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Turkish Naval Programs

building aircraft carrier would be the worts military decision Turkey ever had
building aircraft carrier would be the worts military decision Turkey ever had
For now, yes. But we're trying to plan ahead. Turkey has no choice but to increase the size of its sphere of influence. That's the only way to safeguard the security of our heartland. So in the near future it may become necessary to operate an aircraft carrier strike group in order to defend our global economic interests.
For now, yes. But we're trying to plan ahead. Turkey has no choice but to increase the size of its sphere of influence. That's the only way to safeguard the security of our heartland. So in the near future it may become necessary to operate an aircraft carrier strike group in order to defend our global economic interests.

well thats kind of nonsense since China became a $10 trillion economy without a single carrier

today they have 1 operational and 1 handed over hardly anything to write home about

Soviet Union had over 100 nuclear submarines and still collapsed

I am not sure what your point is

my point is military expansions does not equate to economic benefits

now if your talking about foreign policy and influence well that is another matter
technical question, french Charles de Gaulle length is almost same as TCG anadolu. they both have those jump ramps. f-16 with full internal fuel tank and 6 AMRAAMs has better T/W ratio (around 1) than french rafale. so the question is why you can't fly falcons from anadolu??
Earth curvature?


Can you tell us the distance between the plane and the radar in the second photo? Just say this?
Can you tell us the distance between the plane and the radar in the second photo? Just say this?

OK the S-400 can detect a Greek F-16 flying on the Greece's west coast, because you know 600km detection range... weather condition, clouds, geographical location of radar, earth curvature... don't play a role at all.

This is the truth.
technical question, french Charles de Gaulle length is almost same as TCG anadolu. they both have those jump ramps. f-16 with full internal fuel tank and 6 AMRAAMs has better T/W ratio (around 1) than french rafale. so the question is why you can't fly falcons from anadolu??

Because their carrier uses a catapult system - not a ski jump. TCG Anadolu will probably never be used for fighters. It'll be a helicopter carrier with the possibility of carrying drones as well.
Because their carrier uses a catapult system - not a ski jump. TCG Anadolu will probably never be used for fighters. It'll be a helicopter carrier with the possibility of carrying drones as well.
Moreover any conventional air plane cant land on LHD or LPD. The real problem is landing. If TCG Anadolu had catapult and Turkish Navy had f/A18 for carriers , aircrafts couldnt land on to LPD.
Real big aircraft carriers have 2 different runway for take off and landing.

Angle of runway for landing is not strait in order to make safe approaches. And Real carriers have cathing systems from 3 cable.
Early variant of aircraft carriers' runway were had similar angle as LPDs. Although There had been crashes in landing process because of narrow runway, Strait single runway design was more suitable for turboprob aircrafts which had lower landing speed and lighter weight than modern jet aircrafts.

You couldnt land mig 29k, F18N on LPD if there were a catching cable, because runway is too narrow . For LHDs you need just short take off- Vertical Landing capability aircrafts such as Harriers, F35b, yak38!

Can you tell us the distance between the plane and the radar in the second photo? Just say this?
between the plane and the radar there is radar horizon like a mountain. Radars are standing at surface not at 10.000feet altitude.

Radar horizon is 60km at 100ft!!! when you look at horizon you can see maximum 50km.
Moreover when you change radar bands in order to reach longer range, you increase or decrease frequencies which is effect on quality. I am not specialist but it is full of science.
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my point is military expansions does not equate to economic benefits

Does not equate, but it certainly helps. Strong economy goes hand in hand with strong military. That's been the case since antiquity. As for carriers, they aren't some wunderwaffe that will solve all of a country's military problems. But they certainly do have their advantages.

Again, I don't think Turkey needs an aircraft carrier at this time. But if it stays on its current trajectory and continue to follow an independent (some say Neo-Ottoman) foreign policy, it certainly WILL NEED one in the next 10-15 years. So we must be prudent and plan ahead.
My friend is around the world 40.000km. Is Google Maps too amateur to calculate the west of Greece from Izmir, considering the round shape of the world? Didn't you see that the world is round in the big photo I gave? What percentage of 40000km you give? So what is the distance between the plane and radar in that way? That's all you got tired.
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My friend is around the world 40.000km. Is Google Maps too amateur to calculate the west of Greece from Izmir, considering the round shape of the world? Didn't you see that the world is round in the big photo I gave? What percentage of 65000km you give? So what is the distance between the plane and radar in that way? That's all you got tired.
It is the third time i wrote : you can not cover more than 60km at 30meter altitude.
It is the third time i wrote : you can not cover more than 60km at 30meter altitude.
That depends on the target's flight altitude. If he's flying above the curvature of the Earth and therefore radar horizon than technically detection is only limited by weather clutter and the power/resolution of the radar.

If your radar is at 30 meters above sea level, and the target is flying at 14000 meters, you can "technically" detect it from over 500 km away. It's simple trigonometry.
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It is the third time i wrote : you can not cover more than 60km at 30meter altitude.
I never read what you wrote. I read now. range increases as altitude increases. I used Google trowel. Let me tell you how many kilometers of the west of Greece are from İzmir, I am waiting.

In summary, with a radar that tracks hundreds of floating and flying targets from 450 km at the same time, a TF-2000 will be sufficient except for big wars in the Aegean.
I never read what you wrote. I read now. range increases as altitude increases. I used Google trowel. Let me tell you how many kilometers of the west of Greece are from İzmir, I am waiting.
What if greek air force flies at very low altitude as all fighters do in combat scenarios?
What if greek air force flies at very low altitude as all fighters do in combat scenarios?
then they work with low altitude radars. there is no single sensor on that ship. If they fly from low altitude, they become easy prey.

tf-2000 class ships are a complex system in very few countries in the world. it will be a complete power factor. Turkey's hand in the Black Sea will also be relieved too
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