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Turkish MP Calls on Minister Davutolu to Resign

Is press freedom different in Russia, America's or China? Honest question.

Russia and China don't have free press. Russia cracked down on the media in the past decade, they jailed many, bullied some out of business and there have been assassinations too. Putin has almost abolished democracy in Russia within a decade. China never had it.

The USA have somehow free press, I mean you can say or write what you want without getting in trouble (the exception is criticizing Israel btw), the problem with them is that few companies control a lot of the major newspapers, tv stations. They keep the people dumb.
@baran4417, who thanks who, who speaks with whom is none of your business open your mouth if there's something on your mind about the thread. I've seen dozens of people like you here trying to pass judgement on others.
They live in their own world
Look who's talking :)

@Jemaal Yelmaaz
In your opinion is it ethical in any way for a political party to have these kind of relationships with media companies? Don't they already have their own media enterprises to make their propaganda?

There's only one definition for this; power abuse. This is a crime punishable by penal law
when the AKP govenmnet cut milk off dogan media group it started campaigns to discredit government with fake news and black probagandas..in correspondaing, fiscal inspectors of government begun to check its accounting records, files and noteboks..after inspectors dedected many tax evasion cases it punished with heavy fine Cease....to pay his tax penalty he sold some assets and companies..
Don't you think that your statement itself indicate that AKP has been turning a blind eye on tax evasions of Doğan Group Companies before they made negative news about the government?
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Thanks, Jamaal Yelmaaz.
Doğan, POAŞ'ı Alınca Neler Söylenmişti Neler!
Dogan bought the POAŞ(54%) from Turkey in 1998 ANAP-DSP-DTP because economic crisis.
Turkish goverment found illeal of this bargaining in 2003 AKP. And then they started investigation about Dogan. Link
Dogan reliazed to lose it in 2010 because AKP goverment's investigations. And then Dogan sold it to Austirian Grub OMV. Link
The investigains are knew "Media Pressure", why? and who knows? :/
Grounds for prosecution wikipedia link
Kemalist and / or nationalist journalists were arrested on charges referring to the Ergenekon case and several left-wing and Kurdish journalists were arrested on charges of engaging in propaganda for the PKK listed as a terrorist organization. The legal framework on organised crime and terrorism is still imprecise and contains definitions which are open to abuse, leading to numerous indictments and convictions. Moreover, its interpretation by prosecutors and courts is uneven and is not in line with the European Convention on Human Rights or the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights, according to the European Commission. No clear distinction is made between the incitement to violence and the expression of nonviolent ideas. The application of Articles 6 and 7 of the Anti-Terror Law in combination with Articles 220 and 314 of the Turkish Criminal Code leads to abuses; in short, writing an article or making a speech can still lead to a court case and a long prison sentence for membership or leadership of a terrorist organisation. Together with pressure on the press by state officials and the firing of critical journalists, this situation has led to widespread self-censorship. Frequent website bans are a cause for serious concern and there is a need to revise the law on the internet

Ergenekon's modus operandi has been compared to Operation Gladio's Turkish branch, the Counter-Guerrilla.

Turkey Link Operation Gladio
Main article: Counter-Guerrilla
Further information: Deep state, Ergenekon network, and Jandarma İstihbarat ve Terörle Mücadele
As one of the nations that prompted the Truman Doctrine, Turkey is one of the first countries to participate in Operation Gladio and, some say, the only country where it has not been purged.[75] According to Italian magistrate Felice Casson, the Turkish stay-behind forces are two-pronged: the military "Counter-Guerrilla", and the civilian "Ergenekon".[76] An offshoot of the latter organization is currently the subject of a major investigation. Casson says Turkey is home to the most powerful branch of Operation Gladio.[77]
The counter-guerrilla's existence in Turkey was revealed in 1973 by then prime minister Bülent Ecevit,[78] and he immediately became a target for several assassination plots.
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