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Turkish Naval Programs

Turkey was always strong. Strongest air force, strongest army, strongest navy in the region. Yes we gained some self-sufficiency through the defence industry but the world has changed. Nowadays a small country like Ukraine can humiliate a great power like Russia if they have the right connections and the so called "Great power" is isolated. It's a matter of image. And we have a terrible image. We don't have the same comparative edge we had in the 90ies because America won't sell the F35. You spend lots of money making TFX but what happens when you can't get engines for that? Even if you did, how much can your economy support?

The reality is that no country is an island, not even Russia can afford to be isolated. Not even China, the biggest economy in the world and arguably also the biggest military power.

What's happening is that Turkey is becoming more and more isolated. So Turkey will be the Russia and Greece will be the Ukraine in a possible conflict. Russia can make their own fighter jets, tanks, ships etc. In the end none of it mattered.

China makes Wing Loongs that are just as effective as TB2s and even cheaper. So why does nobody buy them instead of TB2? Because Turkey is NATO and China is China. So we're still benefiting a lot from being in the western bloc. These relations have to be repaired, Turkey's image as a democratic country has to be repaired.

Saying shit like "we'll be in athens in 5 hours" makes us look like clowns. It only damages your image and makes you look like Putin. This isn't how the game is played.
It was a disastrous foreign policy,ever since the Mavi Marmara. Siding with Americans one day,the next with Russians,then Americans again etc. In the old days,Americans would step in and say "hey Greece back off and you Turkey stop this" and things would calm down. We both disliked the American foreign policy,we were both against the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan as a people,but we knew that Americans were useful as a referee.

Now,the Erdogan fanboys consider him as a strong leader who made Turkey "independent"...
What are your opinion on Blue Homeland policy? and the EEZ in the Aegean, and what do you think Turkey's response should be, if Greece decides to have maximalist expansions of its territorial waters, to the point where freedom of navigation for Turkish vessels in the Aegean is finishes? And regarding the EEZ, what should Turkey do if Greece decides to unilaterally exploit the territorial waters for drilling and pipelines, without any consultation and agreement with Turkey? Should Turkey allow Fiat Accompli?

Also what are your opinions on Northern Cyprus? If Steps are taken by Greek Cyprus to change the dynamics on the island with arming it, or trying to change the boundaries and trying to dissolve Northern Cyprus and then seeking support for it from France, Netherlands, and the anti Turkey forces in the EU? Or trying to Weaponize Bob Menendez type people in the US for support.

I always see this partnership between Greeks/EU and CHP people ganging up on AKP/Erdogan online, but the CHP people never seem to want to express their feelings on the Aegean matters, and I'm wondering if its intentionally being coy, so as to not have to take a stance where the domestic public in Turkey would be upset, and also not say something that would upset their Euro benefactors. I can promise you Foinikas doesn't give 2 fks about Turkish domestic policy, afterall he has no issues with Sisi and Greece and France have glowing relations with Sisi. The issue he has is with Turkey with regards to the Aegean, Western Thrace, Northern Cyprus, and Turkey not stopping migrants from trying to cross into Greece. He tries to frame the entire Aegean policy as "neo ottoman", and we don't see any pushback from the CHP people.

You forget YPG in Syria and Libya, the only way to fix the relation is give all the point away you named.

But this is a message to Greece...


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What are your opinion on Blue Homeland policy? and the EEZ in the Aegean, and what do you think Turkey's response should be, if Greece decides to have maximalist expansions of its territorial waters, to the point where freedom of navigation for Turkish vessels in the Aegean is finishes? And regarding the EEZ, what should Turkey do if Greece decides to unilaterally exploit the territorial waters for drilling and pipelines, without any consultation and agreement with Turkey? Should Turkey allow Fiat Accompli?

Also what are your opinions on Northern Cyprus? If Steps are taken by Greek Cyprus to change the dynamics on the island with arming it, or trying to change the boundaries and trying to dissolve Northern Cyprus and then seeking support for it from France, Netherlands, and the anti Turkey forces in the EU? Or trying to Weaponize Bob Menendez type people in the US for support.

I always see this partnership between Greeks/EU and CHP people ganging up on AKP/Erdogan online, but the CHP people never seem to want to express their feelings on the Aegean matters, and I'm wondering if its intentionally being coy, so as to not have to take a stance where the domestic public in Turkey would be upset, and also not say something that would upset their Euro benefactors. I can promise you Foinikas doesn't give 2 fks about Turkish domestic policy, afterall he has no issues with Sisi and Greece and France have glowing relations with Sisi. The issue he has is with Turkey with regards to the Aegean, Western Thrace, Northern Cyprus, and Turkey not stopping migrants from trying to cross into Greece. He tries to frame the entire Aegean policy as "neo ottoman", and we don't see any pushback from the CHP people.
Ya hyperman-bey,yeter. You're trying to start a fire and have fights break out.
Turkey was always strong. Strongest air force, strongest army, strongest navy in the region. Yes we gained some self-sufficiency through the defence industry but the world has changed. Nowadays a small country like Ukraine can humiliate a great power like Russia if they have the right connections and the so called "Great power" is isolated. It's a matter of image. And we have a terrible image. We don't have the same comparative edge we had in the 90ies because America won't sell the F35. You spend lots of money making TFX but what happens when you can't get engines for that? Even if you did, how much can your economy support?

