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Turkish Naval Programs

Meanwhile,some people here totally ignore the fact that Baykar,Erdogan and his son are involved in crazy financial scandals and corruption. But "Erdogan make Turkiye superpower,so strong..."

Erdogan discovers massive gas fields,the second biggest rare earth deposit in the world,oil in the mediterranean..I'm telling you,a month before elections he'll discover the fountain of youth somewhere in Anatolia.
yeah, it's partially why I stopped paying attention to arms developments after some point. All of this is made purely for propaganda.

What use is the biggest army in the world if the enemy is already within? The borders aren't protected, millions of people pour in year by year. What use is a supercarrier or a nuclear submarine or fucking space laser when our children are getting stabbed by Syrians in the schools, on the streets, the country is turned into a salafist hellhole.
Yeah I figured as much. Very important to get this thing flying before the elections.

For a few years now, Baykar has been carrying the AKP. It is instrumental in the "Turkey 2023 Superpower" bullshit narrative.
Keep your political bullshit out of this topic dude . It seems you are one of these chpkk fan boys.
yeah, it's partially why I stopped paying attention to arms developments after some point. All of this is made purely for propaganda.

What use is the biggest army in the world if the enemy is already within? The borders aren't protected, millions of people pour in year by year. What use is a supercarrier or a nuclear submarine or fucking space laser when our children are getting stabbed by Syrians in the schools, on the streets, the country is turned into a salafist hellhole.
Back in the Cold War and in the 90s,Turkey was a much more "serious" country. When I say Turkey,I mean the government.

Yes Greece and Turkey still had many problems and almost went to war twice since the late '80s,but it wasn't like this. It wasn't this circus,this constant talk of neo-Ottoman dreams and threats. And definetely not stuff like "We'll be in Athens in 5 hours,we'll be in Damascus in 3 hours",like AKP MPs have notoriously said.

It was a more serious country. The last 10 years,Erdogan's foreign policy and after 2016 his policies inside Turkey itself,have destroyed the country's reputation and economy. I mean when it comes to the political and diplomatic scene,he's made Turkey look like an unreliable "ally" who betrays everyone and can start a conflict out of nowhere.

But still,there are people like MMM-E who talk about "757 military projects"....

Do I understimate the Turkish defence industry? No,I would be stupid if I did. But is it the giant some people make it look like? No,of course not. There's still a long way. At least though,Turks invest in their defence industry,while Greeks do everything to destroy their own.
What use is the biggest army in the world if the enemy is already within? The borders aren't protected, millions of people pour in year by year. What use is a supercarrier or a nuclear submarine or fucking space laser when our children are getting stabbed by Syrians in the schools, on the streets, the country is turned into a salafist hellhole.

you sound like a racist.
I click here to check for Turkish Naval updates and see this tit for tat

guys cut it out and get back to posting updates on naval matters
Leonardo offers AW101 Helicopters to the Turkish Navy


TCG ANADOLU enter service in 2023

KIZILELMA could revolutionize the battlefield with its key landing and take-off capabilities on Ships with short runways as like TCG ANADOLU

We need Early Warning Aircraft for the Navy and TCG ANADOLU

AW101 Helicopter CROWSNEST Airborne Surveillance and Control System can do it

High power Radar to provide long-range air, maritime and land tracking capabilities that will ensure early detection of potential threats and vital surveillance for the entire fleet.

It's a reality though. What he decribes.

lol yeah, thats b/c you are a racist ethno nationalist just like him. lol everyone not part of the ethnic "volk" in their country, they consider fifth pillars, and something that need to be gotten rid of, its a typical pattern with all ethno nationalists everywhere. You think the same way he thinks about Turks/Muslims in Western Thrace. lol

Leonardo offers AW101 Helicopters to the Turkish Navy

I thought Turkey was building its own helicopter in this class, I guess it makes sense in the interim, as the development time for the helicopter is further down the road.
lol yeah, thats b/c you are a racist ethno nationalist just like him. lol everyone not part of the ethnic "volk" in their country, they consider fifth pillars, and something that need to be gotten rid of, its a typical pattern with all ethno nationalists everywhere. You think the same way he thinks about Turks/Muslims in Western Thrace. lol
Maybe it's not me who's a racist,but you who grew up and lives in the most multi-cultural country in the world? Countries like Turkey and Greece,who had been majority homogenous for years and are not as big as USA,have a difficult time when masses of illegals come on. In the case of Turkey,it's millions of them.

