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Turkish Naval Programs

Earth isnt flat unfortunately.:-)

6 Reis class submarines, 4 I class frigates, TF-100 frigates are planned.
With its 450 km multifunction radar, it can monitor and protect an entire sea of TF-2000 Aegean with 64 VLS.
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I did not counted as like you did but as carrier groups/flotillas. So, I counted these:
for the protection of TCG Anadolu for example. So, 3 carrier groups (with a possible CV and a second LHD) and 3 flotillas for protecting our shores. (Agean Sea, Black Sea, Med. Sea)
I did not counted as like you did but as carrier groups/flotillas. So, I counted these:
for the protection of TCG Anadolu for example. So, 3 carrier groups (with a possible CV and a second LHD) and 3 flotillas for protecting our shores. (Agean Sea, Black Sea, Med. Sea)
I think that shipbuilding will be accelerated with the introduction of new shipyards. More than one ship will be under construction in more than one shipyard.
What are we going to fly off our "aircraft carrier"? Currently we don't have a carrier-capable aircraft or plans to acquire any. (excluding F-35B which the Americans won't sell us)

Perhaps TAI, Baykar, Vestel or another similar company can build a carrier-operated jet-powered UCAV. I think that'd be the best solution.
I don't get it why everyone is insisting on aircrafts for TCG Anadolu? We can operate them as heli carriers like Japan until acquiring a VTOL/carrier capable aircraft.

I'm not talking about TCG Anadolu bro. I'm talking about an actual aircraft carrier. I agree that TCG Anadolu is and has always been a LHD. The ski-jump was added on later after TSK decided to operate a small number of F-35Bs from it. But that decision was made before the July 15 coup d'etat attempt. That night changed a lot of things in Turkey, including our military doctrines for the next few decades.
Perhaps TAI, Baykar, Vestel or another similar company can build a carrier-operated jet-powered UCAV. I think that'd be the best solution.

TCG Anadolu is 32m wide (and the tower makes ~1/3 of it) there are Helicopters on deck so is there enough space to land the UCAV?

I'm not talking about TCG Anadolu bro. I'm talking about an actual aircraft carrier. I agree that TCG Anadolu is and has always been a LHD. The ski-jump was added on later after TSK decided to operate a small number of F-35Bs from it. But that decision was made before the July 15 coup d'etat attempt. That night changed a lot of things in Turkey, including our military doctrines for the next few decades.
My opinion includes an aircraft carrier too. Heli Carriers can bring a lot of power too. We either build an Aircraft Carrier with a electromagnetic catapult, or we build a heli carrier. There's no other VTOL capable aircraft than F-35B for the next 20-25 years. This means if we really want to have an Aircraft Carrier, she has to have a catapult. But don't forget that it took China 20 years and 2 CVs to reach that point and finally their next carrier will have catapults. But if we have heli carriers, we can operate them with our own helicopters.
TCG Anadolu is 32m wide (and the tower makes ~1/3 of it) there are Helicopters on deck so is there enough space to land the UCAV?

If we design a new, STOVL-capable UCAV (perhaps tilt wing) with the flight deck dimensions of TCG Anadolu in mind, why not? Afterall, F-35B isn't exactly a small airplane bro.

Earth curvature?



BilimSavunma's pictures use Cambridge Pixel's SPx Radar Simulator. So they take into account the Earth's curvature as well.
My opinion includes an aircraft carrier too. Heli Carriers can bring a lot of power too. We either build an Aircraft Carrier with a electromagnetic catapult, or we build a heli carrier. There's no other VTOL capable aircraft than F-35B for the next 20-25 years. This means if we really want to have an Aircraft Carrier, she has to have a catapult. But don't forget that it took China 20 years and 2 CVs to reach that point and finally their next carrier will have catapults. But if we have heli carriers, we can operate them with our own helicopters.
Perhaps we can install a STOBAR system on TCG Anadolu and operate a few Russian Mig-29Ks from it similar to what the Indians are doing with their INS Vikramaditya? Far-fetched scenario but it might be technically possible if we have no other choice. Mig-29K doesn't require a catapult.


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if we have no other choice.
We have a choice brother. Using helis. Do you seriously think we can operate Russian fighters? Even if we skip the technical problems we would have to face off, it would cost TOO DAMN MUCH. These are fighters, not ADSs. We either buy a VTOL-capable jet from NATO countries, or we use our own helicopters with no headache for export bans to worry.
We have a choice brother. Using helis. Do you seriously think we can operate Russian fighters? Even if we skip the technical problems we would have to face off, it would cost TOO DAMN MUCH. These are fighters, not ADSs. We either buy a VTOL-capable jet from NATO countries, or we use our own helicopters with no headache for export bans to worry.

Agreed. It seems for the time being we're limited to using helis. Perhaps in the near future we can also add UAV/UCAVs to the mix if we can build some specifically to operate on TCG Anadolu's flight deck.
Agreed. It seems for the time being we're limited to using helis. Perhaps in the near future we can also add UAV/UCAVs to the mix if we can build some specifically to operate on TCG Anadolu's flight deck.
If we can develop similar drones like Loyal Wingman and MQ-25 Stingray, why not? But other than that, we have no other choices than helicopters.
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