The reality is that no country is an island, not even Russia can afford to be isolated. Not even China, the biggest economy in the world and arguably also the biggest military power.

What's happening is that Turkey is becoming more and more isolated. So Turkey will be the Russia and Greece will be the Ukraine in a possible conflict. Russia can make their own fighter jets, tanks, ships etc. In the end none of it mattered.

China makes Wing Loongs that are just as effective as TB2s and even cheaper. So why does nobody buy them instead of TB2? Because Turkey is NATO and China is China. So we're still benefiting a lot from being in the western bloc. These relations have to be repaired, Turkey's image as a democratic country has to be repaired.

Saying shit like "we'll be in athens in 5 hours" makes us look like clowns. It only damages your image and makes you look like Putin. This isn't how the game is played.
Russia can only blame itself for the situation it is in.
West doesn't need to bother to work against an army that has logistical difficulties 20km beyond its borders. Although the Russians produce their own weapons, their staff intelligence is at the level of Saudi Arabia maybe even lower. Turkey has shown that it is not at this level in all military operations since 2016.
Should Turkey allow Fiat Accompli?
Absolutely not, but we need to work with Greece and EU to reach an agreement and we need to make it absolutely clear that no drilling, not even fishing will be allowed until the negotiations are over. But we also need create the most peaceful tree-hugging hippie image as possible. We need to make it absolutely clear that we're not looking for conflict. We LOVE Greece, our historic ties, our common cultural values etc. We need to act as if we invented homosexuality and not the Greeks lol :D I could go on and on but the point is, you can't afford to look like "the bad guy" in this modern age.

"Speak softly and carry a big stick" if you will. Bülen Ecevit did this very well. It's not very popular with the masses, people are easily fooled by empty threats but this is what works on the foreign policy level.

Also what are your opinions on Northern Cyprus? If Steps are taken by Greek Cyprus to change the dynamics on the island with arming it, or trying to change the boundaries and trying to dissolve Northern Cyprus and then seeking support for it from France, Netherlands, and the anti Turkey forces in the EU? Or trying to Weaponize Bob Menendez type people in the US for support.
They can't afford it, it's not a concern.

I always see this partnership between Greeks/EU and CHP people ganging up on AKP/Erdogan online, but the CHP people never seem to want to express their feelings on the Aegean matters, and I'm wondering if its intentionally being coy, so as to not have to take a stance where the domestic public in Turkey would be upset, and also not say something that would upset their Euro benefactors. I can promise you Foinikas doesn't give 2 fks about Turkish domestic policy, afterall he has no issues with Sisi and Greece and France have glowing relations with Sisi. The issue he has is with Turkey with regards to the Aegean, Western Thrace, Northern Cyprus, and Turkey not stopping migrants from trying to cross into Greece. He tries to frame the entire Aegean policy as "neo ottoman", and we don't see any pushback from the CHP people.
In the current polls AKP is getting around %30-35. The economy is in the toilet and nobody likes the inflow of millions of refugees. They can see the Turkish culture and language dissolving before their eyes. I can assure you, not even the staunchest AKP supporters are happy with the situation. AKP employs thousands of online trolls out of government pockets, don't pay attention to these people and try to see this outside the AKP/CHP dilemma. I know this is very difficult for you because the western media paints a very skewed picture of Turkish politics.
It was a disastrous foreign policy,ever since the Mavi Marmara. Siding with Americans one day,the next with Russians,then Americans again etc. In the old days,Americans would step in and say "hey Greece back off and you Turkey stop this" and things would calm down. We both disliked the American foreign policy,we were both against the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan as a people,but we knew that Americans were useful as a referee.

Now,the Erdogan fanboys consider him as a strong leader who made Turkey "independent"...
S400 purchase truned out to be very damaging but the bigger problem is this frankly retarded "muslim brotherhood" foregin policy around the mediterranean.

Egypt buys billions of dollars of equipment from France every year. We could be the ones making those sales but we love to put our nose in where it doesn't belong. Nobody in Turkey gives a flying **** if Sisi is a bad guy or not. Getting involved in Egypt's domestic politics, was a moronic decision and we did this with every arab country.

