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Turkish Missile Programs

Well , German company HDW have accomplished concept design of bigger submarine that based on the design of U-214/212 , it's called U-216 with 4000 ton Displacement and it will have Vertical Launch System

Turkey plan an indigenous Development of Submarines which will be introduced after 2020, Turkey should go for a similar Concept like for a Convetional Sub like U-216 which is Capable to launch LACM from VLS !
Turkey plan an indigenous Development of Submarines which will be introduced after 2020, Turkey should go for a similar Concept like for a Convetional Sub like U-216 which is Capable to launch LACM from VLS !

Indeed, VLS would free up the torpedo tubes for .. torpedos. Plus, I would like to see SRBM :D
Yes it is.It has a 16 cell ballistic missile tube(VLS).Am i missing something?

Well ..... a ballistic missile submarine naturally should have a VLS .

The post you were replying to IMO was talking about SSN and SSK with VLS for CM launch .
Well ..... a ballistic missile submarine naturally should have a VLS .

The post you were replying to IMO was talking about SSN and SSK with VLS for CM launch .
Well,i taught he was talking about any class of submarine that has a VLS system.So that's why i replied...
Rocketsan için çalışan Adam nasıl heyecanla anlatıyor öyle
Mızrak-U hem karada hemde denizde korkulu rüya olacak

ROKETSAN tarafından geliştirilen Uzun Menzilli Tanksavar Füzesi MIZRAK-U'da geliştirme ve üretim süreci tamamlandı. Sıra teslimatlarda...

Mızrak-U hem karada hemde denizde korkulu rüya olacak
For non Turkish speakers.

The MRTP-34 (Kaan) attack boats will be armed with Mizrak-U Missiles. (Long range anti tank missiles)

Info about MIZRAK-U

MIZRAK-U, developed by ROKETSAN primarily for use from assault helicopters is an anti – tank missile system. It is, with the advanced technology it has, highly effective against all armored threats in the field
Click to see MIZRAK-U brochure

Click to see L-MIZRAK-U brochure

Properties of the Product
  • MIZRAK-U, with its Imaging Infrared Seeker and Laser Seeker options, is an antitank missile, having a range of 8 km and lock on before / after launch and “fire and forget / fire and update” properties, used against armored targets, from Air to Ground as well as Ground to Ground.
Basic Properties
  • Insensitive munitions (Level V)
  • Tandem warhead effective against reactive armors
  • Integration to various platforms (helicopter, UAV, land vehicle, stationary platform, light attack aircraft, naval platform)
  • IIR or Laser Seeker options
  • Lock on before / after – launch
  • Fire and forget / Fire and update properties
  • RF data link
  • Smokeless composite solid propellant
Product Description
MIZRAK-U, which was developed by ROKETSAN primary for use from attack helicopters, is an antitank missile system. With its advanced technology it is highly effective against all armored threats in the field. .

MIZRAK-U, with its maximum range of 8 km and minimum range of 500 m is capable of operating all weather conditions and day/night.

MIZRAK-U, which can be used in Fire and Forget and Fire and Update modes, with the flexibility provided by its target update capability, offers to fire behind the mask position, fire against targets hiding behind mask and adjust hit point and damage assesment capability. MIZRAK-U, defined as the official antitank system of the National Attack Helicopter (T – 129) under development, can be integrated to various platforms (Helicopter, UAV, land Vehicle, Stationary Platform, Light Assault Aircraft, Naval Platform)

Technical Specifications
Diameter160 mm
Max. rangel8 km
Min. range0,5 km
Weight37,5 kg
Propellant typeHTPB-based reduced smoke composite propellant
Warhead typeInsensitive tandem warhead effective against armor with reactive protection
GuidanceImager Infrared (IIR) or Laser
Target TypesHeavy Armored / Armored Vehicles
PlatformsHelicopters (AH – 1 W, T – 129 ATAK etc.), UAV’s, Land Vehicles, Light Attack Aircraft, Naval Platforms and Stationary Platforms
MIZRAK-U | Long Range Anti Tank Missile « Roketsan
VLS needs more diameter of sub and so more displacement. If you intend to acquire bigger submarines you can consider to put VLS on it. If we are talking about current status of our subs, torpedo tube lauched cruise missile is the only option. We can not operate so much bigger boats in our surruonded seas. The most optimum option to use cruise missiles on a sub is torpedo lunched method just like Israel do it. You can deploy the missiles on entire fleet so there will be no problem to launch more missile according to VLS method.
The importance of using torpedo tube is not giving its location to enemy, because through the torpedo tube, launcher takes the rocket away from sub and the get on the surface. But its easy to destroy sub (find its location and hit it) once its use vls.

Some anti ship missile has special specification like jammers, low altitude (1m over the water) or zig zag maneuvers etc. Have your missile something like that?
The importance of using torpedo tube is not giving its location to enemy, because through the torpedo tube, launcher takes the rocket away from sub and the get on the surface. But its easy to destroy sub (find its location and hit it) once its use vls.

Even then the missile will not be taken far away from the submarine as to make any difference .

Video of HMS Astute firing Tomahawk ,

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