It's sooo easy hiding behind a screen calling someone a "racist" and "ethno-nationalist". So easy to blame them,when you don't there and see the realities. It would be interesting to see all these immigrants and refugees transferred to your State. To suddenly have some 4-5 million of them in your State,whichever State you live in the US.

Muslim in Western Thrace are not a "fifth pillar",don't assume that I think of them like this,since I never such a thing.
Maybe it's not me who's a racist,but you who grew up and lives in the most multi-cultural country in the world? Countries like Turkey and Greece,who had been majority homogenous for years and are not as big as USA,have a difficult time when masses of illegals come on. In the case of Turkey,it's millions of them.

It's sooo easy hiding behind a screen calling someone a "racist" and "ethno-nationalist". So easy to blame them,when you don't there and see the realities. It would be interesting to see all these immigrants and refugees transferred to your State. To suddenly have some 4-5 million of them in your State,whichever State you live in the US.

Muslim in Western Thrace are not a "fifth pillar",don't assume that I think of them like this,since I never such a thing.

Turkey has never been homogenous, its east is Kurdish, places like Urfa/Şanlıurfa is majority arab people, and there are a significant population of Arabs in Hatay. Hell if you want to go further, a good chunk of "Turks" are really muslim Balkan people and Georgian descent or circassians, who assimilated to the dominant social culture, with the exception of people from other confessional communities who b/c they were a different religion hung on to their more distinct identities. I would wager there is very little of the population that is actually of the same stock as central asians. It used to be even more mixed in Ottoman times. homogeneity is what is artificial, not the "natural" state of things when looking at things historically.

It would be interesting to see all these immigrants and refugees transferred to your State. To suddenly have some 4-5 million of them in your State, whichever State you live in the US.

You understand that America has a history of absorbing migratory waves every few decades right? the entire identity of the American is built around the immigrant, the original WASPs that immigrated to this continent are a minority, they were followed by Irish peasant migrants escaping the famine in Ireland. Followed by the Germans and then Sicilian peasants from Italy and the eastern bloc(poles, eastern europeans, greeks, etc). Post 1950s we have had an influx of asians. Not to mention the millions of Latin American who have been migrating for decades. You will notice if you ever travel to the US, that the difference between cities is astounding, if you were in Boston with the Irish heritage to NY with its Italian heritage(historically its a lot less now, with more hispanics and asians), and the American SouthWest which is very much hispanic, or Atlanta in the south, which is majority African American. Heck 25 years from now, its going to be very different from today. lol
Turkey has never been homogenous, its east is Kurdish, places like Urfa/Şanlıurfa is majority arab people, and there are a significant population of Arabs in Hatay. Hell if you want to go further, a good chunk of "Turks" are really muslim Balkan people and Georgian descent or circassians, who assimilated to the dominant social culture, with the exception of people from other confessional communities who b/c they were a different religion hung on to their more distinct identities. I would wager there is very little of the population that is actually of the same stock as central asians. It used to be even more mixed in Ottoman times. homogeneity is what is artificial, not the "natural" state of things when looking at things historically.

You understand that America has a history of absorbing migratory waves every few decades right? the entire identity of the American is built around the immigrant, the original WASPs that immigrated to this continent are a minority, they were followed by Irish peasant migrants escaping the famine in Ireland. Followed by the Germans and then Sicilian peasants from Italy and the eastern bloc(poles, eastern europeans, greeks, etc). Post 1950s we have had an influx of asians. Not to mention the millions of Latin American who have been migrating for decades. You will notice if you ever travel to the US, that the difference between cities is astounding, if you were in Boston with the Irish heritage to NY with its Italian heritage(historically its a lot less now, with more hispanics and asians), and the American SouthWest which is very much hispanic, or Atlanta in the south, which is majority African American. Heck 25 years from now, its going to be very different from today. lol
I'm laughing because I see MMM-E liking your posts when he's the guy who used to say "Pakistanis get out of my country" 🤣🤣🤣
Back in the Cold War and in the 90s,Turkey was a much more "serious" country. When I say Turkey,I mean the government.

Yes Greece and Turkey still had many problems and almost went to war twice since the late '80s,but it wasn't like this. It wasn't this circus,this constant talk of neo-Ottoman dreams and threats. And definetely not stuff like "We'll be in Athens in 5 hours,we'll be in Damascus in 3 hours",like AKP MPs have notoriously said.

