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Turkish Missile Programs

As always Foinikas here who from Greece which can not produce even a Cruise Missile

ROKETSAN is one of the best in the World to produce all kinds of Missiles

Even France lacks its own guided MLRS , Ground launched Ballistic Missiles

Production capability of ROKETSAN
-- OMTAS Anti-Tank Missile
-- KARAOK shoulder launcher Anti-Tank Missile
-- UMTAS Anti-Tank Missile for Attack Helicopters
-- CIRIT 70 mm laser guided rocket for Attack Helicopters
-- TANOK 120 mm Laser Guided Tank Cannon Munition

-- TRG/TRLG-122 guided MLRS
-- TRG/TRLG-230 guided MLRS
-- TRG 300 guided MLRS

-- YILDIRIM Tactical Ballistic Missile
-- BORA Tactical Ballistic Missile
-- TAYFUN Short range Ballistic Missile ( SRBM )

-- HISAR-A low altitude Air Defense Missile
-- HISAR-O medium altitude Air Defense Missile
-- SIPER high altitude Air Defense Missile

-- GOKDOGAN WVR air to air Missile
-- BOZDOGAN BVR air to air Missile

-- ATMACA anti-ship Missile
-- CAKIR land attack/anti Ship Cruise Missile
-- KARA-ATMACA ground launched Cruise Missile
-- SOM air launched land attack/anti Ship Cruise Missile

-- ORKA leightweight Torpedo
-- AKYA heavy weight Torpedo

-- ALPAGUT loataring Munition
-- MAM-L and MAM-T laser guided Munition

Also upcoming Missiles

-- CENK medium range Ballistic Missile ( MRBM )
-- GEZGIN land-naval based long range strategic Cruise Missile
-- AKBABA anti-radiation Missile
-- RAMJET powered supersonic anti-ship Missile
-- GOKHAN ramjet powered long range air to air Missile
-- GUMS Ballistic Missile Defense System
-- SLV Satellite Launching System

You didn't even understand what I said. I was talking about resources. Raw materials. Everything.

Turkiye doesnt buy raw materials from Europe
Europe lacks raw materials

China,Turkiye,Vietnam,Russia,Brazil,India,Australia,USA hosts the largest raw materials reserves

Turkiye has the 2nd largets raw materials reserves after China

China : 800 million tons
Turkiye : 694 million tons

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I asked one simple thing and again you can't reply with a straight answer and no silly comments or irrelevant information.

Answer is clear

ROKETSAN produce all kinds of Missiles ..
Only USA-China-Russia-France and Turkiye in the World
still Foinikas trolling here with butthurt feelings

go and cry for Greece which can not develop even a Cruise Missile

no any source and military info
only crying , trolling and silly posts

what an ignorant troll who says Europe-USA can use embargo on Turkiye for raw materials

Europe lacks raw materials
on the other hand Turkiye has huge reserves
even Turkiye to buy raw materials from China,Vietnam,Russia,Brazil ... nothing to do with embargo on Turkiye
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Well,guess who came suddenly,one night.

Can you guess what happened? After months of threats,hybris and arrogance?

Greece-France or anybody can not enter Turkish EEZ for drilling
try it and see what will happen

and learn history

Greeks 1964-1974 : Hey Turks , if you are brave come and take

Turks 1964-1974 : We can come suddenly,one night.

in finally we came suddenly and took 1/3 of Cyprus in 1974

Turks in 1974 : We are brave , we came and took ,, where are you Greeks

better know your place and dont provoke regional power Turkiye
ok guys, everybody calm down, lets stay on topic of missiles and discuss that. No need to aggravate each other.
Buddy,relax. You reply very irritated. What's the matter?

You are running thread by thread to terrorize my posts

what a provocative post from you as always

go and search what about ROKETSAN which produce all kinds of missiles

I give you military info ,, you are still trolling here ... what's the matter?

Only a few example

5th gen Anti-Tank Missiles in Europe
Turkiye OMTAS

Laser Guided MLRS in Europe
only Turkiye : TRLG-122 , TRLG-230

Ground launched Ballistic Missiles in Europe
only Turkiye : YILDIRIM , BORA , TAYFUN .. also soon CENK

Ground launched Cruise Missiles in Europe
only Turkiye : KARA-ATMACA ... also soon GEZGIN

High altitude Air Defense Systems in Europe
Turkiye : SIPER
France-Italy : SAMP-T

BVR Air to Air Missiles in Europe
Turkiye : BOZDOGAN ... also soon GOKHAN
France : MICA , METEOR

And this is what you always do when you are cornered. You get back to the past and brag about old times. Of course not all old times,just the ones you actually won something.

yesterday-today-tomorrow ,, that doesnt matter
Turkiye has always superior power in the region

and this is what you always do when you are cornered you are jumping from topic to another topic

Erdogan didn't give up on what he said
if necessary , we will come suddenly one night

and this motto is belong to 1974 peace operation
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I'm not talking about what Roketsan makes and how many things it makes.

