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Turkish Naval Programs

Yes some NATO allies don't act as allies

USA,France,Germany use PKK/YPG Terror organization to destroy Turkiye's territorial integrity
USA use FETO Terror organization to make military coup in Turkiye

Turkish military operations in Syria kicked USA,France,Germany who have a dirty plan to destroy Turkiye's territorial integrity

and USA,France,Germany have started arms embargo on Turkiye

but Turkiye have developed its own systems .... Greece's vet dreams will never come true as like 1922
Here we go again...

5 Projects which will strengthen the Turkish Navy in 2022-2023

1 ) ISTIF class Frigate by 2023

These highly stealthy Frigates have extremely reduced radar, IR and acoustic signatures, and they are backed by a low probability of intercept (LPI) radar that could sneak up to enemy surface vessels and deliver a lethal blow

ADVENT Combat Management System
AESA Radar
ALPER LPI Surface Radar
AKREP (AKR-D Block B-1/2) Fire Control Radar
FERSAH Hull Mounted Sonar
SeaEye-AHTAPOT EO Reconnaisance and Survellience System
ARES-2N Electronic Warfare System
HIZIR Torpedo counter measure System
16 cells VLS

-- 1 x 76 mm Gun
-- 16 x ATMACA Anti ship Missiles
-- 64 x ESSM / HISAR Air Defense Missiles
-- 1 x GOKDENIZ 35 mm CIWS
-- 6 x Torpedos
-- 2 x 25 mm Aselsan STOP Machine Gun Platforms
-- 1 x ASW Helicopter


Barbaros Class Frigate Half-Life Modernization Project ( about €250 million )
4 Ships are planned to be delivered to the Turkish Navy until 2025

-- ADVENT Combat Management System
-- SMART-S MK-II 3D Radar
-- Aselsan TAKS Fire Control System
-- Aselsan MAR-D 3B AESA Radar
-- Aselsan AKR-D X and Ka-Band fire control Radars
-- Aselsan ARES-2N Electronic Warfare System
-- Aselsan PIRI Panoramic Infrared Imaging
-- Aselsan KATS Infrared Search and Track system
-- Aselsan FERSAH Carina Mounted Sonar System
-- Aselsan HIZIR Torpedo counter measure System

-- 1 x 127 mm Gun
-- 2 x STOP 25mm RCW
-- 1 x GOKDENIZ 35mm CIWS
-- 1 x PHALANX 20 mm CIWS
-- 32-64 x ESSM/HISAR Air Defense Missiles
-- 16 x ATMACA Anti ship Missiles
-- 6 x Torpedoes
-- 1 x ASW Helicopter


3- ) The First Type-214TN class AIP Submarine TCG PİRİREİS to enter service in December 2022

HARPOON Blok II or ATMACA Anti ship Missiles
AKYA heavyweight Torpedos
ARES-2NS Electronic Warfare System
ZARGANA Soft-kill Torpedo counter measure System
TORK Hard-kill Torpedo Countermeasure System


4-) TCG ANADOLU light Aircraft Carrier to enter service in December 2022

The possible deployment of TB-3 UCAVs and HURJET Fighter Jet on TCG ANADOLU multipurpose Amphibious Assault Ship

5- ) The first HISAR class Offshore Patrol Ship will be delivered in May 2023

1x 76mm Gun
8x HİSAR air defense Missiles
8x ATMACA Anti-Ship Missiles
4x UMTAS Missiles
2x (with 6 Rockets) Roketsan DSH (Submarine Defense Warfare) Rocket Launch System
2x 25mm STAMP
YAKAMOS Hull Mounted Sonar System
ASELSAN MAR-D Search Radar
LPI Radar
Fire Control Radar
Electro-Optical Sensor
Torpedo Countermeasure System


ATMACA Coastal Defense Missile System

Warhead : 250 kg
Range : 250 km
Seeker : IIR
Speed : high subsonic

-- super sea skimming ( below 3 m )
-- zigzag maneuver that makes it difficult for anti missile batteries