It was a more serious country. The last 10 years,Erdogan's foreign policy and after 2016 his policies inside Turkey itself,have destroyed the country's reputation and economy. I mean when it comes to the political and diplomatic scene,he's made Turkey look like an unreliable "ally" who betrays everyone and can start a conflict out of nowhere.

But still,there are people like MMM-E who talk about "757 military projects"....

Do I understimate the Turkish defence industry? No,I would be stupid if I did. But is it the giant some people make it look like? No,of course not. There's still a long way. At least though,Turks invest in their defence industry,while Greeks do everything to destroy their own.

Turkey was always strong. Strongest air force, strongest army, strongest navy in the region. Yes we gained some self-sufficiency through the defence industry but the world has changed. Nowadays a small country like Ukraine can humiliate a great power like Russia if they have the right connections and the so called "Great power" is isolated. It's a matter of image. And we have a terrible image. We don't have the same comparative edge we had in the 90ies because America won't sell the F35. You spend lots of money making TFX but what happens when you can't get engines for that? Even if you did, how much can your economy support?

The reality is that no country is an island, not even Russia can afford to be isolated. Not even China, the biggest economy in the world and arguably also the biggest military power.

What's happening is that Turkey is becoming more and more isolated. So Turkey will be the Russia and Greece will be the Ukraine in a possible conflict. Russia can make their own fighter jets, tanks, ships etc. In the end none of it mattered.

China makes Wing Loongs that are just as effective as TB2s and even cheaper. So why does nobody buy them instead of TB2? Because Turkey is NATO and China is China. So we're still benefiting a lot from being in the western bloc. These relations have to be repaired, Turkey's image as a democratic country has to be repaired.

Saying shit like "we'll be in athens in 5 hours" makes us look like clowns. It only damages your image and makes you look like Putin. This isn't how the game is played.
Turkey was always strong. Strongest air force, strongest army, strongest navy in the region. Yes we gained some self-sufficiency through the defence industry but the world has changed. Nowadays a small country like Ukraine can humiliate a great power like Russia if they have the right connections and the so called "Great power" is isolated. It's a matter of image. And we have a terrible image. We don't have the same comparative edge we had in the 90ies because America won't sell the F35. You spend lots of money making TFX but what happens when you can't get engines for that? Even if you did, how much can your economy support?

The reality is that no country is an island, not even Russia can afford to be isolated. Not even China, the biggest economy in the world and arguably also the biggest military power.

What's happening is that Turkey is becoming more and more isolated. So Turkey will be the Russia and Greece will be the Ukraine in a possible conflict. Russia can make their own fighter jets, tanks, ships etc. In the end none of it mattered.

China makes Wing Loongs that are just as effective as TB2s and even cheaper. So why does nobody buy them instead of TB2? Because Turkey is NATO and China is China. So we're still benefiting a lot from being in the western bloc. These relations have to be repaired, Turkey's image as a democratic country has to be repaired.

Saying shit like "we'll be in athens in 5 hours" makes us look like clowns. It only damages your image and makes you look like Putin. This isn't how the game is played.

What are your opinion on Blue Homeland policy? and the EEZ in the Aegean, and what do you think Turkey's response should be, if Greece decides to have maximalist expansions of its territorial waters, to the point where freedom of navigation for Turkish vessels in the Aegean is finishes? And regarding the EEZ, what should Turkey do if Greece decides to unilaterally exploit the territorial waters for drilling and pipelines, without any consultation and agreement with Turkey? Should Turkey allow Fiat Accompli?

Also what are your opinions on Northern Cyprus? If Steps are taken by Greek Cyprus to change the dynamics on the island with arming it, or trying to change the boundaries and trying to dissolve Northern Cyprus and then seeking support for it from France, Netherlands, and the anti Turkey forces in the EU? Or trying to Weaponize Bob Menendez type people in the US for support.

I always see this partnership between Greeks/EU and CHP people ganging up on AKP/Erdogan online, but the CHP people never seem to want to express their feelings on the Aegean matters, and I'm wondering if its intentionally being coy, so as to not have to take a stance where the domestic public in Turkey would be upset, and also not say something that would upset their Euro benefactors. I can promise you Foinikas doesn't give 2 fks about Turkish domestic policy, afterall he has no issues with Sisi and Greece and France have glowing relations with Sisi. The issue he has is with Turkey with regards to the Aegean, Western Thrace, Northern Cyprus, and Turkey not stopping migrants from trying to cross into Greece. He tries to frame the entire Aegean policy as "neo ottoman", and we don't see any pushback from the CHP people.
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