not write any of what you mention.
You claimed that ASW helicopters can't carry Anti-Ship Missiles, and I proved you wrong.

Beyond that, how to neutralize a large ship like the Anaolou, there are many ways.
Now if you imagine naval operations in Somalia, Egypt, Libya and the...Philippines, that's your fantasy, with one ship that has changed....three times operational roles, it's a real joke.

If we ever get to the conflict, the Greek Navy and the Air Force have other means to neutralize it.

What multi-national threats do you have in Somalia and Qatar? Lol.

You don't need it.
Soon he will tell us about naval operation in New York!!!!
It's just a show of force. Erdogan wants to make Turkey look like a superpower. He sees France,Spain,Italy,Egypt,Algeria,USA, Russia...and he says "Why do they have aircraft carriers and I don't?"

Then he thinks "Why do they have bases in other countries and we don't? Why do they get involved in wars far away and we don't? Why do they have their allies in African countries and I don't?"

You know who that reminds me of @Akritas ?

If you guess....
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