IIR guided ATMACA Missile increasing its performance in the Aegean Sea

The land-based version of the ATMACA anti-ship Missile is outfitted with an Imaging Infrared seeker (IIR) and an image processing function that allows the missile to take out targets positioned near islands

The RF guided, sea-based version lacks this capability

ATMACA Anti-Ship Missile will act as Turkiye’s defense umbrella and the main constituent of The Turkish Navy’s defense grid, giving it all-round protection against adversary threats


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The latest situation of I-class' leading frigate, will serve as TCG Istanbul and which equipping activities continue, can be seen in the background.

(via DENO from TRmilitary forum)
The latest situation of I-class' leading frigate, will serve as TCG Istanbul and which equipping activities continue, can be seen in the background.

(via DENO from TRmilitary forum)

why is the fitting out taking so long and has the 2nd one even started yet ?

laid down July 2017
launched in Jan 2021

this is taking longer than Ada Class
Good news, construction of MILDEN will start in 2025 and aiming to end the project in 2031. It will have a displacement of 2700 ton, a lenght of 80+ meters, it will have AIP.

why is the fitting out taking so long and has the 2nd one even started yet ?

laid down July 2017
launched in Jan 2021

this is taking longer than Ada Class

because of ambargo, they didn't give VLS, no RAM, no radar and no missiles. So it need time to make all that systems and first I class will enter inventory in 2023.
because of ambargo, they didn't give VLS, no RAM, no radar and no missiles. So it need time to make all that systems and first I class will enter inventory in 2023.
For example, the vertical launching system. There was no embargo at the beginning of the project. Turkish companies are already among the producers of the ESSM program. But When the I-class project started, there was a problem in supply for mk41. When Turkish companies developed an equivalent system, the official request was answered on the last day. Now there will probably be 8 cells of MK41(tactical) and 8 cells of MDAS on board. 32 ESSM on MK41, and 8 other cells will be HISAR or SIPER configurations for MDAS.

Likewise, there was a problem with the main gun. All of these supply issues were beyond ethical boundaries. MKE had to develop a domestic sea cannon in a record time of 2 years. There were many more problems towards sub systems.

Except for the propulsion systems, the ships that we targeted for mainly domestic production were the TF-2000 project. However, when the western countries realized the distance Turkiye has covered in frigate design and production, they wanted to completely undermine the I-Class project by using the political conjuncture. As a result, they were not able to undermine the Project, but they were the driving force for the Turkish defense industry to achieve the level targeted for the TF-2000, yet from the I-Class.

Kötü komşu insanı ev sahibi yapar. One of the most beautiful proverbs in Turkish. We can translate this into English as "bad ally turns a country into a military industrial power".
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Good news, construction of MILDEN will start in 2025 and aiming to end the project in 2031. It will have a displacement of 2700 ton, a lenght of 80+ meters, it will have AIP.

Deliveries of the Reis class to the navy were due to begin this year, it looks like it will be delayed to 2023 due to Germany's stalling on a few issues. The Greek lobby is working hard on this.However, such inconsistencies led to the formation of alternative strategies on the SSB side as well. There are a few areas left, and it has been a long time since the European industry ceased to be the only alternative in those matters. Reis class will be the last submarine project worked with Germany and it is almost impossible for a German company to take a share in the MILDEN project. They mixed up a geopolitical issue that did not directly concern them, so amateurishly as to destroy an industrial relationship in their favor.

Apart from the Reis class, trial production for semi-autonomous midget submarines started this year. Gölcük shipyard command will have started production of MILDEN in their hangars immediately after REIS deliveries.

So actually, for the first time we are starting to run different submarine programs parallelly.