Egypt cooperates with Israel, their historic enemy, against Turkey. WE DID THIS. With our stupid caliphate dreams.
Russia can only blame itself for the situation it is in.
West doesn't need to bother to work against an army that has logistical difficulties 20km beyond its borders. Although the Russians produce their own weapons, their staff intelligence is at the level of Saudi Arabia maybe even lower. Turkey has shown that it is not at this level in all military operations since 2016.
We have other weaknesses that can be exploited. Our conscription system is breaking down, our tank arm is very weak not only in terms of tanks but also ammo, trainging, etc. We suffered losses we shouldn't have in Syria. Our air-force is quickly becoming outdated. We lost the competitive edge over Greece.

And Greece buys even 1 F35 that's a problem for us. Because they will have pilots and ground crews that are trained on F35 and what happens when a conflict breaks out and America just gives them 100 F35s? What the fvck are you gonna do? TFX won't be ready until 2030 (best case scenario)

And let's take into consideration how much oil and gas Russia has and the size of their economy, they are having problems with sanctions even with these advantages. Turkish economy is crashing without a war. For years they told us Turkey would be a superpower by 2023. Our inflation rate is around %110. How are you going to support a war without an economy?

Turkey has deep problems man. Don't think our enemies don't know these problems. They don't watch A Haber

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Turkey and Pakistan should collaborate with each other in developing a universal VLS system for ships and submarines

inflation rate is not 110% , but 64%

and inflation rate will be 20% as of december 2023
there is no economic problem ....., there is economic war since 2013

still dreaming about Greece
24 Rafale can not change many thing
Turkiye has developed 100+ km SIPER block-1 air defense System , 150 km block2 in 2024

as of 2023 , SIPER enter mass production
also 192 S400 Air Defense missiles already in Turkiye with range of 250km and 380 km
235 F-16s with 4 E-7T AEWC are not sleeping

if Turkiye want , Greek F-16s , Rafales can not cross the 25th meridian in the Aegean

8 batteries SIPER - S400 will be enough to do it
8 batteries = 64 launchers = 256 missiles

dreaming about 100 F-35
Even there is no any F-35 deal .. Greece planing to receive the first F-35 in 2028 and 20 F-35 until 2032

until 2028-2032 , Turkiye to have minimum 100 KIZILELMA and TISU ( ANKA-3 ) unmanned stealth Fighter Jets and Bombers

BAYKAR to turn KIZILELMA into hell machine in the next a few years
( Thanks to Aselsan GaN based AESA Radar , also GOKHAN ramjet powered long range air to air missile.. even 100+ km GOKDOGAN air to air missile enter mass production in 2023 )

there will be 2 engined bigger and faster variant of KIZILELMA up to mach 1.8

and BAYKAR has production capability for 72 KIZILELMA in 2 years

-- TAI TISU ( ANKA-3 ) unmanned stealth Bomber maiden flight in march or april 2023
Strategic strike

-- Turkiye modernize its F-16 fleet .. in 2023 F-16s will start testing MURAD GaN based AESA Radar

And TAI-TEI Turkish Engineers/Technicians working 24/7 for the TFX maiden flight at the end of 2023 .... ( The first flight was previously scheduled for 2025 )

TAI has production capability for 48 TFX ( MMU ) in 2 years

as of 2030-2032 , 48 TFX ( MMU ) .. even 4.5+ generation will be enough for 2030

Greece should worry about how to stop upcoming Turkish fire power from 40 km to 1.000 km to hit all military targets in Greece and Greek Islands



Also Turkiye modernize its Navy

-- First REIS ( Type-214TN ) AIP Submarine enter service in 2023
-- First ISTIF class Frigate delivery in 2023
-- First HISAR class OPV delivery in 2023
-- TCG DERYA Sea Supply Combat Support Ship delivery in 2023
-- TCG ANADOLU enter service in 2023

and many more for the Army , Navy and Air Force

Neocon idiot Michael Rubin also says Turkiye’s military is no longer sustainable

TURKS are not sleeping
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inflation rate is not 110% , but 64%
and inflation rate will be 20% as of december 2023
there is no economic problem ....., there is economic war since 2013
You really have to live in Germany to believe this bullshit.

As for the rest, just because you use other things to cover that weakness, doesn't mean there's no weakness.

The point stands even if you're too thick to get it.
You really have to live in Germany to believe this bullshit.

As for the rest, just because you use other things to cover that weakness, doesn't mean there's no weakness.

The point stands even if you're too thick to get it.

Erdogan fighting all of you since 2013 GEZI Park rebellion
FETO,CHP,TUSIAD raise price of products to beat Erdogan in 2023 elections
their only hope is economic problems

Erdogan raises salaries, traitors then raise price of everything
there is no reason to increase prices while the Dollar rate and oil prices are stable and no production / supply problems

You have blinders .... and big hatred-butthurt feelings against Erdogan
therefore you can not see the great efforts by Turkish Defense Industry and Turkiye

keep dreaming with bankrupt Greece's 24 Rafales and 20 F-35s until 2032
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