You said it's among the best in the world in missiles. I asked,using a scene from the movie Underworld,according to whom? Who says that it's among the best in the world?

You are still trolling

Only 3 countries in NATO ( USA,France,Turkiye ) can produce all kinds of missile systems

-- There are a total of 208 countries in the world

but only 7 countries have developed high altitude-long range Air Defense Missile
( USA,Russia,Israel,Turkiye,China,İran and France-Italy )

-- There are a total of 208 countries in the world

but only 8 countries have developed BVR Air to Air Missile
( USA,Russia,Israel,Turkiye,China,Japan,India and France )

and many more ....

that means ROKETSAN is one of the best in the World to produce all kinds of Missiles
and Turkiye is one of top 8 countries in the World

So basically,you should not brag and talk big. You should zip it and give facts. Not idiotic comments like

Stop jealous and idiotic comments

Only USA-China-Russia-France ,Israel and Turkiye produce high quality latest technology missiles in the World

not Germany , not The UK , not Pakistan, not Japan , not S.Korea

Germany lacks
laser guided MLRS , Ballistic Missiles , 5th gen Anti-Tank Missile , land based Cruise Missile , Anti-Ship Missile , high altitude Air Defense Missile , BVR air to air Missile

S.Korea lacks laser guided MLRS , 5th gen Anti-Tank Missile , air launched Cruise Missile , , high altitude Air Defense Missile , BVR air to air Missile

The UK lacks laser guided MLRS , Ballistic Missiles , 5th gen Anti-Tank Missile , land based Cruise Missile , Anti-Ship Missile , high altitude Air Defense Missile , BVR air to air Missile

on the other hand Turkiye produce all kinds of Missiles

How am I jumping from topic to topic? You just proved that you're the one doing it....lol wtf?!

We were talking about TAYFUN Missile

and You jumped to so-called embargo on Turkiye for raw materials
Your USA-France can not stop Turkiye to produce Missiles

even You jumped to president ERDOGAN who said we will come suddenly one night

yess wtf ?
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Man,the way you always talk and mention these things,these comparisons....it looks as if you're some guy masturbating all day with Turkish military projects. I mean,you constantly spam the same lists and same posts with such arrogance and boasting,it's ridiculous.

We're not in the mood to talk about dolls for girls
Its reality and PDF is a military forum
Of course we talking about military projects

and Turkiye's amazing progress is making you crazy and you are running from thread to another thread to slander it

It's like...you post something "Ooohh...only France and Turkiye in Europe" or "Ooohhh only superpower Turkiye in the world". You give a completely false idea to the forum,that Turkey is some superpower that nobody can defeat.

What a silly post as always

nobody says here Turkiye is a super power
but there is only one fact ... Greece never can match with Turkiye ..not even close

no one jumps on every subject about Turkiye but only you
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You're the guy who doesn't accept criticism.

@Deino says something,you go like "Oh stupid troll"

Aziqbal comes and questions something,you start shouting "Get out of here stupid Pakistani who know nothing"

Criticism ? you are trolling with so-called embargo on Turkiye for raw materials

you are dreaming about USA-Europe for embargo on Turkiye to stop missile production
but Turkiye doesnt buy raw materials from USA-Europe

and Your friends trolling too

in 2021 when I said everybody will see the TFX and KIZILELMA in 2023
DEINO came and said your are a fanboy stop dreaming

RESULT : I was right , now DEINO says I am sorry and congratulations to all Turksish PDF users for the TFX and KIZILELMA

Aziqbal is full of trolling ... nothing else

only one example when I shared MARLIN Unmanned surface Vessel (USV) against FACs , Corvettes , Frigates and Submarines

what a silly post talking about Aircraft Carrier , even F22
now I will wait for MMM-E to come back very angry and upset claiming how this will sink a Aircraft Carrier in War Time

then the USV takes off from the water and shots down the F22 Raptor, next to be titled the Carrier and F22 Killer
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And you're the jackass who provokes me when you make comments such as "NOBODY CAN DEFEAT SUPERPOWER TURKIYE" or "TO DESTROY PATRIOT AND S-300".

What a liar troll and sneaky provocateur

today I shared TAYFUN Missile which in serial production phase
and you jumped to topic with your butthurt feelings to terrorize thread

I dont care about you .. everyday you are running thread by thread to terrorize my posts

and today you did it again .. what a jackass talking about so-called embargo on Turkiye by USA-Europe for raw metarials

what a provocative post from you as always .. sneaky provocateur

You are calling everything and everybody as propaganda-propagandist
( according to you , even president ERDOGAN , Defense minister HULUSI AKAR and the President of Defense Industry ISMAIL DEMIR are propagandist )

Guys please stop liar and sneaky provocateur Foinikas who terrorize my posts and threads everyday

Kompromat , The Eagle , LeGenD , waz
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@SQ8 this is how Indo-Pak arguments used to go down in the forums pre-2010. We'd point at DRDO's 'failures' without really seeing the bigger picture.
You said it's among the best in the world in missiles. I asked,using a scene from the movie Underworld,according to whom? Who says that it's among the best in the world?