One of them will be a longer submarine than ever before, and possibly with a higher diving weight. This sub will have a strategic attack capability on land and will have a special propulsion solution, similar to what the Japanese did. On the other line, a midget-class attack submarine is being developed, which we have not preferred until now, and possibly completely customized for inland seas(Islands sea especially), so developed for use as a direct submarine hunter and for special infiltration operations.

Among other areas, developments in submarine projects confirm that 'naval expansion will begin in the 2030s', which we have determined many times here before.
Deliveries of the Reis class to the navy were due to begin this year, it looks like it will be delayed to 2023 due to Germany's stalling on a few issues. The Greek lobby is working hard on this.
I don't think the Germans will do anything about it. Germans and Turks have had the best relationship for more than 100 years. It's not like USA where there is not just the Greek,but also the Armenian and other lobbies that pressure the government. And the Americans are also obsessed with Putin and every time they see Erdogan saying he will buy S-400s etc. they go crazy. Germans are more...realistic let's say.

I think the German government will eventually agree to Turkish demands.
I don't think the Germans will do anything about it. Germans and Turks have had the best relationship for more than 100 years. It's not like USA where there is not just the Greek,but also the Armenian and other lobbies that pressure the government. And the Americans are also obsessed with Putin and every time they see Erdogan saying he will buy S-400s etc. they go crazy. Germans are more...realistic let's say.

I think the German government will eventually agree to Turkish demands.
Turkish-German relations are worse than ever before. Even a little research on the German public will explain this. In the post-1980 period, Germany has traditionally been the number 1 supplier of the TAF, with the exception of the air force. They have brought military-industrial relations to the point where it will be completely zeroed in the next 10 years, because of involving political disputes and third parties.

The S-400 is the effect, not the cause, of problems with the USA. At the root of the issue was the US completely ignoring Turkiye's national security issues and even engaging in hostile actions. Turkiye was forced (by US) to make a decision and today this decision is being put forward as a political excuse.


Turkiye lingered for almost 15 years on the purchase of Patriots. The previous US president openly admitted this. While even the US presidency is saying this openly, it is ridiculous to still talk about the S-400 decision. Before the purchase of the S-400, a memorandum was signed for co-production over SAMP-T. Although these systems were behind the S-400 in the technical evaluation, we wanted to develop cooperation with our western partners first. France, which builds LHD ships for Russia and even sells fuel to jet fighters until 2022, is still stalling the project because Turkiye is a party to this agreement.

They wanted to prevent Turkiye from acquiring a long-range air defense system. The other issue was that Turkiye was prevented from accessing the fifth generation jets due to the fact that it prioritized its own national interests, unlike in 2001-2003 conditions. This decision was taken especially after the Mavi Marmara event. These are undeniable facts. Anyone who says otherwise either does not have the slightest knowledge of this T-LORAMIDS process or is deliberately lying.

As a result, MILDEN will be produced instead of German design submarines. HISAR and SIPER are produced instead of western defense systems such as Patriots/Aster. MMU is being produced instead of the F-35.

There is no smart politician on power who correctly analyzes Turkiye's opportunities and necessities. It is to this political narrow-mindedness that Turkiye owes the exponentially increasing growth in the defense industry.
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Turkish-German relations are worse than ever before. Even a little research on the German public will explain this.
That I know,ever since the government changed,they are supposedly against you. But still I don't believe this will last long. The German-Turkish friendship and cooperation started in the late 19th or early 20th century if I remember correctly. And no matter what,they will also think of their financial interests in the end.

The S-400 is the effect, not the cause, of problems with the USA. At the root of the issue was the US completely ignoring Turkiye's national security issues and even engaging in hostile actions. Turkiye was forced (by US) to make a decision and today this decision is being put forward as a political excuse.
You know that it gave them a good excuse though.I know that Americans are very weird when it comes to supplying weapons. There are times they will give everything in vast quantities without thinking of anything and there are times when they will not give you something,delay the sale of something else,not deliver ammunition during war because of some excuse or keep a neutral stance.
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