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Turkish Naval Programs

You mount a long range air search radar. What’s the range?
As far as i know , The main goal for ÇAFRAD's active IFF is to be able to classification of surface and air targets within the 400-450 km radius. So the system should at least achieve this performance.
Malaman project:
Contractors: Koç Savunma, MKEK, Tübitak Sage
Scope: Development of composite sea mines, which has capability of target detection, recognition and classification. An “smart” fuse stimulate the explosion in correct time.
Commencement: December 2011

Maytor project:
The project aims to develop a seamine which is effective against submarines. It will be an equivalent of Mk60 Captor.
STM produces liquid oxygen tank for Turkish Navy’s New Type Submarine Project (NTSP), first time

STM has successfully completed another critical stage of the project
The liquid oxygen (LOX) tank, one of the main components of the air-independent propulsion system of the TCG Muratreis Submarine, which is the third of the six New Type Submarines already being constructed at Gölcük Naval Shipyard, was successfully produced for the very first time in Turkey

STM produces liquid oxygen tank for Turkish Navy’s New Type Submarine Project (NTSP), first time

STM has successfully completed another critical stage of the project
The liquid oxygen (LOX) tank, one of the main components of the air-independent propulsion system of the TCG Muratreis Submarine, which is the third of the six New Type Submarines already being constructed at Gölcük Naval Shipyard, was successfully produced for the very first time in Turkey
Do we have any more info about that? Is it cryogenic tank or ambient temperature tank?
Do we have any more info about that? Is it cryogenic tank or ambient temperature tank?

STM and ARITAS produce liquid oxygen cryogenic tank

Worthington-ARITAŞ as a globally known manufacturer of cryogenic engineering and technology products
@Bismarck It is the first time national torpedo defence system called Hizir, integrated on surface ships, have managed to fool the most advanced German torpedo DM2A4 in trials. Can you imagine How It would be possible If Turkey purchased a foreign decoy and torpedo defense system ? That is the power of national industry and Any system which is seen "advanced" on paper including British SeaSentor, can not come close to domestic efforts.

Those are the medicine of torpedos, Zoka !
@Bismarck It is the first time national torpedo defence system called Hizir, integrated on surface ships, have managed to fool the most advanced German torpedo DM2A4 in trials. Can you imagine How It would be possible If Turkey purchased a foreign decoy and torpedo defense system ? That is the power of national industry and Any system which is seen "advanced" on paper including British SeaSentor, can not come close to domestic efforts.

Those are the medicine of torpedos, Zoka !
"have managed to fool the most advanced German torpedo DM2A4 in trials". Can you post the source about this information? It is an absolute requirement to consider these kind of news with a huge suspicion, since politics and propaganda usually transforms the actual information into an unrecognizable mess. Unfortunately our media is unbelievably misleading with their news in this sector. It does not look wise to announce the capabilities of your own torpedo defence product.
"have managed to fool the most advanced German torpedo DM2A4 in trials". Can you post the source about this information? It is an absolute requirement to consider these kind of news with a huge suspicion, since politics and propaganda usually transforms the actual information into an unrecognizable mess. Unfortunately our media is unbelievably misleading with their news in this sector. It does not look wise to announce the capabilities of your own torpedo defence product.

@Bismarck It is the first time national torpedo defence system called Hizir, integrated on surface ships, have managed to fool the most advanced German torpedo DM2A4 in trials. Can you imagine How It would be possible If Turkey purchased a foreign decoy and torpedo defense system ? That is the power of national industry and Any system which is seen "advanced" on paper including British SeaSentor, can not come close to domestic efforts.

Those are the medicine of torpedos, Zoka !

Was it a simulation or a real test ?

Source please.
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