Just because it makes something,doesn't mean it's the best or among the best. You yourself said earlier,that "now" they are making ballistic missiles as well. So they are new in that.

Idk if there is an official list but Rocketsan is among the best in terms of their wide portfolio of munitions that have been exported and used in several wars now. Lockheed Martin for example chose them as the initial partner for the cruise missile to be sold alongside the F-35, before the F-35 drama, then they pivoted to the JSM. But there are a lot of good companies with good munitions portfolios.

General Manager of Roketsan MURAT IKINCI

Tayfun is now in serial production line
The entire TAYFUN weapon system is indigenous
And we can produce as many TAYFUN missiles as we want at the time of a threat.

With this superiority, it will provide a great advantage against countries that supply air defense systems from other countries.

2-- TAYFUN Missile incorporates all the new navigation technologies developed in Turkiye to improve its precision strike capabilities

3-- TAYFUN can hit it’s target within an accuracy of 4 to 5 m

4-- TAYFUN can reach above atmospheric altitudes, in space.

5-- TAYFUN will be able to do some maneuvers during the flight to bypass the air defense systems
What a liar troll and sneaky provocateur

today I shared TAYFUN Missile which in serial production phase
and you jumped to topic with your butthurt feelings to terrorize thread

I dont care about you .. always you are running thread by thread to terrorize my posts

and today you did it again .. what a jackass talking about so-called embargo on Turkiye by USA-Europe for raw metarials

what a provocative post from you as always .. sneaky provocateur

Guys please stop sneaky provocateur Foinikas who terrorize my posts and threads everyday

Kompromat , The Eagle , LeGenD , waz

We had this conversation and i suggested you block him and not respond. He is going to bait you into getting banned again.
@SQ8 this is how Indo-Pak arguments used to go down in the forums pre-2010. We'd point at DRDO's 'failures' without really seeing the bigger picture.
Yep - but more importantly, there were some smart investments being made before the usual unqualified or relatively lesser qualified thinkers took over the helm with some vested interests in projects and screwed it all up. The final nail in the coffin is the current setup.
You are still trolling

Only 3 countries in NATO ( USA,France,Turkiye ) can produce all kinds of missile systems

-- There are a total of 208 countries in the world

but only 7 countries have developed high altitude-long range Air Defense Missile
( USA,Russia,Israel,Turkiye,China,İran and France-Italy )

-- There are a total of 208 countries in the world

but only 8 countries have developed BVR Air to Air Missile
( USA,Russia,Israel,Turkiye,China,Japan,India and France )

and many more ....

that means ROKETSAN is one of the best in the World to produce all kinds of Missiles
and Turkiye is one of top 8 countries in the World

Stop jealous and idiotic comments

Only USA-China-Russia-France ,Israel and Turkiye produce high quality latest technology missiles in the World

not Germany , not The UK , not Pakistan, not Japan , not S.Korea

Germany lacks
laser guided MLRS , Ballistic Missiles , 5th gen Anti-Tank Missile , land based Cruise Missile , Anti-Ship Missile , high altitude Air Defense Missile , BVR air to air Missile

S.Korea lacks laser guided MLRS , 5th gen Anti-Tank Missile , air launched Cruise Missile , , high altitude Air Defense Missile , BVR air to air Missile

The UK lacks laser guided MLRS , Ballistic Missiles , 5th gen Anti-Tank Missile , land based Cruise Missile , Anti-Ship Missile , high altitude Air Defense Missile , BVR air to air Missile

on the other hand Turkiye produce all kinds of Missiles

We were talking about TAYFUN Missile

and You jumped to so-called embargo on Turkiye for raw materials
Your USA-France can not stop Turkiye to produce Missiles

even You jumped to president ERDOGAN who said we will come suddenly one night

yess wtf ?
What sort of retarded post is this.
Define "All sorts of missile"
According to MTCR 2017 hand book all P5 members have all the 94 technologies needed in ballistic missile which includes UK.
Misinformation 1 debunked

Define "high altitude" in this high altitude air defence technology buzzword.
Since you have included france- Italy in your list I suppose you mean Aster 30 SAM, so FYI Aster 30 has a range of 120km and altitude of 20km, so now if we are to go by your definition following countries have high altitude air defence technology
USA with GMD, SM-3 and PAC 3
Russia with A 135, S 500
Israel with Arrow 3
India with PDV mk2, AAD and recently tested AD1
China with HQ 9B, and HQ 19
France with Aster 30
Iran with Bavar 373 (although couldn't find its kill altitude)
Taiwan with Sky Bow 3
Turkey with Siper

The count comes to 9 so Misinformation 2 Debunked

List of countries with BVR technology
USA with AIM 120
China with PL 15
Russia with R 77M
Israel with Derby ER
India with Astra Mk1
Turkey with Bozdoğan
France with Metor
Britain with Metor
South Africa with R darter
Taiwan with Sky sword 2
Japan with AAM 4

The count comes to 11 so Misinformation 3 Debunked
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