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Turkish Naval Programs

Was it a simulation or a real test ?

Source please.

Real test. Source is Turkish Navy which is revealed that in a conference. Fooling DM2A4 is important because Some “hostile” states which is trying to establist a strong submarine forces have relied upon German torpedos. Next step will be to strike fooled DM2A4 with active counter torpedo-torpedo system called Tork.
After making a report based on Aselsan engineers' comment, he goes on and then says "... başarmış ancak torpido sahip olduğu gelişmiş güdüm ve kontrol algoritmaları sayesinde sahte hedefi gerçeğinden ayırt edebilmiş ve hedef geminin yaydığı motor gürültüsünü analiz ederek gerçek hedefe yeniden taarruz etmeyi başarmıştı. Öyle gözüküyor ki o günden bugüne DAKA Laboratuvarında DzKK ve Aselsan personelinin katılımı ile icra edilen yoğun çalışmalarda önemli ilerlemeler kaydedilmiş" and ends his comment with "significant advancements" . It is really confusing, if the soft-kill feature is actually working totally or only "significant advancement" stage; i didnt infer it clearly yet.
After making a report based on Aselsan engineers' comment, he goes on and then says "... başarmış ancak torpido sahip olduğu gelişmiş güdüm ve kontrol algoritmaları sayesinde sahte hedefi gerçeğinden ayırt edebilmiş ve hedef geminin yaydığı motor gürültüsünü analiz ederek gerçek hedefe yeniden taarruz etmeyi başarmıştı. Öyle gözüküyor ki o günden bugüne DAKA Laboratuvarında DzKK ve Aselsan personelinin katılımı ile icra edilen yoğun çalışmalarda önemli ilerlemeler kaydedilmiş" and ends his comment with "significant advancements" . It is really confusing, if the soft-kill feature is actually working totally or only "significant advancement" stage; i didnt infer it clearly yet.

In English?
Theres a reason why defences are multilayered, can't count on softkill alone, hence Tork and other methods of hardkill counter measures...
In June, an Aselsan official informed MONCh that the HIZIR Torpedo Countermeasure System (TCMS) had successfully completed a test deployment against a training version of the DM2A4 heavyweight torpedo. The torpedo was launched against the ADA-class corvette BURGAZADA, during her sea acceptance trials, from a range of 10-12km and was successfully seduced away from the target by decoys. HIZIR uses the DULGER expendable self-propelled target emulator and MEZGIT self-propelled jammer, both members of the ZOKA anti-torpedo acoustic decoy family. The system consists of an 800m long towed array passive sonar, a towed decoy located at the 650m mark of the array, shipboard decoy launchers for DULGER and MEZGIT, and supporting electronics and mechanical systems.

BURGAZADA is the third ADA-class vessel for the Turkish Navy and will be commissioned on 28 September, but the first to be fitted with HIZIR – her predecessors carry the SEA SENTOR Surface Ship Torpedo Defence System from Ultra Electronics. Aselsan completed factory acceptance tests of HIZIR in October last year, quickly integrating the system onto BURGAZADA, which set out on her maiden voyage on 18 March this year. Aselsan Deputy General Manager Mustafa Kaval told MONCh in May that the SEA SENTOR systems on the first two corvettes will ultimately be replaced by HISIR, adding: “HIZIR passed all tests successfully. [Turkish Naval Forces Command] has performed five more tests with HIZIR TCMS, it is proved that our system is much more effective than foreign one.”
This is why development of Ada class is precursor to Istanbul class and eventual TF-2000

Building hulls is one thing outfitting is another

The more indigenous the unit the better defence it has against sanctions

Greater the chance in future it will be used for Turkish national interests rather than foreign

Which can then impact its foreign policy

This would be the real benefit of indigenous equipment
Real test. Source is Turkish Navy which is revealed that in a conference. Fooling DM2A4 is important because Some “hostile” states which is trying to establist a strong submarine forces have relied upon German torpedos. Next step will be to strike fooled DM2A4 with active counter torpedo-torpedo system called Tork.
greeks have some DM2A4 but they have not decided yet for the type of main torpedo arsenal
Are you sure? I knew that greece doesn't have Dm2a4.
atlas elctronic demand alot of money for adaptation of other torpedos so greeks buy some dm2a4 otherwise they would havetype 214 subs without torpedos
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