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Turkish Naval Programs


A stop-gap solution until what exactly? F-35B is unlikely and Turkey will not develop a VTOL.

Carrier based drones

If we could acquire the Harriers then we could study their V/STOL mechanisms and gain some experience in using our LHD/carrier. Though unlikely, we could even try to experiment with an unmanned Harrier.

Though not ideal for actual combat use, having Harriers could be beneficial.
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enough to use them as a stop gap solution.
Yeah. Maybe. Turkey can probably also upgrade them domestically, further extending their service life. If they can be acquired at a reasonable cost, I don't see why not.

A stop-gap solution until what exactly? F-35B is unlikely and Turkey will not develop a VTOL.
Unlikely doesn't mean impossible. Current stand-off between the US and TR is caused by geopolitical circumstances. If Trump gets re-elected, unlikely may turn into likely. As for a new Turkish VTOL, why not? It's not some alien technology. VTOL aircraft have been around since the 60's with dozens of designs: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_VTOL_aircraft
Unlikely doesn't mean impossible. Current stand-off between the US and TR is caused by geopolitical circumstances. If Trump gets re-elected, unlikely may turn into likely. As for a new Turkish VTOL, why not? It's not some alien technology. VTOL aircraft have been around since the 60's with dozens of designs: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_VTOL_aircraft

VTOL is a very tricky technology, leading to only a few successful designs. VTOL development is extremely expensive and Turkey does simply not have the resources to pursue Hürjet, TF-X, Stealth UCAVs and a VTOL at the same time. Also, Turkey will in the near future direct significant resources towards Submarines, Supersonic, Hypersonic weapons and the Space Programme. There is no room left for a risky VTOL project in the budget.
A stop-gap solution until what exactly? F-35B is unlikely and Turkey will not develop a VTOL.

Until we have long range uav´s, heavier fleet of i-class frigates, destroyers etc. we will soon have tcg anadolu but we dont even have a naval version of the t-129 yet and the harriers are a proven aircraft so we should have a cloose look at them. At the end certain issues in the neighborhood needs to be adressed.
VTOL is a very tricky technology, leading to only a few successful designs. VTOL development is extremely expensive and Turkey does simply not have the resources to pursue Hürjet, TF-X, Stealth UCAVs and a VTOL at the same time. Also, Turkey will in the near future direct significant resources towards Submarines, Supersonic, Hypersonic weapons and the Space Programme. There is no room left for a risky VTOL project in the budget.
You may be right. But it all also depends on prioritization. If Turkey deems developing a VTOL aircraft a high priority task, it will be funded. An unmanned VTOL UAV wouldn't be nearly as expensive as a manned fighter, and Turkey happens to have a lot success in UAV design and operation.
Is there something on the drawing board? (confirmed)
TB2 has a wingspan of 12 meters while Anka boasts a wingspan of almost 20 meters so, what do you think? It is either F-35 or no fixed-wing aircraft on Anadolu at this point.

VTOL is a very tricky technology, leading to only a few successful designs. VTOL development is extremely expensive and Turkey does simply not have the resources to pursue Hürjet, TF-X, Stealth UCAVs and a VTOL at the same time. Also, Turkey will in the near future direct significant resources towards Submarines, Supersonic, Hypersonic weapons and the Space Programme. There is no room left for a risky VTOL project in the budget.
I mean, since this is not a video game we should also think about CONOPS for such a plane right? I fail to see what benefits a Harrier-like Turkish plane would bring to the table. F-35 is a completely different story; since it brings so much like stealth, sensor fusion, AESA, Barracuda etc etc. I don't think Turkey needs a Harrier that much right now.

Similar to what they are doing with Akıncı, I mean is it a product of extensive analysis between Baykar and TSK, is there a CONOPS defined? Everybody talks about how it will be able to carry cruise missiles and how it is going to have an AESA radar but yeah for what? It is too slow to be used against conventional enemies while it would be overkill to be used against insurgencies. People usually treat military hardware as if the real world was a mobile clicker game, but you gotta think about how you are going to use the hardware and what doctrines it would bring.

Carrier based drones

If we could acquire the Harriers then we could study their V/STOL mechanisms and gain some experience in using our LHD/carrier. Though unlikely, we could even try to experiment with an unmanned Harrier.

Though not ideal for actual combat use, having Harriers could be beneficial.
Hadi hayırlısı:)
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