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Turkish Naval Programs

Akya heavy torpedo first time launched from Preveze subs MUREN CMS. First LRIP batch will delivered in 2022.


Deniz platformları alanındaki projelerimizde herhangi bir aksama yok. TCG İSTANBUL Firkateyni’nin inşası takvime uygun olarak gidiyor. Türk Tipi Hücumbot’ta şu anda dizayn fazındayız. Bir sonraki aşama, bunun prototiplendirilmesi. Ondan sonra da seri üretime geçmeyi hedefliyoruz.

Mini Denizaltı üzerinde 10-15 senedir çalışıyoruz. Bir denizaltı yapmak, bilindiği üzere kolay değil. Üretime başladık başlayacağız diyebilirim. Yurt dışında belli ülkelere de teklif ettik.

TCG Frigatte is going schedule, FAC is in design fase, later step will prototype. After that serial production is our aim.

We are working for 10-15 years to design the mini sub. Making a subs is not easy task. We have started the production. We have offered to counties.

The first hull is cut, how long will it take to finish the project is question.... :-) It is really difficult to detect a sub, but smaller one is almost not possible....

another good news...
A short recap about Turkish submarine program, after we finished we will have 14 modern submarine fleet. 6 AIP Reis class subs, 4 Gur class and 4 Preveze class submarine. After 4 Preveze class modernization will be done with Gur class to. We can arm our 14 submarine with every weapon we can make. So all of them will be able to fire AKYA torpedo and Sub Atmaca missile.

Not to forget 1 mini SUB, total of 15 subs. After 2030 bigger AIP submarine MILDEN will join. Ther is no plan to decomission GUR and Preveze class submarin. We will go to 20 submarine after 2030, we will turn in to Bleu water navy and not some costal defence navy.
STM DIMDEG, STM MILGEM/I-class frigate and STM MPAC missile corvette introduced to the Qatari navy admirals at the DIMDEX fair.

"ZOKA launchers appeared in TCG Preveze. It means that the serial integration of the launchers has started. With 24 launchers, 12 of which are placed on the Port and 12 on the Starboard side, ZOKA Acoustic Decoys and Jammers can be launched rapidly against torpedoes, even while the submarine is maneuvering."

Notes and parts from the first technical course of TCG Anadolu:
Proposals for MİLGEM 6th, 7th and 8th ships were submitted to the SSB on 1 April.

If this 3-shipyard simultaneous construction model is successful, the Turkish navy will gain a very valuable and strategic industrial capability. Such that, even if it is out of budget or planning at the moment, rapid expansion will be possible if regional conditions impose an urgent need. If the leading ships of the classes build at the Pendik Shipyard Command, and the other serial production ships build simultaneously in the private shipyards; ships can be launched in a sequence such as 1+3 or 1+3+3.

This will not only allow combatant ships to be built in groups of three, but will also provide more than double the cost advantage over countries that might want to enter an arms race against Turkish Navy. There is no industrial capability in our region that can compete with this.
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Modernization works of BARBAROS Class Frigate MLU Project's first ship, TCG Oruç Reis, has Begun.


"At the end of January 2022, it was taken into the drydock at the Gölcük Shipyard Command and work on it began. Comprehensive Mid-Life Modernization works on the TCG OruçReis Frigate, will take a total of 16 months together with the planned maintenance/repair activities(4 months of dismantling, 4 months of integration and 8 months of Port and Navigation Acceptance Tests). After sea navigation/acceptance tests, First ship expected to enter service in the first half of 2023. After the modernization, the total weight of the ship will be increase by approximately 200 tons."

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